Alberta Residential Lease

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RESIDENTIAL TENANCY AGREEMENT ©2004 Calgary Apartment Association The tenancy created by this Residential Tenancy Agreement is governed by the Residential Tenancies Act and if there is a conflict between this Residential Tenancy Agreement and the Act, the Act prevails. THIS Residential Tenancy Agreement made this ___day of _____________20 BETWEEN: and 1 Tandiord 2 Street Address 3. City & Postal Code (hereinafter referred to as “Landlord”) (hereinafter either individually or collectively referred to as “Tenant”) OF THE FIRST PART (OF THE SECOND PART 1. PREMISES — The Landlord hereby leases to the Tenant the residential premises described as follows: in the City of in the Province of Alberta (hereinafter refered to as “premises") for use and occupation as residential premises only, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth 2. TERM (A) Fixed Term Tenancy Delete ‘The Tenant shall occupy the Premises fora fixed term of ‘months, beginning at sae 12:00 o'clock noon on the first day of. 20___, and expiring at 12:00 o'clock noon on the last day of Bot + No notice i requted for eterte Landlord o Tenant to teint the Tenancy athe eno the hed tem oR : (8) Periodic Tenancy ‘The Tenant shall occupy the Premises on the basis of a monthly tenancy beginning at 12:00 o'clock noon on the first day of 20____., and continuing each ‘month thereafter untl terminated by either the Landlord or the Tenant in the manner required under the Residential Tenancies Act and the Residential Tenancies Ministerial Regulation. +The notice provision in the Residential Tenancies Act apoly to tarminating this Tenancy 3. RENT The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord monthiy, in advance, without setoff, deduction or abatement, during the term hereby granted, a monthly rent consisting of: $__________ forthe Premises fot Parking (Stal #____) other (specify: ________) $____being the total monthly rent (hereinafter called (‘rent’), such rent payments to be due and payable in advance on the first (1s!) day of each and every month during the term of this Residential Tenancy Agreement. It is acknowledged that it the tenant takes possession of the Premises prior to the Commencement Date of this Residential Tenaney Agreement, the Tenant shall pay a pro-rated rent ofS. ene {or the use and occupation of the Premises for the period ending immediately prior to the ‘commencement of the term of this Residential Tenancy Agfeement, and all terms and ‘conditions of the Residential Tenancy Agreement shall apply from the date of possession until the Term Commencement Date. The Tenant agrees to pay a late collection fee of ‘$______per day for payments of rent received after the first day of each month, and a foe of § ____ per cheque for returned cheques. 4. SERVICES Inadition to the rent, the Tenant shall be responsible for and pay when due all charges for AND. services and utlities related to the premises, indicated as follows: UTILITIES Paid by Tenant Paid by Tenant Yes No Yes No Water Cable TV. RB Heat einer ae nce) a Electricity 10. af 12 13. 14. CARE OF During the term of the tenancy, the Tenant shall be responsible for: PREMISES: =, @)_ takin proper care, and, keeping he premisesnturnitu (Frese oF aha cal tenon dnd ior 3 (b)_ the Tenant shall not decorate, redecorate, wallpaper. or make ahy Sp\bom ont yeh oP vemiges,without the consent of the-Landlatdoj5\25) 2) 2 DAMAGE °°"-The Tent hairs esponabe ek: "9ev"70% Talinoe we! mer Baw Jo) eoione not (a) “the costs of repairing plugged toilets, sinks, dishwasher, drains and the cost of all damage resulting directly or Indirectly therefrom") = 08 oR IH (©) the cost of replacing or repairing windows, screens, light fixtures, buibs, fuses) ‘damaged, broken or removed djing the tenancy; ra (©) . repairing any damage caused by windows and doors left open ta inclement weather; “(a)” the Gost of cleaning fepairing and replacing soiled, stained-or damaged floor caverings and draperies; and (6) the:cost of any-other repairs or replacements to the Premises or the common property, Of the Promises due to fenant neglect or wiful damage by the Tenant or guests, . oot nl vate watanicnan eaptbn rear TENANTS” "it shall be the responsibly of the Tenant to insure the TenanS property on the Premises INSURANCE against damage of [oss 8 Such properly caused by Ire, elt and any other pei wich cause damage of lass, ant Shall Obtain and carry general com ve lability fmeuranee SP tinmminn ot $200,000.00 coverage against miu of Megigent acte OF Omissions by the Tenant or pereons for whom the Tenant is responsibo. wolsl ea bednasebdee mag winebenr arf inanel ont oF 2seaal YaDVar oo 8 WAIVER __The\Tenanthgreby waives and releases the Landlord from any lability for damage or oss to AND and any persons oF properly which occurs in connection with the premises, the building and INDEMNITY: ‘istaciites, Groundeor parking lot: The Landlord shall not be responsible for any loss of the Tenant's property. inthe, br of.stored inthe b he Landlord isnot responsible NR ar ee ae A ee Pe The Tenant hereby i | Sayes harmless the Landlord for and in ‘elation to. any and a oes 6 Bangs RALSSRALY the Tenant or the Tenants quests or totes, tough {nnigod eitineReglect, misuse of carelessness and, the: Tenant, shall-indemnify.and save harmless Landlord for and from all actions, causes of action oF claims for damage or injury of any vox” nature, ‘Kind. and-description- whatsoever, arising ‘out of’or in conniection with the Tenant's ‘occupation of the premises, or the facilities, parking areas.and grounds, located in, upon or associated with the premises, i = 1 ant et bed Hora set a anal an BRE Sil Baa if OF} ‘SUBLET — ~The Tenant may-assign the Residential: Tenancy Agreement-and-sublet the premises to ‘AND another person or persans)only with, the prior written consent of the Landlord, which ‘ASSIGN ~~ conisent may not be urireasonably withheld and provided that-such assignment or subletting Shall not operate $9 98;19,Jelegge.tNe Tenant of obligations inthis Residential Tenancy \greement Seta Ig onic varanet irom s 1: no zeeimer9 eft yaseco lee inane Rae ner alee Se Bas of aaah Sta Bes poate Lod non the premises, ST ee eae or very tects uniesg ta tare Coens uring or st cl bats "he eet Shall Use he Premibes Wr reSidéhial Purposes only. The'TEhant shall not alow ithe premises to be usedfor any.illegall oriinmorahpurposs.) | sbie= COMPLY ©" Ther Tenant shatt*colply-witth an'health, "tite anc? othér°regulations and requirements.of ‘WITH LAWS competent authorities. The: Tenant shall not do anything to create or allow a health, fire or ‘ther hazard to exst NO RERHE® 1° “BUBjeee 15 1H AGL tHe remiss ae taken by the-Tehan i ebresen lion, warrant) te SENTATIONS —_ warranties of any tra ian thoes containaLr a his 'Re ial efile, Agreement, ‘This document replaces all prior agreements. : he aregas 2 RULES & The Tenant and the Tenant's ERS 1d invitees will observe and comply with the Landlord's: REGULATIONS Aulog ang Rogulatione whieh forma pat ofthis Residential Tenaney Agreement, with such reasonable variations and modifications,as may be made by way of reasonable written notice from the Landlord to the Tenant. ovr) new i nor RULES AND REGULATIONS, 44.190 Responsibility:°THe Tenant-is\ responsible forthe e6st8 ‘of repairing, or replacing, ft onpbavgtss plugged toletesinke, ight-bulbs; broken 'apblances and fitbres, ahd the cost of “ors F ogleaningsirepairing-or replacing damaged or-stained tloor‘coverings, counter tops, "cers of otherfiishes in na premises or eommonvareasi =>"! Foi Waigeseses ses bea aaiees cine ce eae conn) |e 5t4-2- Keys. and Locket, lerlions, errs knockers, . iter de r th arleeeseog Yo aie ena te the fa Toa required bar: tnom romerany CaaS eeu as eee SNE ee 14.3. Lock Outs: A'charge willbe made to-adinitTenants who five looked themselves out yo) eoprerlo (is 44h4ne* Moving? in apartment buildings, hodseh6ld fiurfiture'and effe6t8 oF the Tenant Shalt not be taker’ into: oeremoved:from the premises; except!at such times and in. \. Manner 28 may be previously consented to.and approved by the Landlord." vii seat 145. Refrigerators: Your refrigerator may requige defrosting regularly to prevent frost buildsup on the fipezing compartment Bo not use any type of sharp instrument to pick or scrape off ee. This action can easly punclute the freezing compartment causing @ foal loss of refrigerari’ and requiring replacement at your expense. 146 Disturbances and Noise: The Tenant will not make or permit any disturbances or noise by occupants and visitors in the building o°14:7" Parking:” Parking>places provided) are:for private'licensed passenger vehicle’ oF « 2) i Tenants:\ehioles must be headed into the curb and parked wthia marked lines. “NO “ou "> aio! Pagking’ area must be observed, Trucks: trailers. or buses may’ beparked only with Written consent of the management«/Any unregisteted or-ilegally parked vehicles Wil be towed away at the owner's expense. 3b eacimn® ar ya000 yam endeteu Yorto privioic! ert ving renee of note sHTO. sic) yor 1148. Garbage Room: Please keep the premises.clean by using the garbage room provided in each buliding (where applicable), Where garbage, is stored oulsid, It fs imperative that all garbage be wrapped. put in bags and placed in the metal containers provided. Garbage must not be left in the halls al any time. 44.9 Awnings: Awnifigs, shades or other equipment will not be permilted on the exterior of the building. a ? ‘100 nolo! ent zee wlimet e'insns acti ni seseroni iéwuten yn rw yertiago ©. 944:40) Childrén:> Children are-niot permitted to playin the halisi-stalrweys parking areas or anywhere in or around the buildings where;they:-may endanger themselves or unnecessarily disturb residents. Organized games or sports are prohibited on the vv ____lawns oF sidewalks and permitted only in designated play areas, if any. Children. must oo beadequately supervised anc:be.pravided with a means of:access to their at all times. tis of utmost importance that children be supervised so that they will not fe veo PFe8en any problem for themselves, other tenants of the Landlord 14.11 Car Repairs & Washing: Repait Work Or washing is'nét to be’ done on vehicies while ~p nei parking areas, in the building without authorization Poss yas pmniaeer 14.13 Lawn Areas: Co-operation is requestad'in keéping Taw’ areas free of litter, bicycles, lean other equipment, == °° i (i fans ingot orth ya meito omy — (i enioenee: 14:44 Roots: “Onlyauthorized:personnel are allowed on'the itoof.iPlacing of antennas or ‘other equipment on the roof is expressly prohibiteds> ins -< i418. Heavy Objects: \No;heavy objects, including water bedst will be permitted on the premises without.ihe.consent in writing of the Landlord andishe required insurance, a Copy of which must be provided to the Landlord, ™ 1416 Laundry? “Laundry shail Robie hung except in areas designated by'the Landiord. jnienat woiym ob prinished, 23 3 oF beniveng noite pe13a oil t7, inde he tenant sible, for, any, damage caused to the premises by oo ES SO Seba MERE Bh BP ers onal Ls ror be hung or placed in. ffont of witidows. ‘Only’ prépehy eohsiructed, neutral coloured drapes, blinds, or venetians are permitted. 14.18. Balconies and Patios: Balconies and patios may not be used for hanging or drying ‘of clothes or for storage 14.19 Hallways: Nothing shall be thrown, swept or placed by the Tenantout of the windows ‘or doors; or down the stairways or passageways of the premises, nor shall anything be e104 an BRYF> NPB RL AlQMR Pall srpau ne Delgonieg ob the, RSSmaiePRy 14.20 Electrical Appliances: The Tenant shal Hot bring’on't6 the Bie! building any major electrical appliance or apparatus such as a ‘poilg9hdltioner.or washers and dryers without the consent in writing of the Landlord, 1421 Boots and Rubbers: Boots and rubbers shall be removed at the entrance to the building and taken into the Tenant's apartment. ong. 14.22 Wiring: No wiring for electric lights, television or radio connections or otherwise are to be installed in the premises, nor-the’position of any:wireltltered):and the. telephone shall be permitted only at the place provided, 14,23:-Deorsi Doors to the premise’ must be Kept closed, and during:the absence of the “Tenant, must be kept locked. Offensive Goods: No combustbi or offensive: goods, provisions; material shal 6 kop 14.24, i t on the premises. 4425. Water:, No water shall be eft running unless in actual use. 14.26 No Signs: The Tenant shall not display any sign, advertisement or notice in or about the premises. °"yg1b7 Fasteners: No halls, Bots Or Séreivd Shall BS plAGEE In thd Walla flddrs, doors &r tr ofthe premises. Any picture hanging device must be approved bythe Landlord, 14.28 Lawn and,Grounds: Ali Tenants of houses or duplexes are responsible for yard ,igaimtepance. adjacent to the premises, anoingsy 1e8, shrubs, grass and snow Sw Semoval Of the walk, Inudng the pub sidewalk ‘the front nd'fear entrances of the premises.

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