National Archives - Exclusive Session On Puerto Rican Records

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National Archives to Hold Exclusive Session on Puerto Rican Records

The National Archives is inviting all Census Bureau Partners to an exclusive session on records from Puerto Rico that are archived at their facility in New York City. The session will be held on Thursday, April 26, and will provide a general overview to the records. Census Partners will also take a behind-the-scenes tour of the archives and have the opportunity to take a close look at some highlighted documents. These records span the full spectrum of Federal government activities in Puerto Rico: from court cases to military installations, and economic development projects. The materials document the history of the Federal governments relationship with Puerto Rico and reveal its reach within the Puerto Rican community on the island. By documenting Federal activities over the course of Puerto Rican History for more than a hundred years, these materials provide important insight into the collective understanding of both Puerto Rican society and the larger American experience. Some specific topics include: Naturalization and citizenship records Agriculture and farming developments, including cooperatives The San Juan Naval Station Land records Rural electrification and civil engineering projects Housing development projects (aka slum clearance) Merchant vessel documents Needlework and other industries What: Where: When: Puerto Rican Records at the National Archives in New York City National Archives at New York City 201 Varick Street, 12th Floor (corner of Varick & Houston) Thursday, April 26, 2012, 10:00 am-12:00 pm

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