Heroes Reading

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Terry Fox

The Marathon of Hope

To begin todays lesson, Im going to tell you about an ordinary person who did an extraordinary thing. Terry Fox, who was just an ordinary Canadian teenager, loved to play many sports and was quite active. However, when he was 18 years old, something terrible happened. The doctors told him that he had cancer, and he lost one of his legs. While Terry was in the hospital, he became quite depressed. All around him in the hospital he saw many young children who were also being treated for cancer. It really bothered him to see little boys and girls having to deal with such a serious and painful disease. Then one day while he was in the hospital he read a story in a newspaper about someone who had lost a leg to cancer and had later completed a marathon. Inspired by this newspaper story, Terry decided to do something seless, which was to raise money for cancer research. How do you think Terry did that? He decided to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. Once he left the hospital, he started training for his venture. To be able to accomplish such a feat, he trained for over a year by running long distances by himself. When he felt strong enough, he ew to the east coast of Canada to start his charity, which was called the Marathon of Hope. His courageous goal was to run 43 kilometers every day (a marathon!) on his journey from the east coast to the west coast of Canada. Have you ever trained or practiced for an event of some sort? Interestingly enough, when Terry started his charity run across Canada, no one knew who he was. With only a small camera crew watching, Terry dipped his articial leg in the Atlantic Ocean as a symbolic gesture that his charity had begun. Gradually television and newspaper reporters became interested in his seless quest. People started watching him on TV news every day, courageously hopping down a highway on an articial leg. With great determination, he ran for 10 hours every day for 143 days, and in total he ran more than 5300 km! Within four months, he had become nationally famous. However, half way across Canada, he became very sick again and went to a hospital for a check-up. Can you guess what happened? Tragically, the doctors found cancer in Terrys lungs. He was depressed again, but not only because he had cancer, but because he would not be able to nish his Marathon of Hope. With grace, he never publicly complained about his misfortune; instead, he encouraged everyone to donate to the charity. With his run prematurely nished, he ew back home and went back to the hospital for more cancer treatment. About nine months later, Terry died. What personal characteristics did Terry Fox have? Do you think Terry is a hero or just a famous person? When Terry started his Marathon of Hope, his goal was to raise twenty-four million dollars (~240,0000,0000 won) for cancer research. Until this date, his charity has actually raised over $500,000,00 dollars (~5000,0000,0000 won). Because of Terrys determination and sacrice to help others, people suering with cancer have received better treatment and have lived longer. Selessness. Determination. Courage. Ability. Grace. These are the characteristics of an ordinary person who decided to do an extraordinary thing.

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