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1.Idiosyncratic dialect it is a dialect typical for every person. Each learner has a different dialect , unique and individual.

. There are no two people who have the same dialect. 2.Extrinsic motivation its connected with everything that takes place inside the classroom. Extrinsic motivation can be instrumental (connected with the long term goals, helps to achieve a job, get a money) or integrative (willingness to integrate with a second language community). Intrinsic motivation its connected with everything that takes place inside the classroom. There are factors that have an influence on intrinsic motivation such as methods of teaching, other students, personality/approach of a teacher, classroom- its physical appearance (lighting, colours). 3.Acculturation hypothesis the learner is interested in integration with a 2nd language community. This hypothesis can help the motivation that students have. 4.Krashems monitor model it means that u can monitor your speech. The monitor hypothesis asserts that a learner's learned system acts as a monitor to what they are producing. In other words, while only the acquired system is able to produce spontaneous speech (according to this theory), the learned system is used to check what is being spoken. Before the learner produces an utterance, he or she internally scans it for errors, and uses the learned system to make corrections. Self-correction occurs when the learner uses the Monitor to correct a sentence after it is uttered. According to the hypothesis, such self-monitoring and selfcorrection are the only functions of conscious language learning. The Monitor Model then predicts faster initial progress by adults than children, as adults use this monitor when producing L2 utterances before having acquired the ability for natural performance, and adult learners will input more into conversations earlier than children. Three Conditions for Use of the Monitor According to Krashen, for the Monitor to be successfully used, three conditions must be met: 1. The acquirer/learner must know the rule This is a very difficult condition to meet because it means that the speaker must have had explicit instruction on the language form that he or she is trying to produce. 2. The acquirer must be focused on correctness He or she must be thinking about form, and it is difficult to focus on meaning and form at the same time. 3. The acquirer/learner must have time to use the monitor Using the monitor requires the speaker to slow down and focus on form.

5.Routine formula is an utterance which the learner produces as a single, unanalyzed unit, rather than creating it from underlying rules. For example Joseph Huang and Evelyn Hatch(1978)report that in the first week of learning, a Chinese child produced not only a simple two word utterances, but also utterances that seemed to belong to a completely different level of structural ability , for example: dont do that, its time to eat and drink, get out of here. It seems that through hearing

specific utterances on frequent occasions, he had memorized them as complete units and could now produce them himself in situations which called for them. 6.Regulatory function its do as I tell you function of a language. It is controlling behavior of others.

7.Instrumental function it is I want function of a language. It enables a child to abtain a goods and services that he wants.

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