Prophecy End Times Paisios

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Prophecies Elder Paisios: Here's what will happen in the Aegean and when!

87 Here are some highly revealing points since 1992, the relations with Turkey, which we ... treacherously attacked as the "Examilia." Provided for various events in chronological order on current data and developments .... 20 years ago had no basis. But ... Elder Paisios died on July 12, 1994 AD and rests in the Hermitage of St. John the Theologian St. Arsenios the Cappadocian in Souroti Thessaloniki. Elder Paisios the Holy Mountain, known by nearly all Greeks, politicians, soldiers, laymen, monks, priests, bishops and himself the Patriarch, had occasionally spoken to many people for what we see today in the Aegean and everything What we will see soon! Many of these revelations and prophecies that foretold the Elder Paisios contained in his book Sqdr ret Nicholas Zournatzoglou "Elder Paisios the Holy Mountain, 1924 - 1994." Specifically we will mention some extremely revealing signs of the relations with the unrepentant Turkey, which as we know with absolute certainty since the Agios Kosmas Aitolos we attack sly as the "Examilia '... Elder Paisios on Turkey Town, Aegean - "The Turks of boiled wheat to have in their midst. Would suffer great harm. Then we will intervene over the Russian and will be like saying the prophecy of St. Cosmas. The adults will take care of ... Istanbul Greeks to be the guard. And so, God will give to us.It will help us God, because we are Orthodox "... p. 410 - "Turkey will be dissolved and, indeed, you will dissolve themselves allies" in March 1994, p. 412 - "The Turks have boiled wheat in their belts" 1991, p. 413 - "Come, come, I will not be admired at the march, when the Greek army marching to Istanbul 1992, Officers with the Air Force, p. 413 - "Saint Cosmas of Aetolia was right when he said on" Examilia "because" Examilia 'is neither villages nor cities, but the six nautical miles, the zone of six miles around the coasts of Greece and all our island. "Examilia" is any sign which is six miles from the coast of Greece, land or island. There will thus be the one who said Saint Cosmas of Aetolia "p. 417 - "When the Turkish fleet started to be directed against Greece and arrived at six miles, will actually be destroyed. It is time to have boiled wheat in their belts. But what will become of us. This is the will of God. The "Examilia 'will be the beginning of the end ... .. Then you start all events that will reach

to get the City .... The City will give us ... .. It will be a war between Russia and Turkey.At first, the Turks would think that WIN, but this will be their destruction. The Russians will eventually defeat and fall, the city in their hands. After you get it ... ... we will be forced to give us ... "p. 417 to 418 - The Turks' will be destroyed. It will erase from the map because it is a nation which did not result from the blessing of God. From the Turks in 1 / 3 will go from where they started, in the depths of Turkey, 1 / 3 will be saved because it has ekchristianisthei the last 1 / 3 will be killed in this war .... "Pp. 418-419 p. P. is the famous Prophecy of St. Cosmas. - "I did not want anything else. To God kept me another few years to life, to seeing my country grown up. Will grow ... "p. 419 - "Turkey will be broken, split. The division is certainly satisfactory to us and our interests as a state. So i released the villages, our unredeemed homeland. Istanbul will be released, will again become Greek. We restarted the Hagia Sophia "p. 422 - "Turkey will be broken, split into 3-4 pieces. Has already begun the countdown. We will get our own territories, their own Armenians and Kurds their own. The Kurdish issue is currently underway. These will be done, not now, but soon ceases this generation that govern Turkey and take a new generation of politicians. Then I made the partition of Turkey. Very soon the prayers that are beneath the surface of the earth, will be on earth and the candles that are lit down, it lit up (he meant the Secret) .... Faith and hope in God to exist and many will rejoice. All this will happen in these years. The time has come "p. 431 - "The Englishmen and Americans will give us in Istanbul. Not because they love us, but because this is consistent with their interests "p. 432 - The Turks' will only make a challenge in Greece, which is related to the coastline. And we gonna get us hungry. We starve Greece. And because this will keep the storm for some time, months will be, "we say bread bun '" pp. 434 and ever said ... "Have a ktimataki a little to the farmer. Close to you, you will help and someone who will have "p. 436 - "When you hear on television is on for miles, extending the mile (coastal zone) from 6 to 12 miles, then comes back from the war.Here .... After the challenge of the Turks, the Russians will go down in the Straits. Not to help us. They have other interests. But, without wanting, will help us. Then the Turks to defend the Straits, which is of strategic importance, will gather there and other troops. Alongside it will withdraw forces from territories katalifthenta. But you will see other European countries, namely England, France, Italy and the other six to seven countries of the EEC, that Russia will grab parts, so they will say: "There we go over there, maybe get no song? "Everyone, but will hunt the lion's share. This will join the Europeans in the war ... .. I pull the (Greek) government decision not to send troops. You just keep troops at the border. And it will be a great blessing will take place. Why, who took part in this war (en. the European), was lost ... "... 434 - "The Turks will hit us, but Greece will not suffer much damage.We will take a long time after the

attack of the Turks in our country and then the Russians would beat the Turks and will disperse them. As a piece of paper that the banging and dissolved, so the Turks would disperse. The 1 / 3 of them will be killed, the 1 / 3 will ekchristianisthoun and 1 / 3 will go to Red Milia. The use of the waters of the Euphrates for irrigation from the Turks will be a warning that was preparing the great war that will follow "1991, p. 439 - "After the dissolution of Turkey, Russia will continue the war to the Persian Gulf and will stop its troops out of Jerusalem. Then the Western powers will give notice to the Russians to withdraw from parts of these troops, so long as it takes to become sprouts, ie 6 months. Russia, however, will not withdraw its forces. And then the Western powers will begin to assemble troops to attack the Russians. The war will erupt will be global and will result in losing the Russians. We follow massacre. The cities will become slums. We, the Greeks will not participate in the global war. "P. 440 to 441 - "The city administration by us, will be military and politics"!1991, p. 435 - "You (said to a young student of the University of Xanthi), as a civil engineer, will help rebuild the city because the city will be rebuilt from scratch" p. 435 Like Nick recorded. Zournatzoglou in his book.

SOURCE: # ixzz1jHhDi000

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