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ANLYSIS OF SOCIATAL ENVIRONMENT Include analysis of social outcomes unless it is clear that external impacts are minimal.

Social analysis is undertaken to ensure that social issues arising from a proposed investment are clearly identified and accounted for in the decision process.

An analysis of the social impacts of a proposal should: o Identify any significant social issues or opportunities directly attributable to the proposal o Identify the stakeholders involved o Outline the nature and extent of the impact on each group or individual o Develop strategies and options to capitalize on opportunities and manage negative issues. Issues identified in this analysis should be stated clearly in the business case so that they are transparent to decision-makers and inform them of any policy implications, employment opportunities or community reactions to the proposed initiative. The extent and nature of the social analysis element of the business case should reflect the scope of the social impacts.

An environmental analysis is required for all proposals to ensure that they meet all relevant legislative requirements and that likely community concerns are identified. Proposals should be consistent with government environmental policy. The environmental analysis should assess:

The extent and nature of both on-site and off-site environmental consequences The short and long-term environmental effects of the proposed initiative Opportunities to deliver environmental benefits from the proposed initiative (e.g. Through the incorporation of conservation and sustainability initiatives)

Where an assessment confirms areas of significant environmental concerns, possible intervention strategies and options should be developed to feasibly address these concerns. The costs and benefits associated with these strategies should be identified, valued or ranked, and then accounted for in the assessment of options.

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