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Pro/ENGINEER Update to Wildfire 5.

0 Training Manual
Rev B

COPYRIGHT 2010 TRAINING FACTORE, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This Pro/ENGINEER Update to Wildfire 5.0 document may not be copied, reproduced, disclosed, transferred, or reduced to any form, including electronic medium or machine-readable form, or transmitted or publicly performed by any means, electronic or otherwise, unless Training FACTORe, Inc. (Training FACTORe) consents in writing in advance. Information described in this manual is furnished for information only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Training FACTORe. Training FACTORe assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual. Unauthorized use of this documentation can result in civil damages and criminal prosecution. US GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND This Documentation is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software-Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Training FACTORe, Inc., 3058 Hawk Ridge Road NW, Prior Lake, MN 55372, USA. 2010 Training FACTORe, Inc. Unpublished all rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.

PRINTING HISTORY Document Rev A Rev B Date 2/1/2010 3/16/2010 Description Initial release of the training manual. Edits after first 10 deliveries.

Update to Wildfire 5.0

Training Course Agenda

Day One User Interface Enhancements Sketcher Enhancements P a r t M o d e lin g E n h a n c e m e n t s Sheetmetal Modeling Enhancements A s s e m b ly E n h a n c e m e n t s A n n o t a t io n E n h a n c e m e n t s W e ld in g E n h a n c e m e n t s D r a w in g E n h a n c e m e n t s

Update to Wildfire 5.0 From 4.0



Color Scheme .................................................................................... 1-3 Model Display .................................................................................... 1-4 File > Open Thumbnails ...................................................................... 1-5 Model Tree Thumbnails For ASSEMBLIES ............................................... 1-5 BUILT-IN WEB Browser ....................................................................... 1-6 Multi Tab Browser 1-6 Mozilla Support 1-6 Floating Input Dialog .......................................................................... 1-6 Menu Manager Location ...................................................................... 1-7 Selection Filter Location ...................................................................... 1-7 Setup Menu Replacement .................................................................... 1-8 3D Notes .......................................................................................... 1-8


Toroidal Bend Dashboard Conversion .................................................... 1-9 Model Tree INSERT MODE ................................................................... 1-9 Assigning Colors ...............................................................................1-10 Tips And Techniques 1-11 Appearance Manager 1-12 Feature Failures ................................................................................1-12 Regeneration Manager 1-13 Draft Analysis ...................................................................................1-13 Recovery From Failed Pro/ENGINEER Session ........................................1-14 Open Last Session.............................................................................1-15 EXERCISE 1: TOROIDAL BEND ............................................................1-16 EXERCISE 2: DISPLAY SETTINGS & APPEARANCES ................................1-19 EXERCISE 3: FAILED FEATURES ..........................................................1-21 EXERCISE 4: MISSING COMPONENTS ..................................................1-27


2-1 2-3

New Sketch Geometry ........................................................................ 2-3 Slanted Rectangle 2-3 Parallelogram 2-3 Axis Ends Ellipse 2-4 Center and End Ellipse 2-4 Chamfer 2-5 Chamfer Trim 2-5 Offset Thicken 2-6 Sketcher Constraints .......................................................................... 2-6 Constraint Fly-Out Menu 2-6 Workflow 2-6 Sketcher Dimensions .......................................................................... 2-7 Dimension Workflow 2-7 Dimension Fly-Out Menu 2-7 Geometry Datums.............................................................................. 2-9

Asynchronous Menu Changes ..............................................................2-11 New functions 2-11 DXF Files .........................................................................................2-12 EXERCISE 1: SKETCHER WORKFLOW & GEOMETRY CHANGES .................2-13


3-1 3-3

General Part Enhancements ................................................................. 3-3 Real Time Regeneration 3-3 Trajectory Rib 3-3 Point Pattern 3-4 On Surface Coordinate System 3-5 UDF Placement 3-5 Rounds With Continuous Curvature 3-6 Lightweight Holes 3-6 Direction Patterns 3-7 Measuring Volume 3-7 EXERCISE 1: REAL TIME REGENERATION .............................................. 3-8 EXERCISE 2: TRAJECTORY RIB............................................................3-12 EXERCISE 3: POINT PATTERN .............................................................3-18 EXERCISE 4: PLACING A UDF..............................................................3-22


4-1 4-3

Drag Handles for Flat & FLange Walls .................................................... 4-3 Modifying The Wall Profile.................................................................... 4-3 Forms............................................................................................... 4-4 Die Form 4-4 Punch Form 4-4 Quilt Form 4-6 Flatten Form 4-6 Csys Can Follow Unbends .................................................................... 4-7 Patterning Walls................................................................................. 4-7 Mirroring Walls .................................................................................. 4-8 EXERCISE 1: SHEETMETAL ENHANCEMENTS .......................................... 4-9 EXERCISE 2: THE QUILT FORM ...........................................................4-20 EXERCISE 3: THE PUNCH FORM ..........................................................4-24


5-1 5-3

Associative Solid Shrinkwrap................................................................ 5-3 Envelope Parts & The Envelope Manager................................................ 5-4 The Envelope Manager 5-4 Simplified Representations .................................................................. 5-5 Preview Existing Rep Before Activating 5-5 New UI For Simplified Rep Creation 5-5 Default Rule 5-5 Creating a User Defined Rep 5-6 Additional Rep States 5-6 Faster Rep Retrieval with Instances 5-7 Layer STates ..................................................................................... 5-7 Replace An Unrelated Component ......................................................... 5-7 Special Case: Replacing Copied Components 5-9 Explode ...........................................................................................5-10

The Explode Dashboard 5-10 Component Translation Methodology 5-10 Component Rotation 5-11 Animated Explode and Unexplode 5-11 Restructure ......................................................................................5-11 Simplified Restructure Operation 5-11 Restructure Dialog Box 5-12 Enhanced Reference Handling 5-12 Restrictions Removed 5-12 Miscellaneous ...................................................................................5-12 Component Repeat 5-12 Open Generic 5-12 Generic Name In Model Tree 5-12 EXERCISE 1: WORKING WITH ENVELOPE PARTS ...................................5-14 EXERCISE 2: WORKING WITH SIMPLIFIED REPS ...................................5-21 EXERCISE 3: CREATING AN ASSOCIATIVE & SOLID SHRINKWRAP MODEL 5-25 EXERCISE 4: RESTRUCTURING AN ASSEMBLY .......................................5-27 EXERCISE 5: REPLACING AN UNRELATED COMPONENT ..........................5-31 EXERCISE 6: EXPLODING THE ASSEMBLY .............................................5-33


6-1 6-3


Pro/WELD User Interface..................................................................... 6-3 Specific Weld Features 6-3 Dashboard Conversion ........................................................................ 6-4 Better Weld Symbol Display................................................................. 6-4 Weld Preferences ............................................................................... 6-5


Weld Scheme 6-6 arrow Side vs. Other Side Welds 6-7 Tangent Propagation 6-8 Intermittent Welds 6-8 Weld Joints 6-9 Weld Sets 6-11 EXERCISE 1: Adding Welds To An Assembly..........................................6-12


7-1 7-3

Drawing Tree..................................................................................... 7-3 Ribbon User Interface ......................................................................... 7-4 Raise/Lower The Ribbon 7-4 RMB Popup While Ribbon is Active 7-5 SHEETS ............................................................................................ 7-6 Sheet Tabs 7-6 Moving & Coping Sheets 7-6 Changing Sheet Size or Format 7-6 Showing Annotations .......................................................................... 7-7 Miscellaneous .................................................................................... 7-7 Actual Radius Dimension 7-7 Z-Radius 7-8 Hole Table 7-8 Aux View Arrows 7-9 Erased Dimensions 7-10 EXERCISE 1: DRAWING CREATION ......................................................7-11


A-1 A-3 A-5

What Are Annotation Features? ............................................................ A-4 Annotation Feature Structure ............................................................... A-5 Set the Annotation Orientation ............................................................. A-5 Driving Dimension Annotation Elements ................................................ A-6 Working With Driving Dimensions A-6 MnaipulatiNG Annotations ................................................................... A-7 Move Text A-9 Flip Arrows A-9 Adding New 3-D Annotations ............................................................... A-9 Organizing & Working With Annotations............................................... A-10 Model Tree A-10 Annotation Footer A-10 Layering A-11 View Manager.................................................................................. A-11 Flat To Screen Annotations ................................................................ A-12 Creating a 2-D Drawing .................................................................... A-13



Related Standards for 3-D Drawings ................................................... Pro/ENGINEER Help.......................................................................... EXERCISE 1: CREATING REFERENCE DIMENSIONS IN THE MODEL .......... EXERCISE 2: 3-D ANNOTATIONS IN A PART MODEL ..............................

A-14 A-14 A-15 A-22




The Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire screen has been redesigned to have a fresh, modern appearance. This impacts the menus, dashboards, dialogs and the skin of the user interface. These still function the same, but the graphical design has been updated. Also, the default screen background color has been changed to a gradient blue and the color of graphic objects such as dimensions, sketcher geometry and surfaces have been changed to make it easier to seem them on the screen. Model dimensions appear in dark blue (almost black). Modified (unregenerated) model dimensions appear in pink. Sketcher dimensions appear in light orange. Locked Sketcher dimensions appear in dark orange. Two-sided (merged), or silhouette edges of surface quilts when viewed in No Hidden display are magenta. One-sided (unmerged) edges of surface quilts when viewed in No Hidden display are light green.

Figure 1

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Clicking View > Display Settings > System Colors will allow you to choose other predefined color schemes.

Figure 2

In Wildfire 5, there is an option to have a transparent floor, which produces a very nice looking effect.

Figure 3 To enable this: Click View > Display Settings > Model Display. On the Shade tab, turn on Real Time Rendering. Turn off Environment Mapping. You can display the model reflection, the shadow on the transparent floor or both. You can choose which plane (X-Z, X-Y or Y-Z) will have the reflection and/or shadow.

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You can click the Views menu in the File Open dialog and select to list objects with their thumbnail. This can also be displayed in the web browser.

Figure 4


When working with an assembly, you can enable the Popup Viewer to make these thumbnails viewable from the Model Tree. Simply hover over the icon (not the name) and the popup will appear.

Figure 5 If you click inside this popup window, you can zoom and spin the model.

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The embedded web browser will now default to Internet Explorer 7. This will improve the performance of the browser to some degree. There have been several notable upgrades to the embedded Wildfire web browser.

The browser now supports multi-tabs which are available in many other web browsers. Website Tabs Open Another Tab

Figure 6

You can now use a Mozilla based web browser, such as Firefox. The configuration option windows_browser_type can be used to specify the alternate browser.


Traditionally, the message window provided both system messages for the user and requested input from the user. In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0, messages are presented above the graphics window or dashboard, while input is obtained from an input window that floats over the graphics window.

Figure 7

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The Menu Manager now adapts its location based on the position of the Pro/ENGINEER window. If sufficient margin is present to the right of the Pro/ENGINEER window, the menu manager will appear in the margin. If Pro/ENGINEER is being run to maximize screen space and there is not sufficient margin, then the Menu Manager will appear in the graphics window. Refer to Figure 8.

Figure 8


The Selection Filter (aka Smart Filter) is now located as part of the message area instead of the lower, right-hand corner of the screen.

Figure 9

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The old Setup menu is gone. It is replaced by the Model Properties dialog which is accessed by clicking File > Properties. Some of the functions here can be accessed in other areas, such as creating Parameters, writing Relations and defining a Family Table.

Figure 10

You can now toggle the display of 3D Notes using the Annotation Display toolbar icon.

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The Toroidal Bend feature has been upgraded to have a Dashboard interface.

Figure 11 Also, there are now several ways to determine the extent of the bend: Bend Radius: Enter the radius of the bend. Bend Axis: Pick an axis to bend around. 360 Degree Bend: This is the method that was present in prior releases of Wildfire. Select two parallel surfaces and the model will be wrapped 360 such that these surfaces are touching.


There is now an Insert Here function in the Right Mouse Button popup menu in the Model Tree. This will allow you to efficiently enter Insert Mode at any location in a model with ease.

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Figure 12

There is now a flyout menu on the Toolbar for assigning colors and appearances.

Colors & Appearances Figure 13 Clicking the flyout arrow will display a panel that allows you to select an existing Appearance and assign it to the entire part or specific surfaces.

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Current Color

Figure 14

Here are a few notable techniques regarding the new color assignment workflow: Assign A Color To The Entire Part: The fastest way to assign a color to a part is to select the part name from the Model Tree. How To Change The Existing Color Of The Part: When the part is open and the Appearance flyout is down, there is a section in the panel that shows the current color of the model. RMB > Edit over this icon to change this appearance. Object-Action vs. Action-Object: You can select the color, then assign it to the part (Action-Object) or you can select the part in the Model Tree and click the color from the palette (Object-Action). The latter is actually faster. Assign A Color To A Part From The Assembly: It is now possible to Activate a part while working in an assembly and assign an appearance to the model. This is faster than opening the model into a new window and assigning the color. Note When using this technique, you are actually changing the part color and modifying the part.

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The Appearance Manager is used to define new colors. Once the color is defined, it can be assigned using the flyout menu.

Figure 15

The Resolve Mode that is present when a feature fails regeneration or when a component is missing has been changed to allow for disruption free design. Failed features are not regenerated and are highlighted in the Model Tree. Children of failed may also be excluded from the model.

Figure 16

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Users can continue modeling and deal with the failures at a later time. Failed features may be edited, redefined, suppressed or deleted. There may be cases where the failed children can be shown on the model. They will be displayed in a different color.

Missing components in an assembly can be ignored, allowing for huge workflow improvements for many companies.

Note It is possible to revert back to the old Resolve Mode using the options available in the Regeneration Manager.

There is now a Regeneration Status indicator on the message area that will list status of the model. Most of the time, the green light will be displayed. Status

Figure 17 When there are feature failures, the status will have a red light. Clicking this will open the Regeneration Manager, providing additional information on the features that need attention.

The Draft Analysis feature has improved display options. For example, the zero degree draft line is visible, as well as the positive and negative region from zero draft to the threshold angle.

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Figure 18


In the event of a system crash, Pro/ENGINEER captures a snapshot of the models in session, as well as any applied configuration settings. Upon restarting Pro/ENGINEER, you are prompted to either Retrieve the previous model or Continue onto a fresh Pro/ENGINEER session.

Figure 19

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Next, you will be presented with a list of the models that were in session when the crash occurred. Checking the model name(s) from the retrieval list will open these models into session, where they can be worked on again.

Figure 20 Using the Retrieve option is very useful to avoid lost work on your models.


You can click File > Open Last Session and a list of the models that were last in memory will appear, Figure 20. This is a fast way to continue working on models you put away the day before.

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In this exercise, you will see the new Toroidal Bend dashboard interface. Task 1. Set the Working Directory and open the model.

1. Click File > Set Working Directory. 2. As your instructor, administrator or course facilitator for the location of the class files. 3. Select WF5_Update_Models and click OK. 4. Open tire.prt.

Figure 21 Task 2. Create a tire using the Toroidal Bend feature.

1. Click Insert > Advanced > Toroidal Bend. 2. Notice the new Dashboard interface.

Figure 22 3. On the Dashboard, click References. 4. Check the box for Solid Geometry to apply the Toroidal Bend to the entire part. 5. Setup the sketch for the bend profile: o o o o In the Profile Section area, click Define. For the Sketch Plane, pick the RIGHT plane. For the Sketch Orientation, the TOP plane is automatically chosen. Set it to orient to the Top of the screen. In the Sketch dialog, click the Sketch button.

6. Import a sketch for the bend profile. o o Click Sketch > Data From File > File System. Select tire.sec and click Open.

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o o o

Notice your cursor has a [+] beside it. This indicates there is a sketch ready to be imported. Pick a location on the screen to initially place the section. Set the Scale to 1.00. Move the icon over the coordinate system in the sketch by moving your cursor over this icon, hold RMB and drag to a new location.

Figure 23 o Next, drag this icon by holding LMB and drag the section over the model as shown below.

Figure 24 7. In the Move & Resize dialog, click .

8. Exit Sketcher to proceed with definition of the feature. 9. By default, the feature is set to Bend Radius. Enter

300 for the radius.

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Figure 25 10. On the Dashboard, change the setting from Bend Radius to 360 degree bend. 11. Pick the two flat ends of the part as the two surfaces to bring together to create the 360 degree bend. Pick this flat surface Figure 26 12. On the Dashboard, click 13. Save the part to finish the feature. Pick this flat surface

Figure 27

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In this exercise, you will change the display of the model in several ways to check out new functionality.

Task 1.

Change the display of the model to add a cool shading effect.

1. Click View > Display Settings > Model Display. 2. Click the Shade tab of the Model Display dialog. 3. Make the following setting changes: o o o Check the box for Real-time Rendering and click Apply. Clear the check for Environment Mapping and click Apply. Click OK.

Figure 28 Task 2. Change the color of the part.

1. On the toolbar, click the Appearance Gallery flyout menu, Figure 29.

Figure 29

Click this small arrow

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2. To define a new color, click Appearance Manger. o o In the My Appearances area, click the New Appearance Click the Color box and set the color to 55 for R, G and B. icon.

Figure 30 o o Click Close in the Color Editor window and Close in the Appearance Manager window. This new color is now the active color.

3. Set the new color to the part. o o In the Model Tree, select TIRE.PRT. Click the new color on the Toolbar.

4. Save the part and close the window.

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In this exercise, you will make a modification that causes downstream features to fail so you can experience the new feature failure process.

Task 1.

Open the model

1. Open handle.prt.

Figure 31 2. Click the Annotation Display icon to turn off the display of the hole notes.

Figure 32

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Task 2.

Make a change that will cause a regeneration failure.

1. In the Model Tree, select Round 1 and press RMB > Edit. 2. This is a variable radius round. Change the .60 radius to .40. 3. Regenerate the model. Several features will fail. o Notice the message area list the status.

Figure 33 o Also, notice there is a confirmation window near the regeneration status icon. Click OK.

Figure 34 o Also, notice the Model Tree displays the failed feature and children of the failed feature are highlighted in red. The failed feature also is in a bold font and has a marker preceding it.

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Failed Feature

Figure 35 Task 3. The failed feature is the swept cut around the perimeter. The trajectory of this feature is very sensitive to neighboring geometry at this time. Continue editing the Rounds before resolving the failed cut.

1. In the Model Tree, select Round 1 and press RMB > Edit Definition. 2. On the Dashboard, click the Sets menu. 3. Change the shape from Circular to C2 Continuous.

Figure 36 4. On the Dashboard, click to finish the feature.

5. Repeat this for Round 2, Round 3 and Round 4.

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6. Save the part.

Figure 37 Note C2 Continuous curvature round is a new option in Wildfire 5. This produces a more styled round that will be popular for consumer products.

Task 4.

Fix the failed cut.

1. In the Model Tree, select Var Sect Sweep 1 and press RMB > Edit Definition. 2. Read the message area.

Figure 38 3. Click References on the Dashboard. 4. On the References panel, click the Details button. The Anchor edge is missing. Note When the Round radius was changed from .60 to .40, the edge selected as the Anchor edge was eliminated by the new geometry produced by the change.

Original Edge Selected For Round

Before Figure 39


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5. Pick the edge shown for the new Anchor edge.

Pick this edge

Figure 40 6. Click OK in the Chain dialog and click 7. Save the part. on the Dashboard to finish the change.

Figure 41 Task 5. Change a feature to an incompatible number.

1. Edit Round 1 and change the R.40 radius to 50.00. In this example, you are accidentally entering a number that is way too large to see how the system handles this. 2. Regenerate the model. 3. Inspect the geometry.

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Figure 42 o o o The blue surfaces show the children of this feature. Rotate the model. The red surface is the failed feature. Edit Round 1. It is showing the 50.00 radius, but it did not regenerate the geometry to this value, since it causes the geometry to fail. The geometry is still at R.40 and the value is shown at R50.00. Set the radius to R.50, regenerate the model, save the part and close the window

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