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The Lords Evening Meal

109 Hail Jehovahs Firstborn!

(Hebrews 1:6) Hail Je - ho - vahs First - born, Gods du - ly ap - point - ed Hail Je - ho - vahs First - born, Who died so that we may King. He reigns for truth and jus - tice; Rich live. He hum - bly paid the ran - som; Our bless - ings his rule will bring. With dig - ni - ty and sins God can now for - give. The bride of Christ a splen - dor And love for Gods great name, Hell waits him, A - dorned for him in white. This vin - di - cate Je - ho - vah, His sov - reign - ty pro mar - riage in the heav - ens Will prove Gods rule is claim. right.
Hail Je - ho - vahs First - born! All

(Matthew 26:26-30) Je - ho - vah, our Fa - ther in heav - en, Oh, Were gath - ered to - geth - er be - fore you. As this is a most sa - cred night! It was sheep of your pas - ture, we came To give Ni - san four - teen when your glo - ry was seen, Your praise for your love that brought Christ from a - bove, To love, jus - tice, wis - dom, and might. The hon - or your most ho - ly name. We Pass - o - ver lamb was then eat - en, And keep this Me - mo - rial oc - ca - sion Fixed Is - ra - els tribes went forth free. Cen - tries firm - ly in heart and in mind. Thus well lat - er our Lord his own life - blood out - poured To ful walk ev - ry day as Christ showed us the way, And then fill this di - vine proph - e - cy. life ev - er - last - ing well find.

praise Gods a - noint - ed Son. In - stalled up - on Mount Zi - on, His King - ship has now be - gun!

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