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First and Last Name __________________________

Date written out:_____________________________

Class: _____________________
Article #_____: Your Creative Title___________________________________________
How to Write the MLA citation:
If it is an article out of magazine: Author (last name, first). "Title of Article." Title of Magazine Date (Abbreviated) : Page(s).
If it is an article from newspaper: Author. "Title of Article." Name of Newspaper Date, edition: Page(s).
If it is an article from web: Author. "Title of Article." Title of Publication Date: Page(s) or Section(s), if numbered. Date of
Access <URL>.

Authors Last Name _________________ , Authors First Name __________________________ .

Title of Article __________________________________________________________________ .
Title of Publication (Newspaper, Magazine, Website) _____________________________________.
Day _______ Month _______. Year ________
Paragraph 1: Summary
Lead sentence
Article summary sentence: (The article is about) List the main ideas of the article.
Thesis Statement (including article title and author, as well as strong CM, what is the argument of the
Paragraph 2: Critical Commentary
CD #1 (a direct quote that reinforces ThS) The author states (implies, argues)
For example, in the article when___________________________________________

CM (how does this quotation prove your argument in your thesis statement?)
This quotation shows __________________________________________________________________
This quotation also proves that ___________________________________________________________

CD #2 (second quote that reinforces ThS) In addition, the author also ________________________
CM (about quote)
This quotation shows ___________________________________________________________________
CM: This quotation also shows/proves _____________________________________________________
Paragraph 4: Reflection
This article made me consider

CD (to support above statement)- The author states
CM: (A connection to the outside world or something larger than the article) This reminds me of... or this is
Concluding sentence: Therefore As you can see In conclusion

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