Saras Questionnaire

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NAME: ________________________________________ GENDER: ____________ AGE: (a) 18 to 30 (b) 30 to 50 (c) Above 50

ANNUAL FAMILY INCOME: (a) Below 50,000 (b) 1, 00,000 1, 50,000 (c) 1, 50,000 3, 00,000 (d) Above 3, 00,000 1. How often you go out for purchasing dairy products? (a) Once in day (b) Twice in a day (c) Once a week (d) Once in months (e) Any other (please specify) _________________ 2. What is your average expenditure on shopping? (a) < 50 (b) 50-100 (c) > 100 (d) >500 3. Would you buy any other brand if you dont find Saras? (1) Yes (2) No

4. Which of the brands would be your preference if you do not get Saras? (1) AMUL (2) MOTHERS (3) LOCAL

5. When do you use Saras product? (i) Always (ii) Sometimes (iii) On special occasions (iv) Never 6. Would you buy any other brand rather than Saras if its price is increased? (I)Yes (ii) No

7. Would you go for Saras brand rather than your brand if you come to know about a Discount at store? (i)Yes (ii) No

8. Describe your purchase decision criterion: (Rate 1-4, most important to least imp.) (i) Brand Name (ii) Design (iii) Price (iv) Quality 9. You associate with Saras: (i) Emotionally (ii) Good Product Quality (iii) Economical (iv) High-end use 10. Rate the importance of brand name while buying Saras? (i) Essential (ii) Desirable but not essential (iii) Not important

11. Rate the importance of design/style while buying Saras? (i) Essential (ii) Desirable but not essential (iii) Not important

12. Rate the importance of price while buying Saras? (i) Essential (ii) Desirable but not essential (iii) Not important

13. Rate the importance of product quality while buying Saras? (i) Essential (ii) Desirable but not essential (iii) Not important

14. Rate the following brands as per brand name: SARAS AMUL MOTHERS LOCAL 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

Definitely delivers benefit =3 Okay job in delivering the benefit=2 Not perceived to deliver

15. Rate the following brands as per design/packaging quotient: SARAS AMUL MOTHERS LOCAL 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

16. Rate the following brands as per the price: SARAS AMUL MOTHERS LOCAL 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

Thank you

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