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Step1 Open Notepad and write the following lines. Then save it as myscript.sql in c: spool c:\tajfile1 select * from emp; spool off exit Step2. Open another notepad and write the following lines and save it as tajbatch.cmd file in the c:\ sqlplus scott/tiger@orclnew @c:\myscript.sql Step3. Now you can double click on the tajbach.cmd in c:\ and you will find the output in c:\tajfile1.lst file. Step4. How to schedule this script. Go to Control Panel ->Scheduled Tasks and make a new Schedule to call the tajbatch.cmd file. This will run this file and execute the script at the specified interval.

Step 5. How to Obtain output in Excel set term off set echo off set pages 0 head on emb on newp none set markup html on spool on spool c:\emp.xls select * from emp; spool off set markup html off spool off exit Step6. How to dynamically Generate a file Name Write the following lines of code in script file say,.. myscript2.sql, then make a call this script from the .cmd file as shown in Step 2 set termout off; set echo off; set pagesize 9999; col sys_date new_value curr_date; select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy_ddmon_hh24_miss')||'.log' sys_date from dual; spool ArevaSystemSnag_&curr_date; set termout on; select * from emp; spool off; exit;

Step7. Finally, combining all these options, we will now write a complete script to generate data in an Excel file with the file name of the output file having the timestamp in the name itself. Please note that the same has been used for generating the data on the live Areva System in a Snap file. set termout off; set echo off; set pagesize 9999; col sys_date new_value curr_date; select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy_ddmon_hh24_mi_ss')||'.xls' sys_date from dual; set pages 0 head on emb on newp none set markup html on spool on spool ArevaSystemSnag_&curr_date; set termout on; select * from emp; spool off; exit; The above scripts are availabe on\E$\TajOracle2008

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