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SFIT, Mumbai Ms.

Vincy Joseph

Digital Signal and Image Processing

Date: 27/09/2011 Max marks: 75
Note the following instructions.
1. All 5 questions are compulsory.
2. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
3. Give proper explanation to support your answer. No credit will be given if the explanation is missing.
4. Write everything in ink (no pencil) only
5. Assume data, if missing, with justification.

1. Find whether the following signal is energy or power signal (5)

2. Find whether the signal is periodic and if it is find the fundamental period (4)
a) x(n) = Cos (n/3) + Sin (2n)
b) x(n) = Cos
3. Test for linearity and time invariance of the following systems (6)
a) y(n) = cos ( x(n) )
b) y(n) = x(n) cos w

4. Determine the response of the system with h(n)= (1/2)
u(n) to the input signal
x(n)= (2)
u(n) (10)
5. Determine the Z transform of the signal
x(n) = na
u(n) (05)
6. Find the inverse Z Transform of (10)

for ROC
i. 2 < |z|< 3
ii. |z|> 3
iii. |z|< 1
7. Determine the output sequence y(n) if h(n) = { 1, 2, 1} and (10)
x(n) = { 1, 2, 3,1} by using
i. Linear Convolution
ii. Circular Convolution
iii. Linear convolution from circular convolution
8. Given x(n) = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1}. Find X(k) using DITFFT
algorithm (10)
9. Find the inverse Z Transform of (10)

10. Determine the Z Transform of the following finite duration
sequence (05)

) (
) ( n u n x

) 3 )( 2 )( 1 (
) 5 4 (
) (

z z z
z z z
z X
3 ,
) 3 )( 1 (
) (
) (
2 3

= z
z z
z z
z X
1,2,2,0,1} { (n) x
= ,0,0,6} 5 1,4, { (n) x

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