Sample Questions For Mobile Broadband Network

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Sample Questions for Mobile Broadband Network

By Prof. Sungwon Lee @ 2011.12.10 1. 2. 3. 4. Describe the goal of Parlay interface, and its its limitation. Describe the problems of conventional MVNOs, and its future evolution. Describe the difference between M2M and MTC. Figure out the 3GPP MTC network architectures which will be dened as standard in these days, and explain the use cases. 5. Shortly explain the denition (or concept) and examples of cloud computing scenarios: (a) IaaS (b) PaaS (c) SaaS (d) NaaS (e) CaaS (f) DaaS 6. Describe the concept of the thin client and its use cases. 7. Describe the concept of the zero client and its uses cases. 8. What is IMS? 9. What is provided by IMS? 10. Why IMS is initiated by mobile operators and standars at the middle of 2000s? 11. Why IMS is emphasized at today by mobile operators? 12. Why IMS is considered by xed and mobile operators these days? 13. Shortly describe the role (or functionalities) of each items in IMS: (a) P-CSCF (b) I-CSCF (c) S-CSCF (d) HSS (e) MRFC (f) BGCF (g) MGCF (h) MGW 14. Shortly describe the IMS UE registration scenario. 15. Why SIP is selected as the base protocol for IMS? 16. What is SDP, and its usage? 17. Why the compression schemes like SIGCOMP considered for IMS? 18. What is THIG in IMS? 19. How the QoS can be guaranteed in IMS, when we compare to that of Internet? 20. Please explain the four approaches to support voice over LTE.

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