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Chapter 1 1.1. (a) From Appendix 1, ts 1. Btu 0.73756 0.73756 x 1055.06 1 0.73756 x 1055.06 3.76614 x 10-7 kWh 1 ft-lb) = x 2.9307 x 10-4 kWh (b) 1 gal = 231 in.? = 231 x 2.549/1000 = 3.7854 L (c) 1 Btu/lb mol = 1055.06/0, 45359237 2326 J/kg mol re . : 4.2. 1 year = 365.25 days (close enough ~ exact value is 365.2422454 days). 1 day = 60 x 24 = 1,440 min 1 microcentury = 100 x 365.25 x 1440 x 10% = 52596 say 53 minutes. " 1 1 1.3. (a) Find z from Bq. (1.61) by multiplying by v/RT: 3 bBo) ze Mla cvT (, -—8)- (1-48 & G+3,- 3) -aeG-§) Clear of parentheses and collect terms in 1/v, ae’, and 1/v3: 1 AS 1 cB, aA, z=its(s, *). (Gm, - 23.28 RT. T RT L cbB, ey The virial coefficients are 3 B= By - A/a - c/T C= -bB, + aA,/RT - cB,/T? D = ebay/t? = ine. 1-4. Ve v 1 (») Since 1/v = p, where p is the molar density, 221+ B+ 0%c+ 6%. Also, since 1 kg mol/a® = 1g mol/l, the equations for z, B, C, and D calculated from the values of A,, By, a, b, and ¢ given in the problem statement caa be used with SI units without change, provided the pressure is given in atmospheres. For air, in SI units, B = 0.04614 ~ 1.3012/0.08206T ~ 6.6x10°/T* = 0.04611 (1. ~ 363.89/T = 1.431 x 107/7°) © = 0.01101 x 0.04611 + 0.01931 x 1.3012/0.08206T = 0.04612 x 6.6 x 10/1? = 5.0767 x 107 (1+ 602.13/T ~ 5.99 x 107/T°) D = -0,0110i x 0.04611 x 6.6 x 10/7? = ~335/7° (c) at T = 300K 0.04611 ~ 15.8567/300 - 6:600 x 109/300 -0.03119 3 ' 5.0767 x 107 + 6.30615/300 ~ 3.04326 x 10°/300° a . 4.0108 x 107" ~335/300? = 2.241 x 10 D and men v = 0.200 w3/kg mol, # = 5 kg not/a? gw b= 5 x 0.09119 + 5% x 4.0108 x 10° ~ 5% x 1.252 x 107 = 2 ~ 0.15595 + 0,01003 - 0.00155 = 0.5525 Basis: 1 minute; flows in g mol/mia Molar volume at 15.6°C and 1 atm: 0.02241 x (5. : 241 x (15.6 + 273-2). 9.02369 nol/ain The Which 2004 42nd § , @ress, Inc. eet Entering tower Moles of gas: 28.32/0.02369 Moles of NHy: 0.25 x 1195 1 1195 vol/min 299 nol/min Moles of air: 1195 - 299 Leaving tower 896 nol/min Moles of NHy: 0.005 x 896 | 7 Noles 0f Wy 05 x 4.5 mol/min Per cent of Ni. . 34:3 x 100 = 1.5% not absorbed: 299 Vapor pressures of water (Appendix 8) At 37.8°C: 0,949/14.696 = 0.0646 atm At 21.1°C: 0.363/24.696 = 0.0247 ata Partial pressure of water in entering gas: 0.0646 atm Partial pressure of dry gas: 2.02 - 0.0646 = 1.9554 ata Water in inlet gas: (0.0646/1.9554)1195 = 39.5 nol/min Nig + air leaving tover: 4.5 + 896 = 900.5 mols/min 7 : 0.0267 _ Water in exit stream: 900.5 x gj"9Gtoyg7 = L-1 mol/min Water condensed: 39.5 - 11.1 = 28.4 mol/min lg absorbed: 299 - 4.5 = 294.5 mol/min Since the leaving solution is 10% Ni, by weight, the cotal 3 water in this solution is 294.5 x 17 x 0.90/0.10 = 45058 g/min Density of water: 998 kg/m? Volume flow of water: 60 x 43038 x 207/998 = 2.71 w/h Basis: 1 hour 2 (a) Volume of entering gas: 1-5 x 3600x1Tx 2= = 16,965 £3 (b) Volune of one 1b mol, entering conditions: 359 x (460 + 80)/492 = 394 £c° The Whitloek Py 2001 42nd Szveer Vf Air entering: (16965/394) (0.75) MH, entering: (16965/394) (0.25) 32.29 mol/h 10.76 mol/h Wiz Leaving: (32.29) (1/99) 0.33 moi/h Ni, absorbed 10.43 mol/h Absorption: 10.43 x 17 = 177 1b WHA/h 7 k | | 5 i/2" f | 1, Basis: 1 hour NaOH fed: 25x 0.1 = 2.5 tonnes ; NaCl fed: 25x 0.1 = 2.5 tonnes Water fed: 25 x 0,8 = 20.0 tonnes ALL the NaOH appears in the concentrated liquor (c) Total mass of concentrated liquor: 2.5 x 100 50 (a) Water in concentrated liquor: 0.48 x 5 = 2.4 tonnes = 5 tonnes or 5000 kg/h Water evaporated: 20 - 2.4 = 17.6 tonnes or 17,600 kg/h (b) Salt in concentrated Liquor: 0.02 x 5 = 0.1 tonne Salt precipicated: 2.5 - 0.1 = 2.4 tonnes or 2,400 kg/h 1.7. Use Eq. (1.60) with 2, = 2, and W, = 0. Also, H, - 1, =c, (7, - T,)- From Eq. (1.60), ‘ ww Qe. eg + 2 a P Be. where ¢, = the specific heat at constant pressure TyT, = ae Cenperatures at entrance and exit = air velocity at entrance and exit 1.9. Substituting the values from the problem statement gives 75? ~ so? a. Tx 32.114 x 778 m7 0-24 (140-40) + 5 ae = 24 + 0.06 = 24.06 Btu/1b Second right-hand term: [oe we] hae ars 7 xP? MP I) A 788 [09 Fay Exponents of H: 0.35 40.67 ~ “1 ! | Exponents of E: -05414017- -0.67 = -2 : ~0g+b.17- 0.67 = =1 ' 0331-067 = -1 Exponents of M: 05~ 017-038 - =0 Exponents Exponents \ 8 7/3" i For the tem: HL*? | ‘F. all terms have the same dimensions. i (aol [PIL of Let (or [ot Pressure has un: $ of force per unit area, say N/m’. From Eq. (1.6) this becomes; kg.m/s?.m’ = kg/m.s* or mass per unit ength Exponents of 21. From Eq. (3), 4 = From Eq. (2), d = 4 cob tet 4 3c-e =0-cl-e rence [4p] [V7] of ( i} Loy [a ke -a+3b te a Grouping by exponen; (}-fte) ‘The first group on ia right is the ce of the Reynolds number, Re. Any dimensionless group can be invesrpe) withoue affectiny its e validity in the correlation. t Chapter 2 Use Eq. (2-10) noting that 1 g/en? = 1000 kg/m. Quantities needed are: & = 9.80665 ays? (Eq. (1-13)) Ry =O0.2m Pa ~ Pp = 9-80665 x 0.2 (13.6 - 1.6) 1000 = 23536 kg - m/m@-s? = 23536 N/a® Find a relation between temperature and elevation. From the given conditions: aT s az 1000 Integrating between limits, setting T = 288K at Z = 0 gives T = 288 - 0.0052 Substituting for T in Eq. (2~G) and integrating gives = — 0,005 dz tn Pw 8, 288 * D, ” T005K *° Fes = 5.0052, i 6 . oo

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