Multithreading and Socket Programming HDD

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Multithreading and Socket Programming

High-level Design Document Course Information Course Code Course Duration Delivery Mode Course Category Pre-requisite TLD1IL0089 2 Day Instructor Led Training

Course Objectives Create multithreaded applications Create a userinterface thread and worker thread Implement the synchronization methods on the threads Understand of concepts of socket programming Understanding the multithreading concepts and synchronization methods Networking aspects to Socket Programming

Course Outline

Module 1: Dynamic Link Libraries

Fundamental DLL Theory, Implicit Linkage vs. Explicit Linkage, Symbolic Linkage vs. Ordinal Linkage, the DLL Entry Point DllMain, Instance Handles Loading Resources, How the Client Program consumes a DLL

Module 2: Multithreaded Programming Writing and Starting the Thread, Main Thread and Worker Thread Using Events for Thread Synchronization, Thread Blocking, Critical Sections, Mutexs and Semaphores, Thread synchronization

Module 3: Socket Programming Client server model, Overview of TCP/IP, UDP,HTTP protocols, Overview of socket programming, Socket types, Stream sockets and datagram sockets Demo of single sever with single client based model, Demo of single server and multiple clients model.

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