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Introduction to Visual Basic 6.0 Visual basic is an ideal programming language for developing sophisticated professional applicationsf o r M i c r o s o f t w i n d o w s . I t m a k e s u s e o f g r a p h i c a l u s e r i n t e r f a c e f o r c r e a t i n g r o b u s t a n d p o w e r f u l applications.

Coding in GUI environment is easy and quicker as compare to traditional, linear programminglanguages.V i s u a l B a s i c w a s d e v e l o p e d f r o m B A S I C p r o g r a m m i n g l a n g u a g e . I t r e q u i r e d a t l e a s t M i c r o s o f t windows 95/NT 3.51, 486 processor and minimum of 16 M.B. of RAM and also 250 MB of hard disk toinstall complete enterprise edition. Starting Visual Basic 6.0 Visual Basic is initiated by using the Program option -> Microsoft Visual S t u d i o a n d M i c r o s o f t Visual Basic 6.0 from it. Then it opens into a screen as shown below (fig 1.1)Fig .1.1 The integrated Development Environment One of the most significant changes in visual basic 6.0 is the integrated Development Environment (IDE).IDE is the term commonly used in the programming world to describe the interface and environment that we use to create our applications. It is called integrated because we can access virtually all of the development tools that we need from one screen called an interface. The visual basic IDE is made up of a number of components Menu Bar Tool Bar Project Explorer Properties Window Form layout Window Toolbox Form Designer Object Browser Menu Bar

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