Long Mexican Equities Via EWW: Click To Edit Master Subtitle Style

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Long Mexican Equities via EWW

April to edit Click 8, 2012Master subtitle style

4/8/12 Source of all charts: Bloomberg

Key Points

Strong technicals, relative performance Close ties to US economy, increasingly competitive


Talk of reforms in labor, energy markets

http:// www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/b4db59ca-78d1-11e1-9f0 http://

Drug reform



US economic slowdown European or other economic crisis causes flight to safety, dollar rally Uncertainty of upcoming presidential election Market valuation 15.1x est. 2012 earnings higher than peers

Outperformance in 2012


Global Comparison

MXN and MexBol both up >5% in 2012


Closely tracks MEXBOL priced in USD In other words, long both MEXBOL and MXN Strong tailwinds behind MXN with Mexicos foreign trade fundamentals and long term appreciation of EM currencies as world looks for new stores of value

iShares MSCI Mexico Investable Market Index Fund (EWW)


Recently broke out of two month, 4% wide rectangle Bounced on retest of rectangles upper bound (61.36) Approaching 52 wk high Look for rally early next week off uppermost mini-trend line Risk to 61.25 on trade, inside rectangle 4/8/12



Sensitivity to oil prices

Higher oil prices soften US economy, Mexicos main export market Partially offset by Mexicos large production of oil (2.6m barrels per day)


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