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PROGRAM EVALUATION FORM Title of Seminar: Speaker: Venue: FINANCE LITERACY PROGRAM Date: 21 years old and below

w 27 31 years old 37 41 years old 22 26 years old 32 36 years old 42 years old and over

1. How old are you?

2. What is your current lifestage? Single Married


Empty Nester


3. How did you learn about this program? Facebook Event Email Invited by a Friend (If so, name please) ____________________ 4. How would you rate the ff: Excellent VENUE a. Ambience of Venue b. Conducive to Learning PRESENTATION / PROGRAM CONTENT a. Topic relevance to personal life b. Content Organization c. Handouts d. Audio and visual materials e. Time Management f. Objectives Met g. Exercises SPEAKER a. Voice Clarity b. Presentation Skills c. Ability to address questions d. Mastery of the topic OVER-ALL Very Good

Others (Pls. Specify) ________________




5. What did you find most valuable about this program?

6. What did you find least valuable about this program?


===================================THANK YOU!==================================
Mobile: (922) 823-2782 Email: The Eagles Branch, Roofdeck, Pioneer House Cebu, Cardinal Rosales Ave., Cebu Business Park, Cebu 6000

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