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Questions for MBA & BBA 1

1. How any business concepts are there? Describe them in detail. 2. What is an organization? How many types of organizations are there? 3. Describe the following: a. Sole Prop. b. Partnership firm c. Public ltd d. Private ltd e. NGO 4. What is a value chain? Define the elements of a value chain 5. Describe in detail the value chain theory by Michel Potter. 6. Define globalization and its features. 7. What are the reasons of globalization? What are the merits and demerits of globalization 8. Describe the effect of globalization on Indian market 9. Describe the 7 Ps of marketing in detail. 10. Define the selling and the buying process in detail 11. Explain the process of communication. What are the requirements of effective communication 12. How many types of communication are there? 13. Identify the barriers to communication 14. Define kinesics, proxemics and paralanguage. 15. Define probing. How many types of probes are there 16. Explain the BSA model in detail 17. define listening and identify the various barriers in listening 18. Define listening and how many types listening are there? 19. Illustrate the different store activities in a retail store.

20. explain the 6 Ps and 3 Rs in merchandising 21. define merchandising and explain its importance 22. In how many categories we can divide the type of goods available in a retail store based on buyers behaviour 23. explain the concept of banking, insurance & mutual funds 24. Into how many types we can classify the banks. Explain in detail 25. How does a call flow in a wire line network 26. how does a call flow on a wireless network 27. Describe FDMA, TDMA (GSM), CDMA, 28. 2 case studies from telecom 29. Explain the concept of internal customer 30. list the advantages of internal customer concept for an organization 31. Explain the role of top management in facilitating internal customer care 32. what are the elements of complaint handling (LIST) 33. Explain the 3 As in customer complaint handling 34. Define goals. Explain the diff between SMARTER and non smart goals 35. What is SWOT analysis and how does it help you 36. Explain - GAPS model, ERA E determine the Exact objection, R Repeat the process, A- get the buyers Agreement to the fact that his Objection has been resolved. and FAB Features, Advantages, Benefits, KISS

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