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London 2012 Sustainability Plan 2nd Edition December 2009

Towards a one planet 2012


Introduction Climate change Waste Biodiversity Inclusion Healthy living Cross-cutting themes Partnerships and outreach Governance and reporting Annex A London 2012 Sustainability Policy Annex B From One Planet Living to legacy promises Annex C Background documents and more information Annex D Measuring the London 2012 carbon footprint

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Introduction The London 2012 vision is: to use the power of the Games to inspire change.

The first sustainable Olympic and Paralympic Games. This was the vision and promise made to the IOC by the London 2012 Games bid. Today, hosting the Games gives us the chance to demonstrate excellence through the planning, staging and the legacy of benefits that they create, both directly and through inspiring changes in behaviour among people across the world. The London 2012 sustainability story is guided by the theme of Towards a one planet Olympics. Derived from the WWF/BioRegional concept of One Planet Living1, this recognises that as a global society, we are living beyond the regenerative capacity of our planet. While consumption and pollution vary significantly between territories, if everyone lived as we do in the UK we would need three planets worth of resources to support us. Our approach acknowledges that we must live within a fair share of the earths resources. Sustainability underpins the entire London 2012 programme. By showing how changes in the way we build, live, play, work, do business and travel could help us to live happy and healthy lives, within the resources available to us, the 2012 Games will set an example for how sustainable events and urban planning take place around the world in future. This document sets out how sustainability is being incorporated into the design and construction of venues and infrastructure, the planning of 2012 Games operations, and a legacy which maximises the economic, social and environmental benefits of the 2012 Games to Londoners and the UK. As the most high-profile event in the world, the 2012 Games will provide an opportunity to show off the best that the host city and nation have to offer. This will be achieved in several ways: by pioneering new approaches to sustainability; changing peoples behaviour through the power of sponsorship, media and communications; inspiring new standards of sustainability in the construction, events and hospitality sectors; influencing our supply chain to adopt more sustainable practices; and transferring our learning and knowledge. The London 2012 vision is: to use the power of the Games to inspire change. Whether as athletes, spectators or simply supporters, everyone involved in the Games will help to change: peoples lives levels of sport participation attitudes to disability the communities across London, particularly east London sustainability and protecting the world we live in how everyone participates in and engages with the Games how cities host the Olympic and Paralympic Games The year 2012 is globally significant. This is the year that the Kyoto Protocol is set to expire, and it is hoped that a new path forward will then begin to mitigate global climate change and initiate adaptation strategies. In addition, 2012 may be the year for the next Earth Summit. These historic events draw attention to how important it is that collectively we strive to achieve our 2012 Games sustainability commitments. The Olympic Games and Paralympic Games are truly extraordinary festivals of human endeavour and achievement; they have the power to inspire us and help take the sustainability agenda to new heights.

To find out more visit 5

The London 2012 programme context The Games Every four years, a new Host City begins its preparations for the Summer Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Timescales are always testing and preparations are conducted under intense scrutiny, with an immovable deadline for delivery. Londons 2012 Games bid was based on an ambitious vision to use the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games to make a real change in London, across the UK and globally. The heart of the 2012 Games will be the Olympic Park in east London, on a site surrounded by some of the most diverse and most deprived communities in the country, and at the western edge of the Thames Gateway the biggest regeneration project in Europe. During the 2012 Games, the 246-hectare Olympic Park (almost equivalent in size to Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens) will accommodate ten sport venues, the Olympic Village, media centres and new parkland built around the Lea Valley waterways. After the 2012 Games, a number of venues will be retained, the parkland will be extended, and thousands of new homes will boost regeneration in east London. The selection of this site was based on sustainability considerations: the areas accessibility by public transport and the potential for regeneration that the 2012 Games could unlock. London has kept legacy in mind from the outset, by planning the after-use of facilities at an early stage, building temporary structures where no long-term legacy could be assured and developing the vision for regeneration, at the same time as preparing the plans for the 2012 Games themselves the first time a Host City has done this. Beyond the Olympic Park the 2012 Games will reach across the rest of London and the UK. In addition to a number of competition venues outside London, there will be several training venues, Pre-Games Training Camps, cultural events, education projects and the Torch Relay taking place across the country. Legacy considerations are important for all of these activities, too, whether physical or in the sense of inspiring lasting change. The organisations Two organisations are at the centre of delivering the London 2012 Games: The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) is responsible for planning and staging the Games. LOCOG is a private company limited by guarantee, and raises almost all its funding from the sale of tickets and merchandise, sponsorship and broadcasting revenues. The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) is responsible for building the new venues and infrastructure for the Games, and ensuring that they have a viable legacy use. The ODA, which is also the planning authority for the Olympic Park site in east London, is a public body funded through council tax, National Lottery and regeneration funding. These two organisations work closely together, sharing the same offices in Canary Wharf and sharing the designation as London 2012. LOCOG and the ODA are supported by the London 2012 stakeholders, who are also responsible for ensuring that UK athletes, London and the UK benefit as much as possible from the 2012 Games. The London 2012 stakeholders are set out below: The Minister for the Olympics represents the UK Government. Government has promoted legislation to establish the Olympic Lottery Distributor and the Olympic Delivery Authority. Government is working crossdepartmentally to ensure that all of the UKs population can benefit from the Games, and is also supplying regeneration funding for the Olympic Park site.

The Mayor of London provides council tax funding towards the regeneration and infrastructure required to host the Games and deliver a sustainable legacy for London. The Mayors office together with the Greater London Authority is also responsible for coordinating a programme of City Operations work to prepare the City for hosting the 2012 Games. The British Olympic Association (BOA) is the National Olympic Committee for Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and is responsible for Team GBs participation in both Summer and Winter Olympic Games. The BOA is independent of Government, and is a joint signatory to the Host City Contract (together with the Mayor of London). The London 2012 stakeholders and the Chair of LOCOG meet regularly as the Olympic Board. Their role is to provide oversight, strategic coordination and monitoring of the entire 2012 Games project, ensuring the delivery of the commitments made to the International Olympic Committee when the Games were awarded to London, and a sustainable legacy from the staging of the Games. Key London 2012 partners are listed below: The London Development Agency (LDA), the Mayors agency for sustainable economic development, has acquired the land for the Olympic Park, and has been working with London 2012, local authorities and other partners on legacy plans to realise the regeneration of the Lower Lea Valley after the 2012 Games. In April 2009, the Mayor and Government created the Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC) to take over the role of securing a lasting legacy at the Olympic Park. The OPLCs aim is to transform the Olympic Park into a new prosperous and sustainable community for east London and to be a successful catalyst for investment and development opportunities. Transport for London, under the Mayors direction, is investing billions to deliver a transport legacy before 2012, marking a sustained investment in transport for London. The British Paralympic Association (ParalympicsGB), which is responsible for British participation in Summer and Winter Paralympic Games, is providing support services to all those competing as members of the GB Paralympics Team. It is also responsible for promoting the Paralympic Movement in the UK. The five Host Boroughs Greenwich, Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest are also key partners in supporting and delivering the Games in east London. Beyond the core area of the Games there are many other local authorities, both in London and elsewhere in the UK, that will play host to Games venues, training camps and cultural activities. Each of these will also play a vital role in planning for the Games. Sponsors London 2012s commercial partners will play an important role in helping to deliver this Sustainability Plan. This will be achieved in part through the supply of products and services which improve environmental performance, but also through actively engaging with London 2012 sustainability projects and using their employees, customers and supply chains to promote behavioural change. The programme London 2012 and the London 2012 stakeholders have been working closely together since the beginning of 2006 when LOCOG and the ODA were formally established. However, they are at very different stages in their life cycle. Much of the early focus of the project has been on the ODA because of the demolition, remediation, design and construction work on the Olympic Park and other permanent installations for the 2012 Games. The construction phase is now well advanced, with all venues on track to be completed on time and to budget.

In contrast, LOCOG remained a small organisation throughout the period up to and just beyond the Beijing 2008 Games. The focus to this point has been on building the organisational structures, the commercial programme and brand development. The end of the Beijing Paralympic Games in September 2008 marked the beginning of the four-year cultural festival running up to the 2012 Games. Since that point LOCOG has embarked on a phase of rapid growth, with staff numbers doubling each year to a peak in excess of 3,000 staff at Games time alongside 70,000 volunteers and more than 100,000 service contractors (primarily from the catering, cleaning and security sectors). The London 2012 brand will become increasingly visible during this time. In parallel with the construction phase, the LDA has been working with the ODA and local authorities to plan for the conversion of the Olympic Park to a mixture of housing, sporting venues, parkland and workspaces, integrated with surrounding communities, following the 2012 Games. The newly formed OPLC will be taking this work forward and a key part of its remit is to continue the emphasis on sustainability and integrate the one planet 2012 themes and objectives into the long-term plans for the Olympic Park and its surrounds. Beyond this site-specific work is the development of a wider legacy, addressing: The benefits that the 2012 Games can bring to communities across the UK, by creating employment, business, training and volunteering opportunities. The inspiration that can be provided for changes in behaviour and healthier lives, not just among people who visit the Games and the citizens of the host nation and host city, but among people across the world. London 2012 and the London 2012 stakeholders share a commitment to maximise sustainability, and the beneficial impact of the 2012 Games, across all these phases of the 2012 programme.

Olympic Park land acquistion








Park works dig, demolish, design Main construction works Games overlay design Test events and commissioning Overlay construction Sponsorship and event planning Cultural Olympiad and education programmes Legacy and benefit plans Legacy and benefit implementation Legacy Masterplan Framework and development planning Legacy conversion

The London 2012 Sustainability Plan Two-and-a-half years remain until the opening of the Olympic Games in London on 27 July 2012, and many plans and initiatives are still in development. Sustainability, in particular, is a rapidly evolving discipline, with new methods and technologies continually being developed to reduce environmental impacts and maximise social and economic benefits. Nevertheless, we are now at a stage to provide a sufficiently full description of our sustainability plans to merit issuing this document as a new and revised edition of the Sustainability Plan rather than an annual update. The London 2012 Sustainability Plan covers the three main phases of the Games programme: Preparation 2012 Games preparation focuses on the design and construction of the Olympic Park and other permanent venues and infrastructure. Sustainability has been an essential part of this enormous undertaking throughout all stages from planning and land assembly to demolition, remediation, design and construction. The standards and best practices achieved have the potential to be a major influence on the construction sector in the UK. Event staging Sustainability is a relatively new concept within the events sector. Many of the initiatives being planned by London 2012 have not been done before and these provide a unique opportunity to set new standards of sustainability. While the lack of reliable data from other events makes it difficult to identify benchmarks and set new targets, we intend to address this through measuring progress and openly reporting results. The knowledge gained through this process will be hugely valuable to the wider event sector, and its application will lead to significant long-term sustainability benefits. Building a lasting and sustainable legacy The 2012 Games must secure an ambitious and enduring physical and social legacy for the Olympic Park area and around the UK. The facilities and the Olympic Park itself will be the platform for a thorough, ongoing and environmentally responsible regeneration programme. The 2012 Games legacy must also be built on recognition that to be truly sustainable, the development of the legacy Olympic Park and communities has to seek to respect environmental imperatives such as the need to drastically reduce carbon emissions and to plan for a changing climate. Our Towards a one planet 2012 aspiration and commitment extend beyond the 2012 Games; we commit to respecting sustainability principles in all legacy plans and strategies. Equally important is securing a lasting legacy for the UK as a whole. One of the Governments 2012 legacy promises2 is to make the Olympic Park a blueprint for sustainable living. Defra is leading on the London 2012 legacy ambition to inspire sustainable living, and has commissioned research to explore the impact that large events such as this can have on inspiring behaviour change, for example being more energy- and water-efficient, and making more sustainable purchasing and consumption choices. These behaviours fit closely with the London 2012 key sustainability themes. Crucially, this approach also recognises that sustainability is fundamentally about people and how we live; it is not simply a technical discipline. Defra is working extensively with key stakeholders to develop objectives and a delivery strategy, which will be circulated to stakeholders for review in 2010.

Before, during and after: making the most of the London 2012 Games 9

Responsibilities for sustainability throughout the London 2012 programme Phase Planning and construction Olympic Park and new permanent installations at other Games venues, some temporary facilities and new or upgraded transport infrastructure; development of skills, jobs and business opportunities; legacy planning and transition works Period 2006-11 and 2013-14 Lead ODA Example sustainability considerations Design of buildings Sourcing of building materials Construction impacts Equalities and diversity in construction employment Community relations and consultation Local benefits from construction Inclusive design Health and safety on site, and health of construction workforce Biodiversity impacts Waste management LDA Staging the Games Cultural Olympiad, ceremonies, torch relays, test events, pre-Games overlay and fit-out of venues (bump-in), event operations, OlympicParalympic transition and post-Games break down (bump out) 2008-12 LOCOG Support programmes for skills development and business opportunities Construction, methods and materials for temporary venues and overlay Travel for athletes, spectators and workforce Catering and healthy food Health and safety at venues and for workforce Inclusion and diversity policies for workforce Cultural Olympiad with celebration of diversity Power supply and consumption during Games Sourcing and performance of equipment, merchandise and clothing Games-time waste management Biodiversity conservation Volunteering Public education programmes Outreach projects to promote sustainability and engage stakeholders and commercial partners Realising the legacy Maximising the economic, social, health and environmental benefits of the Games for the UK, particularly through regeneration and sustainable development in East London 2006-20 UK Government Mayor of London OPLC LDA Local authorities Energy and waste infrastructure Healthy lifestyles and sport promotion Legacy park design and function (including integration with local communities, mix of uses and affordable housing supply) Building performance Promoting healthier, more sustainable lifestyles Use of legacy sporting facilities Increased sports participation, healthier living, cohesive communities and volunteering Raised international profile of London and the UK Supporting sustainable growth of London and UK economy


Objectives and commitments London 2012 and the London 2012 stakeholders share a commitment to set new sustainability standards for development and event management through all phases of the 2012 Games. UK Government and the Mayor of London have set out objectives for how London and the UK can be transformed by the 2012 Games. Legacy promises3 UK Government* 1 2 3 To make the UK a world-leading sporting nation To transform the heart of east London To inspire a new generation of young people to take part in local volunteering, cultural and physical activity To make the Olympic Park a blueprint for sustainable living To demonstrate the UK is a creative, inclusive and welcoming place to live in, visit and for business Mayor of London Increasing opportunities for Londoners to become involved in sport Ensuring Londoners benefit from new jobs, business and volunteering opportunities Transforming the heart of east London

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Delivering a sustainable Games and developing sustainable communities Showcasing London as a diverse, creative and welcoming city

UK Government is currently working to develop a new legacy theme on disability issues. The Olympic Board agreed a Sustainability Policy in June 20064 (updated November 2009, see Annex A) which identifies five priority themes where London 2012 and the London 2012 stakeholders believe they can have the most impact and best contribute to achieving legacy aims. These themes form the basis for the organisation of this document: Climate change: To provide a platform for demonstrating long-term solutions in terms of energy and water resource management, infrastructure development, transport, locally seasonal food production and carbon impact mitigation and adaptation. We aim to minimise the carbon footprint of the Games and legacy development, notably by minimising embodied impacts and optimising energy efficiency, energy demand and use of lowcarbon and renewable energy sources. Waste: To be a catalyst for new waste management infrastructure in east London and other regional venues and to demonstrate exemplary resource management practices. We will minimise waste at source, divert construction waste wherever feasible and all Games-time waste away from landfill, and promote the waste hierarchy of reduce, reuse, recycle to facilitate long-term individual behavioural change. Biodiversity: To enhance the ecology of the Lower Lea Valley and other London and regional 2012 venues, and to encourage the sport sector generally to contribute to nature conservation and bring people closer to nature. Inclusion: To host the most inclusive Games to date by promoting access, celebrating diversity and facilitating the physical, economic and social regeneration of the Lower Lea Valley and surrounding communities. Healthy living: To inspire people across the country to take up sport and develop active, healthy and sustainable lifestyles. Ourpromise2012Forword.pdf The London 2012 Sustainability Policy 11

In order to allow targeting and monitoring, the ODA has sub-divided these five headline themes into 12 objective areas against which to measure progress in constructing the Olympic Park and infrastructure5 (See Annex B). The five headline themes and the Sustainability Policy are informed by the One Planet Living principles and underpin the Governments and Mayors five legacy promises listed on p11. They represent the priority sustainability themes across the entire London 2012 programme (including venues outside London), and form the basis of strategies and action plans for the delivery bodies and official stakeholders. Annex B shows how the London 2012 objectives, Government promises, principles and priority themes relate to each other. These are presented as separate categories, but in reality they are mutually supporting, and each theme embraces all three conventional strands of sustainability: economic, social and environmental. Constraints and challenges There are limits on what can be achieved by London 2012. They do not lessen our ambition, but they need to be presented openly: Some plans, for example for the treatment of waste during and after the 2012 Games, will depend on the provision of facilities and technologies that are not yet in place. Where this is the case, we can only signal our intention, and set out the developments that we will depend on to make this intention a reality. The 2012 Games can act as a catalyst for new building technologies and new approaches to staging events, but the approaches used must be robust enough to cope with the largest event in the world and to take account of immovable deadlines, the priorities of sport and security, and contractual obligations to sponsors and rights holders. The work being done to integrate sustainability into event planning and management is ground breaking. Although many other major events, including previous Games, have carried out greening initiatives, there is very little reliable quantitative information on which to base strategies and targets. Budgets must be respected: value for money does not mean lowering ambitions to achieve the lowest costs, but economic viability (and the added value that can be achieved through sustainable procurement) must be seen as an integral part of overall sustainability. London 2012 can commit to the standards it will meet, but in other areas we can only influence, using the huge inspirational power of the Games to encourage others to change their behaviour, for example by encouraging international spectators to minimise the carbon impact of their travel to the UK. For specific cases, like a number of transport infrastructure projects, London 2012 is a part-funder but does not have complete control.

ODA Sustainable Development Strategy: 12

About this document This document sets out how London 2012 and our partners intend to achieve the first sustainable Games. It is the second edition of the London 2012 Sustainability Plan6, which was first published in November 2007. As the overarching document describing London 2012s sustainability activities, this plan includes all of the London 2012 sustainability commitments, along with organisations responsible for each commitment and references pointing to more detailed strategies. In 2007, we stated that the plan would be a live document presented against a backdrop of a fast-moving programme. While the first edition focused on the Olympic Park development, two years on we are able to offer a more complete picture of the approach to sustainability we are taking across the entire London 2012 programme. Since the first edition of the Sustainability Plan, several local and global events have occurred that have shaped our sustainability strategies. We have witnessed the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing, and Rio de Janeiro has been elected Host City for the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In London we have elected a new Mayor, who has published revised air quality, waste and climate change adaptation strategies. National climate change legislation has been passed by Government setting greenhouse gas emissions targets for 2050. We can be certain that new situations will continue to arise on the road to 2012 that will lead to solutions and practices we have not yet considered; such is the pace of change in this field and in the world generally. Our management systems and governance structures need to be responsive to this dynamic. What does not change is our commitment to delivering truly sustainable 2012 Games and leaving a positive, lasting legacy. This second edition of the London 2012 Sustainability Plan remains true to that common purpose and provides the visionary and strategic framework linking the sustainability work of all the key stakeholder organisations. Towards a one planet 2012 therefore sets out how sustainability is being incorporated throughout the planning and construction, staging and legacy phases of the London 2012 programme. This document outlines what has been agreed so far, the indicators and targets that we have set and the areas where we know there is more to be done to meet our goals. It does not seek to set out everything that is being done in London, or UK-wide, to ensure sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles. Instead, it focuses specifically on 2012 Games-related projects and initiatives promoted by London 2012 and the London 2012 stakeholders. This is not a reporting document, but it provides the strategic framework and commitments against which we will base our future annual reports (see p90 for more details). We remain committed to a process of continual improvement and welcome feedback from and dialogue with interested stakeholders to help us achieve the best outcomes for sustainability throughout this project. Future amendments and new initiatives will be highlighted in our sustainability reports, rather than issuing updates of this plan. Please address any comments on this document to

Towards a One Planet 2012 13


Climate change Vision: To deliver a low-carbon Games and showcase how we are adapting to a world increasingly affected by climate change.

Introduction and strategic approach The consensus of scientists spanning over 130 countries is now overwhelming: human activities are causing global climate change. The burning of fossil fuels, changes in land use, and various industrial processes are adding heattrapping gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), to the atmosphere. There is now roughly 40 per cent more CO2 in the atmosphere than there was before the industrial revolution. Such high levels have not been experienced on earth for at least 800,000 years and in all likelihood not for the last three million years. The effects of these additional greenhouse gases can already be seen today. Global average temperatures have risen by 0.75C since about 1900 with consequences for both the environment and peoples lives.7 Most activities associated with building and hosting the London 2012 Games incur a carbon cost. Our challenge is to understand how these emissions arise, work to minimise them, mitigate their impact and plan for adapting to the effects of climate change so that our buildings, infrastructure and lifestyles are fit for the long term. The timing of the London 2012 Olympiad (from the closing of the Beijing Games in 2008 to the end of the London Games in 2012) has mirrored the Kyoto Protocol implementation period. This second edition of the Sustainability Plan is being published shortly before the UN International Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen at which international leaders will strive to work towards a new international climate agreement to reduce global emissions. In the UK, far-reaching legislation has been brought in to cut emissions by at least 80 per cent by 2050 (from 1990 levels)8. This is supported by a national strategy for climate and energy which includes a detailed plan for the UK to make the necessary transition to a low-carbon economy and strategies for low-carbon transport and increased use of renewable energy sources9. London 2012s action on climate change and commitment to deliver a low-carbon Games responds to the One Planet Living principle of zero carbon (reducing carbon dioxide emissions by minimising building energy demand and supplying from zero- or low-carbon and renewable resources), but goes much further by addressing embodied impacts10, operational and behavioural aspects. This chapter sets out the London 2012 Carbon Management Strategy. This has four primary components: defining and measuring the carbon footprint of the Games; reducing the carbon footprint through avoiding emissions, reducing emissions and substituting conventional systems with lower carbon technologies; influencing the uptake of best practices and innovative approaches developed by London 2012, and inspiring behaviour change, as a means to mitigate unavoidable emissions; and implementing climate adaptation strategies so that the legacy development and parklands are appropriate for the long term.

For more information, see the UK Low Carbon Transition Plan: content/cms/publications/lc_trans_plan/ lc_trans_plan.aspx 8 For more information see the Climate Change Act 2008: 9 For more information see the 2009 UK Low Carbon Transition Plan, the 2009 UK Renewable Energy Strategy and Low Carbon Transport A Greener Future 10 Embodied impacts relate to the direct and indirect carbon emissions associated with the entire production process, including manufacture, transportation and disposal of goods and materials

The carbon story links across most other aspects of the London 2012 programme. Three areas in particular are water, especially in terms of climate adaptation, transport and materials. The former is considered within this chapter, while the other two are dealt with in the Cross-cutting themes chapter, see p67.


In the first version of this plan in 2007, we committed to implementing a carbon management strategy based on the internationally recognised hierarchy of reduce, replace and offset. Our work in the intervening period has led us to refine this into four key steps: Avoid/eliminate (design out emissions at source) Reduce (increase resource efficiency in energy use, transport and work practices) Substitute/replace (measures to introduce renewables/lower carbon technologies both on site or through transport) Compensate (measures to deal with residual or unavoidable emissions) This revised approach recognises that the London 2012 Games is a project, rather than a steady-state organisation. All carbon emissions caused by the project are arguably additional (that is, there is nothing against which to reduce), so the primary focus must be at the top end of the hierarchy to avoid emissions in the first place. This will be achieved through accurate scoping of the project and elimination of potential emissions through design and procurement processes. This is especially challenging because there are no accurate benchmark figures for projects of this nature. The reduction and substitution elements are mainly about driving efficiencies and utilising new, low/zero-carbon technologies wherever feasible and cost-effective. These elements are no different from any other organisational approach. However, London 2012 is setting new benchmarks in carbon reduction for large scale projects and regeneration projects. The uniqueness of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in terms of scale and reach does, however, offer opportunities for different approaches to compensate for unavoidable emissions. Instead of relying on conventional carbon offsetting schemes, the power of the Games to inspire change opens up a range of possible opportunities, such as community projects; behavioural change initiatives; market shaping through supply chain interventions and promotion of innovation and best practices; and knowledge transfer. London 2012 has never stated the aim to be carbon neutral. We believe this is a potentially misleading term11. The reason for this is because there are no fixed boundaries on a project of this scale; any claim of carbon neutrality would be arbitrary and unrealistic to prove. However, the work to measure, reduce and report our carbon footprint is genuinely leading for a major international sporting event albeit recognising the excellent work done in this field by other previous event organisers. Furthermore, we believe that the cumulative benefits of the legacy developments, wider adoption of our methods and practices, and behavioural change initiatives will fully justify our ambition to deliver a truly sustainable Games.


The Government has published guidance on carbon neutrality. See: content/cms/what_we_do/lc_uk/neutrality/ neutrality.aspx 16

The London 2012 carbon footprint London 2012 is the first Summer Games Host City or host of any event of this magnitude to attempt to map a complete carbon footprint (including embodied impacts) of the Games over the entire project term. With no universally agreed approach to measuring the footprint of an event, this has been a hugely challenging undertaking. Existing and emerging guidelines for companies, products and services are based on measuring emissions when they occur, and then using these actual emissions to set targets for future reductions12. This is clearly not appropriate for planning an event, in which the impact of activities has to be anticipated some years ahead and for which there is no accurate benchmark against which to set reduction targets. Hence London 2012 identified a need to develop a new methodology. This methodology and the initial findings are summarised in Annexe D. The full London 2012 Carbon Footprint study is also being published separately as a technical supplement to this strategy and can be downloaded from the London 2012 website. As the carbon footprint has been calculated as a forward looking estimate for the seven-year lifetime of the project from winning the bid in 2005 to dissolution after the Games in 2012, we have called it a reference footprint. By using footprint methodology in effect as an impact assessment, it has helped us identify priority areas to focus avoidance and reduction efforts. The reference footprint is divided into three categories of emissions based on the relative degree of control/influence London 2012 has on any one area: owned, shared and associated13. The key findings are: Estimated owned carbon footprint after avoidance and reduction measures have been implemented = 1.9Mtonnes CO2e. Total reference carbon footprint (without carbon reduction measures) = 3.4Mtonnes CO2e. Total of the reference carbon footprint owned by London 2012 (without carbon reduction measures) = 2.3Mtonnes CO2e. The largest contribution to the reference footprint is from embodied carbon in construction (around 50 per cent of the total footprint), although the overwhelming result of this will help regeneration and legacy (such as the Olympic Park, infrastructure and permanent venues) and is not simply for the Games. The largest contribution to the footprint for staging the Games is due to embodied carbon in the temporary materials used for event overlay. These figures should be recognised as order of magnitude reference footprint predictions. At the time of calculation there were still many unknown elements of the project, data quality was mixed and there was little relevant information available from previous events. Nevertheless, as the top four line items in each category (construction, staging and associated impacts) make up approximately 80 per cent of the total reference footprint, we believe these findings are a sufficient basis to inform our strategies and decisions. This has been confirmed by an independent review of the methodology and assumptions carried out by KPMG in the first half of 2009. However, opportunities to change ODA strategies are limited as construction of the Olympic Park is well underway.

See PAS 2050 Standards-and-Publications/How-we-canhelp-you/Professional-Standards-Service/ PAS-2050/ 13 Owned emissions are from activities directly funded by London 2012 (for example construction and staging the Games); Shared emissions are from activities partfunded by London 2012 (for example jointly-funded infrastructure projects); Associated emissions are from activities which are not directly funded by London 2012, but over which we may have some influence (for example the actions of client groups sponsors, media and spectators)


In addition, we have carried out some detailed case studies of specific projects and materials to provide more rigorous footprinting data (see case studies on concrete p27; the Olympic Stadium p29; and Orient Way p31). Other major international events have produced carbon footprint studies. These include the FIFA World Cup, Germany 2006; Vancouver Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games 2010; and the FIFA World Cup, South Africa 2010. We recognise these studies have each used different methodologies, especially in defining the scope of their footprint, and they have either not include embodied impacts to the extent of the London 2012 study, or they have amortised14 the carbon emissions over the lifetime of the venues and infrastructure used. Looking ahead, London 2012 will do the following: Continue to seek opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint. Work with international partners to review methodologies and learn from points of comparison. Carry out additional case studies on specific projects, which can generate high-quality actual footprint calculations. Provide an updated estimate of the London 2012 carbon footprint drawing from the case studies and other general data secured through a combination of contract management processes, information from partners and project reports. The revised estimate will be included in two steps: the final pre-Games sustainability report at the end of 2011/early 2012; and the post-Games report required by the IOC in late 2012. Commitments Preparation The ODAs Sustainable Development Strategy15 sets out the following commitments: Carbon emissions arising from the operation of the built environment in the Olympic Park should be reduced by 50 per cent by 201316. Permanent venues will achieve 15 per cent carbon dioxide reductions beyond 2006 Building Regulations. BREEAM17 Excellent rating for permanent venues (in legacy) at the Olympic Park. All ODA development sites to register with CEEQUAL18. The Olympic Village will be built to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 (that is, 44 per cent more energy-efficient than required by 2006 Building Regulations19). After legacy conversion, at least 20 per cent of energy requirements will be supplied by on-site renewable energy infrastructure. 50 per cent by weight of construction materials for the Olympic Park will be freighted by rail or river. Crucial to the long-term sustainability of the development is future-proofing the utilities infrastructure. In the future, as low/zero-carbon fuels and clean technologies are integrated into the Olympic Park Energy Centre, the Olympic Village and other legacy developments will be able to move towards energy self-sufficiency.

Amortisation is spreading the impact of the emissions over time, rather than recording them up front 15 ODA Sustainable Development Strategy. 16 Reduction against business as usual, assuming 2006 Building Regulations, with no further low- or zero-carbon technologies 17 Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology 18 CEEQUAL is an assessment and awards scheme for improving sustainability in civil engineering and public realm projects 19 The Code also covers water, materials, surface water, run-off, waste, pollution, health and well-being, management and ecology


Staging LOCOG and ODA Transport will implement the following measures: Monitor major components of Games carbon footprint. Develop a Temporary Materials Handbook20 to inform procurement process to ensure we minimise embodied carbon (see also Cross-cutting chapter p67). Optimise amount of hired/leased materials and equipment and maximise reuse opportunities after the Games (see also Waste chapter p33). Develop a Technology Sustainability Strategy to be rolled out during 2010 IT services are the second highest component of LOCOGs footprint. Supply 20 per cent of Olympic Park electricity requirements at Games time from new local renewable energy sources. Use a low emission vehicle fleet: Optimise composition of Games Family vehicle fleet. The passenger car fleet21 procured for the Games will have an average emission standard under 120g CO2/km. Average CO2 emission standards will be set for other vehicle categories (for example, logistics vehicles, buses and coaches). Minimise impacts of Games-time transport and travel planning: Green travel plans for ticketed spectators and workforce. Cycling and walking will be encouraged via the Active Travel Programme (see p73). Visitors from long distance in the UK and the near continent will be encouraged to travel by rail rather than air or car. Low/zero-carbon Olympic and Paralympic flames: London 2012 Sustainability Partner EDF is committed to providing low-carbon fuel solution for the flames of the Olympic torch and the cauldron and is currently reviewing the technical feasibility of different options. The combined effect of implementing all of the above measures and commitments will save approximately 400,000 tonnes CO2e compared with the original reference footprint. Legacy The Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC) is currently in the process of reviewing the Olympic Park Legacy Masterplan Framework (LMF). Accompanying this document will be a range of environmental strategies, setting out in detail how new development on the Park will meet ambitious performance standards. Although the issue of climate change will be integral to nearly all of the strategies, of particular importance will be the energy strategy and the climate change adaptation strategy, both of which will utilise and build on the suite of investments in low-carbon and water saving infrastructure and technologies procured as part of the preparation of the Olympic Park: The energy strategy will spell out the targets, plans, policies and programmes that will be put in place to allow the meeting of both current and future requirements around carbon reduction and renewable energy. The climate change adaptation strategy will identify targets, plans, policies and programmes to allow the physical development and communities that will occupy the Park to respond creatively to a changing climate in the capital.

Alongside its Sustainable Sourcing Code, LOCOG has published version one of its Guidelines on Carbon Emissions of Products and Services. These guidelines provide supplemental advice to suppliers and licensees in fulfilling provisions of the code that relate to energy and resource use 21 Vehicles designed for the carriage of passengers and comprising no more than eight seats in addition to the drivers seat


The OPLC is also developing its corporate strategy. As part of this, the OPLC will be considering what other plans and polices could be developed to support the sustainability and carbon reduction agendas. The OPLC will publish LMF energy and climate change adaptation strategies in spring 2010, planning applications later in 2010, and a corporate plan in spring 2010. To achieve this, the OPLC will need to secure technically robust and deliverable energy solutions in support of the planning applications, and create energy plans that balance the need for energy certainty and security of supply with space for continuing innovation over the medium to longer term.


Achievements Avoiding and reducing carbon emissions The potential carbon footprint of the Olympic Park development has been reduced in the preparation phase by: rationalising the Olympic Park Masterplan; better utilisation of existing venues; implementing a set of value engineering measures to streamline venues including the Stadium, Aquatics Centre, Multi-use Sports Centre and Velodrome; implementing programme-wide material reuse and recycling measures; introducing a comprehensive balanced cut and fill approach to enabling works, supported by extensive on-site soil treatment; making sustainable choices at design stage for procurement, such as the materials used and how they are to be transported; and investing in sustainable transport (utilising rail and river freight solutions). Many of these measures were introduced to make the project more efficient and to cut costs; they were not specifically carbon reduction initiatives. Nevertheless, their cumulative effect has been significant avoidance of potential carbon emissions. Specific achievements during the planning and design phase include: The first comprehensive carbon footprint study of a Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games. All permanent venues are on track to be 15 per cent more efficient than a 2006 building. The contract to own and operate the 2 mega-watt wind turbine at Eton Manor is to be placed imminently. A half of the 16km pipe network for the Energy Centre has been installed. The Energy Centre will be complete in spring 2010. Construction has started on all 11 plots of the Olympic Village which will be 44 per cent more energy efficient than a standard residential building built to 2006 standards. Cooling in the Energy Centre and Aquatics Centre will use nonhydrofluorocarbon (HFC) chillers. As a result, more than 90 per cent of the cooling provided to the venues will be HFC free after the Games, and London 2012 will work with the industry to provide where possible HFC equipment that takes new low impact drop-in refrigerants when they are market ready. The Primary Substation, which is very efficient, is complete22. Concrete used to build the Olympic Park and Olympic Village on average achieves a 42 per cent reduction in carbon emissions against standard concrete mixes. Over 60 per cent of materials have been delivered to the Olympic Park by rail or water, equivalent to more than one million tonnes of material. The marshalling yards also supply materials to Stratford City. Improvements by British Waterways and the ODA have been made to the waterways to allow for the movement of waste out of the Olympic Park by barge. In addition, a temporary wharf has been constructed adjacent to the Aquatics Centre. To date 80 tonnes of mechanical pipework for the Olympic Stadium has been delivered by barge, with a further 340 tonnes expected to be delivered over the coming year.

22 21

Opportunities and challenges The ODA is continuing to identify opportunities to meet the 50 per cent carbon reduction target. One of the options under consideration is using biomass gasification in the Energy Centre to achieve further carbon reductions. The supply of materials to the park by rail or water will be an on-going challenge as the project moves to fit out. The ODA is continuing to work with project teams to identify opportunities to bring materials into the Park by rail or water. Mitigating the residual footprint Current estimates indicate that after all the planned carbon emission saving measures have been implemented, the residual owned footprint of the London 2012 project that is, the footprint resulting from construction and London 2012s contribution to improvements to transport infrastructure; staging the Games; and travel by competitors and officials to the Games will be in the order of 1.9MtCO2e. London 2012 will continue to work with partners to seek additional reductions through materials and systems choices, resource efficiencies and renewable energy solutions. At this stage we cannot accurately predict the likely additional reductions that can be achieved but it is clear that there will remain a substantial residual or unavoidable carbon footprint from the Games. Our Carbon Management Strategy has a two-pronged approach towards compensating for these emissions: Knowledge transfer and influencing standards The London 2012 carbon management experience demonstrates the carbon and cost savings to large infrastructure projects of managing build and regeneration with sustainability and low-carbon principles applied from the outset. We are demonstrating best practice in sustainable construction and sustainable events management and we have created and continue to refine a practical model, which the construction, products and events management sectors may follow. We are working with other organisations, including the Institute for Sustainability23, to explore how best to capture the lessons learnt with a view to disseminating and sharing this best practice. Three industry Sustainability Best Practice guidelines are in development currently and will be published shortly. In 2010 we plan to explore further opportunities to influence these sectors and to drive up sustainability standards in the UK and internationally. Influencing behaviour change The unique opportunity afforded by the Games is to inspire large numbers of people to participate and actively endeavour to be more sustainable. No other event or project has such potential reach; this is amplified through the association of the Games with culture and education not just for a few weeks, but throughout the four-year Olympiad. This is entirely in keeping with the London 2012 vision and our call for people and organisations to help us make the Games more sustainable by taking their own small steps to reduce their own carbon footprint.

23 22

This is the rationale behind the Team Green Britain24 launched by EDF Energy, a London 2012 Sustainability Partner, in July 2009. More than half a million people are now part of this online community, aimed at harnessing the power of the individual action to collectively reduce the nations carbon footprint by 2012. This activation also links into EDF Energys Programme for Greener Schools, The Pod25, which more than 7000 schools have joined and is a key part of London 2012s Get Set Education Programme (see p83). BT is working with their partners to calculate the carbon footprint for the converged network solution that BT is providing. It is an innovative pilot with a legacy for BT and its customers as it provides an opportunity to learn how to reduce the carbon emissions of their products in turn helping their customers manage their carbon footprint more effectively. London 2012 will work with its group of Sustainability Partners and other stakeholders to continue to develop this theme of mass participation and engagement to inspire lasting behaviour change. Measuring outcomes We recognise that measuring uptake of these compensation initiatives will be difficult. While the potential benefits can readily be extrapolated, it is another matter to confirm real uptake and lasting change. During 2010 the London 2012 Sustainability Group will work with partners, including the Carbon Technical Advisory Group and other specialists, to identify suitable methodology for measuring the effectiveness of these two approaches. Evidence about effectiveness will feed into the Governments wider legacy evaluation study (see p92). Carbon offsetting Carbon offsetting has been part of London 2012 proposals since the original bid, specifically with reference to offsetting international travel of athletes and officials coming to the Games. During the last three years various mechanisms and schemes have been investigated. However, during the course of finalising this carbon management report, London 2012 has decided no longer to pursue formal offsetting schemes as part of its core Carbon Management Strategy. We recognise that carbon offsetting is a controversial topic. For example, some critics state that buying offsets does not deliver carbon emission reductions. We are also aware that there are many credible and official carbon offset schemes on the market, and these are potentially valid options given there are significant unavoidable emissions resulting from the Games. Nevertheless, we believe the London 2012 programme has the opportunity to achieve significant compensatory benefits in other directions (as outlined above). The cumulative effect of these will be greater and also more costeffective.

24 25 23

Our focus in terms of taking responsibility for our owned residual carbon footprint will include: delivering a sustainable legacy; promoting local benefits in the Host Boroughs and across London and the UK; and inspiring change through the collective effort of large numbers of individuals and organisations. London 2012 will, however, continue to support and work with its partners who wish to develop offset projects as their contribution to achieving sustainable Games. Games-time renewable energy LOCOG has been working with its engineering services provider, Atkins, and utilities partner, EDF Energy, to review energy demand and capacity on the Olympic Park and at other venues. Initial results indicate that the target to meet 20 per cent of Games-time electricity requirements from new, local renewable energy sources is unlikely to be met in full. Further studies are being carried out and LOCOG will discuss with partners and the London 2012 Sustainability Group options for addressing this challenging commitment. Climate adaptation Plans for addressing future climate impacts have been outlined elsewhere in this document in relation to flood management, building design, landscaping and ecological management, and operational planning. However, we recognise this theme will continue to be a challenge throughout the lifetime of the programme. Lessons learned The Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 has described our approach to carbon footprinting the Games as ground breaking26. Through such a project, we have inevitably discovered a number of things that have surprised us. Some of the useful lessons we have learned include: The value of using carbon footprinting as a forward-looking impact assessment and strategic decision-making tool. Predictive footprint measurements on this scale do not need a high level of precision to identify the big hitting items that are responsible for the bulk of emissions (see methodology section in Annex D for more details). Where the focus is to build and operate facilities that have a relatively short life, there is a significant percentage of embodied carbon both in the construction project and event staging. For legacy projects like regeneration schemes, embodied carbon plays an important role but energy in use can make a bigger impact on carbon emissions over the life of the project. The design stage of a project is where the most significant carbon benefits can be realised through reducing embodied impacts and improving energy efficiency. Carbon emissions should be set alongside more traditional criteria as a formal performance criterion. Sustainability does not necessarily mean more expensive: correctly targeted cost savings can also achieve important reductions in carbon emissions.


CSL 2008 Annual Report 2008 24

Water Water resource management is one of the most critical sustainability issues of our time. Freshwater supplies across the world are being rapidly depleted through a combination of climate change, agricultural and industrial production and increasing human population. This is not simply a phenomenon of arid regions in other parts of the world. London and south east England also experience water stress due to high per capita demand, high population density and a relatively low rainfall. This places a strong requirement on the London 2012 programme to be water responsible and to maximise its water resource efficiency. Water resource management is most clearly linked with the climate change theme. However, it is also a critical feature of biodiversity conservation and healthy living. Our strategic objective is to optimise the opportunities for efficient water use, reuse and recycling. Our approach to achieving this covers the following areas: Reduce demand through management techniques and behaviour change. Reduce demand via inclusion of water saving technologies. Substituting potable water with non-potable water and particularly treated sewage effluent where appropriate (toilet flushing, irrigation, cooling etc) Designing the Olympic Park with climate adaptation in mind: flood risk management and landscaping appropriate for projected climatic conditions. Optimise water efficiency during the Games through venue operational management plans. Work with partners to ensure high standards of drinking water and bathing water quality at Games venues and accommodation sites. Create a water-efficient legacy community. Commitments The primary water-related commitments for the Olympic Park site, including the Olympic Village, are: To reduce the amount of drinking water used per person per day by 40 per cent in new permanent venues other than the village measured against 2006 standards. To reduce the amount of drinking water used by in the Olympic Village homes by 35 per cent measured against average London consumption of 160 litres per day. Planning and design to allow for one-in-100 year flood events, and a six millimetre per year sea level rise. Use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) Games-time water management policies will be developed by LOCOG as part of the venue operational management plans. These will be reviewed in 2011 following Test Events and finalised in early 2012 before venues become operational.


Achievements The designs for the permanent and temporary venues use water efficient fixtures and fittings such as low flow taps, low flush toilets and waterless urinals to reduce water demand. The Olympic Village is being designed for water consumption of 105 litres against a standard of 160 litres per person per day. During construction non-potable water has been used for dust suppression and road sweeping. This has come from: rainwater harvesting on temporary buildings reuse of surface run-off water and water from dewatering operations, facilitated through the installation of an on-site lagoon a licensed borehole on-site sewerage treatment 2km of the non-potable water network have been laid to date. A Waterspace Masterplan has been developed to manage the use of the waterways and ensure water quality, natural habitats and biodiversity are fully taken into account. Handball and Velodrome will have rainwater harvesting and the Aquatics Centre will use pool water backwash for toilet flushing. 5km of improvement works to waterways which include taking rubbish out of waterways, dredging and fixing river walls have been completed around the Park. More than 4,000 properties will benefit from a significantly reduced risk of flooding as a result of the Park designs. Flood alleviation measures include river widening, strengthening flood defences and sustainable urban drainage systems.


number of properties that will benefit from a significantly reduced risk of flooding as a result of the Park designs

Opportunities and challenges Collectively, the water conservation measures to date result in an 18 per cent reduction. The shortfall will be met by installing a 4.2km network of dual pipes across the Olympic Park together with a treatment works. These will carry both potable water, for drinking and washing, and non-potable water which will be used for toilet flushing, cooling water in the Energy Centre and irrigation. The non-potable water captured through these means is expected to be used for: Toilet flushing at the International Broadcast Centre and Main Press Centre and at Eton Manor. Irrigating the Stadium field of play and parklands. Hockey pitch irrigation in legacy. Topping up rainwater captured at the Handball Arena and Velodrome. Cleaning the deep foul sewer. Cooling water in the Energy Centre in legacy. The ODA is working with partners, Thames Water and the Environment Agency, to identify an appropriate source of water to supply through the nonpotable water network. Water shortages and flood risk are also being addressed by creating a park that can cope with extreme flood events as well as with increasing frequency of unseasonably heavy rainfall incidents through efficient flood storage and drainage systems.


Case studies Case study 1: Concrete Using low-carbon concrete supports the ODA aims to use 20 per cent of construction materials from a reused or recycled source and 25 per cent of aggregate, a key material in the production of concrete, from a recycled source. The ODA has worked closely with its concrete supplier over the past 12 months to supply low-carbon concrete for use in the construction of the venues and infrastructure for the London 2012 Games. The on-site batching plant supplies the majority of ready-mix concrete used in piling and superstructure works for venues and infrastructure. Different concrete mixes with lower embodied carbon than standard concrete have been proposed by the concrete supplier in conjunction with contractors. To ensure the concrete mix meets optimum sustainability requirements, production costs and other considerations must be balanced with the required structural and high-quality finish standards. Testing and trials undertaken to date have involved substituting raw materials in cement with increasing amounts of secondary or recycled materials. For example, Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA a by-product of producing electricity in coal-fired power stations), Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS a material processed from the waste associated with steel manufacture), stent (a waste product of the Cornish China Clay Industry) and recycled glass have been used. Most of the recycled materials used in the concrete are sourced from Leicestershire and Cornwall and delivered by rail directly to the concrete batching plant at the Olympic Park. At present, 94.3 per cent of materials used in concrete have been delivered to site by rail. Olympic Park and Village Approximately 1.3 million tonnes of ready-mix concrete have been used for the Olympic Park and Village. By using concrete with a high recycled content and maximising the use of rail to transport raw materials to site, nearly 80,000 tonnes of carbon emissions have been avoided, which accounts for a 42 per cent reduction against the UK industry average for concrete. The actual footprint of concrete typically varies according to the concrete grade, with the main determinant of the carbon intensity being the amount and type of cement in the mix and the proportion which is replaced by substitute materials, whether PFA, GGBS, stent or recycled glass. There are limits on the proportion of PFA, GGBS and other cement substitutes that may be used in concrete without affecting one or more required (or desired) properties of that concrete. The Concrete Industry Sustainable Construction Forum 2009 states that an average 18 per cent cement substitution occurs in the UK and it is performance of concrete with that percentage of cement substitution against which the London 2012 concrete is judged27. The figures on p28 do not take account of steel reinforcement or transportation. As the table demonstrates on page 28, the carbon footprint of the concrete used in much of the Olympic Park is greater than that of the Village concrete. This is because PFA has been used as the main cement substitute for much of the Park concrete mix, which is substituted at lower levels than GGBS. Concrete containing PFA has a higher carbon content than concrete containing GGBS. This is the case even though PFA itself


Calculated using the Bath ICE V1.6a dataset carbon intensity figures and it is this percentage for the UK industry average we are comparing against


has lower carbon than GGBS, but because PFA can only be used to substitute a small amount of cement compared with the larger amounts possible with GGBS. A decision was made early in the design and planning phase to use PFA on the Park, where the use specification permitted, due to two main drivers: diverting waste to landfill and supporting local industry. PFA is a waste product available in vast quantities in the UK. The quantity used in the Park would otherwise have gone to landfill as GGBS is generally more popular as a cement substitute in the UK. Some GGBS required for use in the UK must be imported and therefore may have higher carbon intensity due to the additional transportation. The decision to create and use sustainable concrete mixes has resulted in a significant reduction in the amount of embedded carbon at the Olympic site. As the table shows, it may have been possible to reduce the carbon further, specification permitting, by using no PFA but this would have meant an additional 22,902 tonnes of material to date going to landfill in the UK. This clearly demonstrates the complex balance needed between a number of factors, including embodied carbon, availability and logistics, and specification.


Concrete used (tonnes) 698,792 648,500 1,347,292

Carbon footprint (tCO2) 64,417 44,555 108,972

Reference carbon footprint (tCO2) 99,522 89,081 188,603

Carbon savings (tCO2) 35,105 44,526 79,631

Carbon savings (%) 35% 50% 42%

Olympic Park Olympic Village Park and Village


Case study 2: Olympic Stadium The Olympic Stadium is a unique facility. For the first time a major Olympic Stadium has been designed to cater both for the Olympic Games when an 80,000 seat athletics stadium is needed and for legacy when a smaller multi-purpose venue is likely to be required. This marks the start of a new approach to the design and engineering of stadia for the Olympic and Paralympic Games and other major sporting events. The design team has responded to this challenge by designing two venues in one: a permanent 25,000 seat stadium with a 55,000 seat skyward extension which can be removed when no longer needed. The early proposals for the Stadium followed the more conventional approach to design, but following a detailed review of the legacy brief a new approach was developed that aimed to ensure temporary elements were designed to be both easily deconstructed and reusable after the Games, either as complete systems or as components. The Stadium has been designed as a series of discreet components in order to create a flexible structure, which facilitates deconstruction for the purposes of post-Games requirements and for reuse. For example, all the steel was bolted rather than welded, which makes it easier to take apart. Many of the accommodation and facilities required, including hospitality suites, toilets, catering and retail facilities, will be provided as stand-alone units that may be reused or recycled after the Games with minimal disruption to the venue. The seating bowl has been re configured to make it as compact as possible, which as well as being more sustainable has the added advantage of enhancing the spectator experience. The effect of these changes was to very significantly reduce the embodied carbon of the venue and ensure that waste is minimised both during construction and deconstruction. Key features of note include: 55,000 temporary seats and structure designed to be easily dismantled and reused A stand alone, roof structure that could be removed or adapted in legacy to accommodate a smaller stadium. A lightweight roof and membrane wrap that can be reused or recycled after the games Temporary hospitality, catering and retail outlets which can potentially be relocated after the Games. These measures led to a circa 50% reduction in the carbon footprint of the stadium against the original concept design as the graph on p30 illustrates. The contractors have also contributed to significant reductions in the carbon footprint of the Stadium in the following ways: The embodied carbon impact from concrete has been reduced by over half through the use of cement replacement such as GGBS and PFA. Wherever possible site-won fill materials have been used. Aggregate from secondary sources (stent) has been used to replace virgin aggregates in concrete production. Concrete and imported aggregates have been transported to site by rail. The lightweight cable roof structure and membrane cover has an embodied carbon footprint which is 90% less than a steel roof. Lightweight block work has been used with a high percentage of recycled content.


130,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0

London 2012 Olympic Stadium Bid Design (Reference Footprint) London 2012 Olympic Stadium Concept Design London 2012 Olympic Stadium (Stage C Design) London 2012 Olympic Stadium (Stage C Design) Best Practice

Comparison of embodied carbon in different stadium designs

Reference Footprint Roof (fabric/metal deck) Glass cladding Blockwork Aggregate Reinforcing steel Structural steel Concrete

By designing a lightweight and compact Olympic Stadium that can be re configured after the Games, the ODA has created a unique venue that is flexible and fit for purpose. This applies both during the Games and in legacy, and offers significant environmental advantages.


Case study 3: Orient Way Our approach: Adoption of a systematic and process based approach (BS8901/ CEEQUAL) Understanding of high impact areas at earliest stage Building Carbon reduction into design process Re-use of materials where safe and practicable Minimise waste and maximise recycling Influence attitudes and behaviours The Orient Way project involved the relocation of a set of rail sidings which needed to be dismantled in order for the Aquatics Centre to be built. The ODA constructed a replacement 12-track railway sidings to the north east of the Park at Orient Way, equivalent to the size of three full-size football pitches. Orient Way was completed using sustainable methods with 99 per cent of the demolition and site clearance waste from the project being reused or recycled, including: 4,000 tonnes of crushed concrete, of which 1,000 tonnes was reused on site and 3,000 tonnes was reused off site; 620 tonnes of tarmac; 180 tonnes of steel; 20,000 tonnes of previous site ballast screened and reused; and all 2.9km of track lifted and reused. As part of the project, the ODA also built a new accommodation block for train drivers, which is powered by a wind turbine. Many of the recyclable elements of the track were reused to build the block. A CEEQUAL Excellent sustainability award was achieved for the Orient Way Project. CEEQUAL is an independent assessment tool which reviews performance across 12 areas of environmental and social concern. The total carbon reduction equalled a 44 per cent reduction over the business as usual scenario, helping to achieve the highest ever CEEQUAL score for a rail project. The table below indicates a breakdown of the carbon reduction.

6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Reference case Actual

New materials Construction phase waste Site clearance waste Utilities Freight Transport Staff impacts Transport and fuel use



Waste Vision: To deliver a zero waste Games, demonstrate exemplary resource management practices and promote long-term behavioural change.

Introduction and strategic approach Living a one planet lifestyle means reducing waste, as well as minimising the carbon impacts of our consumption. Burying waste is not a sustainable option in the long term: landfill creates methane, a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, as well as creating carbon dioxide emissions through transport and through the energy embedded in the material we throw away. One of the more visible elements of the Games sustainability performance will undoubtedly be waste management. London 2012 and the London 2012 stakeholders aim to ensure that waste is minimised throughout the programme, from planning to legacy, and that the 2012 Games show how waste reduction and recycling make financial as well as environmental sense. A six-level waste hierarchy, listed below in order of environmental preference, has been adopted throughout the programme: reduction reuse recycling and composting new and emerging technologies to recover energy conventional incineration with recovery of energy landfill A development on the scale of the Olympic Park and an event on the scale of the 2012 Games provide the opportunity to create a micro-economy of waste efficiency, putting in place the infrastructure and processes to minimise waste and to maximise reuse and recycling. In these ways, London 2012 expects to achieve a new standard in waste minimisation and resource recovery. Priority areas for action on waste include: designing and building Olympic, Paralympic and legacy facilities to operate in a manner that is as waste-efficient as possible; minimising waste during construction, operation and demolition/conversion of both temporary and permanent venues; honouring the zero waste Games28 commitment made during the London 2012 bid; and using public education and outreach activity to promote low-waste lifestyles.


For the purposes of London 2012, zero waste is defined as zero waste direct to landfill from Games-time activities 33

Commitments Preparation In the demolition, design and construction phase, London 2012 is committed to: Reclaiming 90 per cent of material from Olympic Park demolition work for reuse and recycling. Using 25 per cent (by weight) recycled and/or secondary aggregate for construction of venues and Park-wide infrastructure. Achieving 20 per cent, by value, of construction materials from a reused or recycled source. Waste Management Contractor committed to diverting 90 per cent of construction waste from landfill through reuse, recycling and recovery. Ensuring a high recovery rate of materials from disassembly of temporary structures during post-Games transition.


reclaimed material from Olympic Park demolition works for reuse or recycling

Staging the Games To stage a zero Waste Games, London 2012 will (within closed-venues29): Ensure that the amount of Games waste produced will be minimised. Ensure that no waste arising during the 77-day Games period will be sent directly to landfill30. Treat all waste as a potential resource and ensure that at least 70 per cent of Games-time waste will be reused, recycled or composted. Take reasonable endeavours to reuse or recycle at least 90 per cent, by weight, of the material arising from the installation and deconstruction of its temporary venues and overlay (stretch target). Seek closed-loop solutions wherever appropriate and practicable (that is, seek optimal recycling solutions, rather than downcycling). Ensure that Resource Management Plans are prepared by suppliers to manage areas of significant waste generation to support the achievement of objectives and targets (for example, catering, overlay, and so on)31. There are also many situations where Games-related waste will arise in open sites for example, along the route of road races, at Live Sites, cultural events, Torch Relay and at transport hubs and approach routes to venues. By definition these situations cannot be controlled in terms of material types entering the waste streams. LOCOG will work with its suppliers, partners and local authorities to align waste management practices with those adopted for closed venues. However, it will not be possible to measure and report exact quantities as there are no boundaries on these sites.

Closed venues are sites managed by LOCOG where entry is only by ticket holders and accredited personnel. 30 Games time commences from when the Main Media Centre opens (27 June 2012) through to when the Main Media Centre/ Paralympic Village closes (12 September 2012) which is 77 days. 31 WRAP (an organisation encouraging the efficient use of resources in the UK) is working with LOCOG to develop, validate and promote the take-up of Resource Management Plans (RMPs) that can be used by event organisers, venues and/ or suppliers to events to manage areas of significant waste generation. Where obliged completion of an RMP will negate the need to prepare a Site Waste Management Plan.


Achievements The following achievements are examples of waste management practices to date in the preparation phase and in planning for staging the Games. Preparation 97.7 per cent of demolition waste recycled and in some cases reused a total of 8 buildings have been reused off-site. More than 80 per cent of soil has been cleaned and reused on the Olympic Park. Foundations for the Aquatics Centre, Handball Arena and Olympic Stadium have used concrete with more than 30 per cent of recycled materials. A minimum of 20 per cent aggregate used in precast concrete units for the Olympic Stadium and Aquatics Centre seating terraces, temporary bridge decks and Handball Arena structural frame. Site-won material has been used as engineering fills, in temporary road construction and in designs of the Greenway and gabions. Aluminium in the roofs of the Aquatics Centre and Velodrome has a high percentage of recycled content. Off-site prefabrication of bridges and structural frames, to reduce construction waste. Surplus gas pipes were used in the construction of the Olympic Stadium ring beam, which supports the fabric roof, lighting and staging facilities, thereby reducing the need for new steel to be produced. A site-wide waste management contractor has been appointed who has committed to diverting 90 per cent of construction waste from landfill through reuse, recycling and recovery. This target is currently being achieved and represents industry best practice on a project of this scale. An onsite Waste Consolidation Centre (WCC) has been set up to process segregated construction waste received from the 17 contractors across the Park. Waste materials segregated over the past 12 months include timber, bricks and solid concrete, construction plastic, metal and office waste. Contractors participate in regular audits to demonstrate how they have minimised waste. Signed up to Waste and Resource Action Programme (WRAP), halving Waste to Landfill Commitment. Contractors are working with suppliers to return timber pallets and other packaging for reuse. A compactor and timber chipper have been installed on site to reduce vehicle movements and associated carbon emissions. Concrete and brick, which currently represents approximately 20 per cent of waste, is crushed on site for reuse in construction. Using these measures and vehicles that carry larger loads, off-site vehicle movements have been reduced from 1751 to 152 over the three month period July to September 2009 compared with the previous 3 months. The waterways are used to transport timber, plasterboard, plastics, mixed recycling, cardboard, paper, glass, and cans, and general waste out of the Park. Currently one barge per week removes waste from the Park. Staging the Games Scoping study completed on Games-time waste types and anticipated volumes. Packaging guidelines issued to complement the LOCOG Sustainable Sourcing Code. LOCOG signed up to the On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL) scheme32 and requires London 2012 licensees to include the OPRL icons on London 2012 branded merchandise wherever appropriate (given that such packaging will end up in household waste streams). LOCOG accepted into the London Waste and Recycling Board Brokerage Service33 in September.

Launched by the British Retail Consortium (BRC) with support from WRAP, the On-Pack Recycling Label scheme aims to deliver a simpler, UK-wide, consistent, recycling message on both retailer private label and brand-owner packaging to help consumers recycle more material, more often. Details at: 33 The London Waste and Recycling Board (LWaRB) has been established to facilitate waste management across London to promote and encourage the production of less waste, an increase in the proportion of waste that is re-used or recycled and the use of methods of collection, treatment and disposal of waste which are more beneficial to the environment. The brokerage service aims to link up waste producers with site owners, London boroughs and energy users to result in new waste management approaches and new infrastructure


Opportunities and challenges Staging the Games The Games presents us with an opportunity to inspire change in waste management practices in the events sector. The underlying concept of our Games Waste and Resource Management Strategy is that waste materials should be viewed as a resource. Key to achieving this vision is a consistent and integrated approach to waste management throughout all closed venues managed by LOCOG. A detailed scoping study, which included waste composition analysis and modelling techniques, has been used to make estimates for the total material flow arising from Games-time activities. The key outcomes are: Approximately 8,250 tonnes of operational waste34 will be generated at Games time, with around 60 per cent originating in the Olympic Park. Approximately 40 per cent of waste will be food/food-contaminated packaging. The target for reusing, recycling or composting 70 per cent of Games-time waste is achievable, provided the ten critical success factors (see below) are fully addressed. The lack of anaerobic digestion capacity for organic waste in London was identified as a potential issue. Guiding principles London 2012 will take account of the following guiding principles in determining the most appropriate approach to delivering the Games Waste and Resource Management Strategy: Waste hierarchy: ranking methods of waste management in priority order, with landfill being the least desirable. Proximity principle: managing waste as near as possible to its place of production. National/regional context: the Games can act as a catalyst for new waste management infrastructure in London to move it towards being more selfsufficient. Venues located elsewhere will need to be evaluated in respect to their local context. Sustainability: ensuring that the right decisions are made in respect to the broader sustainability agenda, in particular the consideration of carbon. Risk management: identifying and mitigating the risks to the success of the waste and resource management system. Regulatory compliance: ensuring that the waste and resource management system is fully compliant with waste management legislation. Operational deliverability: ensuring practical solutions in the context of staging large-scale events. Ten critical success factors To deliver our vision for a zero waste Games, ten critical success factors have been identified which will be underpinned by the guiding principles: 1. To put in place appropriate management systems, including sustainable procurement practices, which support the strategy objectives. 2. The development of tools and guidance for design teams and contractors to support the advance identification of options for reuse or recycling of materials and products used for temporary venues and overlay. For example, products (furniture, computers, podia) that can add legacy value for social enterprises and schools in the region. 3. The development of resource management tools and guidance to help key areas of the business minimise waste and, where they cannot, to maximise opportunities for reuse and recycling. 4. The advance identification of reprocessing options and markets for all key materials likely to be collected (including food and other organic materials), and securing sufficient capacity to handle the flow of materials during the relatively short period of Games time itself.


This is roughly equivalent to what a typical London borough produces in a month 36

5. The utilisation of food catering packaging systems that maximise the potential for recycling and recovery and minimise the potential for contamination and ultimately landfill preferably involving a singlematerial approach for bottles and other food catering packaging items. 6. The utilisation of a simple-to-use, consistent and attractive system for waste and recycling collection across all venues. 7. The integration into the collection system design of a simple icon- and colour-based communication scheme to help visitors deposit items for recycling. 8. The development of a fully integrated communications package that encourages recycling during Games time, and builds awareness of recycling before arrival at the Games preferably linked to national and regional communication initiatives such as Recycle Now and Recycle for London. 9. The development of an approach for involving trained volunteers in the delivery of the communication and collection systems during Games time. 10. The transfer of knowledge through the production of a good practice guide on events waste management and a post-Games technical debrief event for venue managers and event organisers. Implementing the strategy To deliver on the key elements of our strategy, we require a programme of action supported by specific workstreams: Continuing the work of London 2012 Waste and Resource Management Technical Advisory Group and liaising with commercial partners such as Coca-Cola, McDonalds and Cadbury, London Development Agency, London Waste and Recycling Board, and the Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC). Managing the ongoing review of recycling and composting options in London and the south east. Developing actions that relate to each of the ten critical success factors. Developing a Temporary Materials Handbook for design teams to use to reduce waste, and maximise recycling and landfill diversion (waste reduction, reuse and recycling also brings significant carbon benefits given that overlay is 50 per cent of LOCOGs carbon footprint). Preparing an integrated Games Waste and Resource Management Plan, bringing together all the key outputs that relate to the delivery of the ten critical success factors. Event challenges Waste management performance in the UK events sector is inconsistent. While a handful of events and venues have achieved recycling performance of up to 50 per cent, recycling rates are generally much lower (approximately 15 per cent) and a significant amount of material ends up in landfill. There are a number of unique challenges for events to overcome in order to achieve good recycling performance and high landfill diversion: Despite duty of care legislation, accurate and transparent records of how waste and materials have been managed during and after events are rarely available. Post-event transfer of knowledge is often limited. There is a lack of controls or incentives in place to encourage contractors to contribute. The complexities of the event supply chain, such as diverse packaging and inconsistent packaging specifications. The inconsistent messaging and waste and recycling collection systems at events and venues.


Everyone has a role to play in reducing and managing waste responsibly during the Games, including manufacturers and suppliers, caterers, and spectators. There are, however, a number of areas and activities outside our direct control and influence. These include open venues such as road events (for example, the Marathon), as well as local authorities, hotels and restaurants. In these situations, London 2012 will work with its partners and stakeholders to encourage them to adopt a similar approach. Decommissioning temporary structures The 2012 Games are notable for the number of temporary venues and other structures required for staging the Games. While this ensures that no permanent buildings are created unless they have a clear long-term use, it does present a major challenge with respect to the decommissioning of temporary structures, overlay and other fittings, and materials used solely for the Games. The challenge is two-fold: first, the immediate breakdown of Games overlay and the recovery and redistribution of assets (for example, equipment, furniture and other useful materials). This is additionally problematic because the dismantling of structures after events is typically rushed and there is a lot of wastage. Waste stream separation at this stage is rare. The second consideration is the disassembly rather than demolition of major temporary structures (for example, the Basketball Arena in the Olympic Park and interior fit-outs of the Media Centre and Olympic Village) and hard landscaping as part of the post-Games transformation of the Olympic Park. The approach required to address these challenges includes: leasing as the favoured procurement solution for venues with temporary elements; specifying materials with high reuse and recycling potential; specifying construction/fixing methods to facilitate disassembly; creating a detailed asset recovery plan; and using Resource Management Plans to cover the breakdown phase with a view to maximising reuse and recycling. Future actions In addition to the ten critical success factors, we have also identified the following future actions: Go out to market for waste management services in 2010. Roll out the Resource Management Plan templates to the supply chain in mid-2010. Develop an approach to minimise risks and maximise the reuse and recycling of materials and products arising from the Games overlay, both during the transition from Olympic to Paralympic staging and post-Games breakdown. Work with the packaging industry, the National Non-Food Crop Centre and WRAP to identify deliverable solutions for food and catering packaging systems. Develop an integrated Games Waste and Resource Management Plan to be trialled during the Test Events phase in summer 2011 and finalised by the end of that year. Review recycling labelling options already in existence, any plans to develop such schemes and the experiences of those using and delivering these labels. Incorporate sustainability considerations into the material aspects of postGames dissolution strategies.


Legacy The LDA is developing a legacy waste framework. This will ensure a longterm waste legacy in east London after the Games while also seeking to support LOCOG with facilitating the development of a new local infrastructure that would contribute towards the commitment of zero waste to landfill during Games time. The development of this framework has been overseen by a steering group of the key organisations responsible for delivery: Olympic Park Legacy Company London Development Agency LOCOG Greater London Authority London Waste and Recycling Board The ongoing monitoring, reporting and management of the framework will be through the London 2012 Sustainability Group. The following six outcomes represent the priority themes and focus for activity for the waste legacy framework: 1. Directly deliver or leverage the development of one or more new and innovative facilities for the management of waste with a particular focus on the production of low- or zero-carbon energy within or near the Olympic Park. A proportion of this capacity will ideally come on stream in time for the Games themselves, both to service Games-time need and to maximise the opportunity to showcase and establish innovative technologies as viable solutions in an intense urban environment. 2. Substantive and enduring changes to critical material supply chains, gearing them to design out waste in the first instance and then to utilise materials that allow the most efficient reuse, recycling or energy recovery solutions. 3. New and sustainable opportunities for east London social enterprise in the provision of services and products. 4. Creation of profile and momentum around this growth sector as a source of employment and ensure the full range of potential labour market entrants for this sector are made aware of the particular job, skills and training opportunities. 5. Existing and new market entrants are fully aware of what business support is available and that it meets their sectors specific needs. 6. That the methodologies for achieving high rates of recycling and landfill diversion within the 2012 Games are fully captured, communicated and adopted by the event sector in London and the UK and come to represent the norm rather than the exception. The OPLC will publish a site wide waste strategy for the Olympic Park alongside the Legacy Materplan Framework (LMF) and its corporate plan in spring 2010. Planning applications will be submitted in summer 2010.



Biodiversity Vision: To conserve biodiversity, create new urban green spaces and bring people closer to nature through sport and culture.

Introduction and strategic approach Biodiversity is essential to the global economy, serving a vital function in climate change mitigation and adaptation, watershed management, provision of sustainable natural resources and enhancing the quality of life that we enjoy. London 2012 is committed to ensuring that the Games play their part by taking a responsible attitude to the management of natural resources, through direct enhancements to the valuable ecology of the Lower Lea Valley and London and regional 2012 venues, and by promoting the value of the natural environment and conservation throughout the UK and international sport sectors. The Olympic Park Masterplan has included environmental enhancement from the outset and will create 45 hectares of new habitat and 102 hectares of open space, in an area currently deprived of green space. The new habitats include wetland areas, open river banks and grassland and will provide an enhanced setting for biodiversity, as well as improving flood storage and conveyance within the Valley. Key areas for action on biodiversity are: minimising and mitigating the impact of construction activity where possible on existing species and habitats in the run up to 2012; developing new and enhanced water and land habitats within the Lower Lea Valley, from open water and wetlands to species-rich grasslands; implementing the Olympic Park Biodiversity Action Plan; protecting sensitive habitats and species at other competition sites, through development of venue environment management plans; and promoting awareness of the value of biodiversity and its links to sport and healthy living. Commitments London 2012s commitment to minimise disruption to biodiversity and enhance habitats has been informing all parts of the construction programme for the Olympic Park and other London 2012 venues. The Olympic Park The Olympic Park Biodiversity Action Plan35 provides ecological management plans for priority habitats and species. These plans sit alongside the following commitments in relation to the protection and enhancement of wildlife on site: Provision of natural links along the river valley corridor to achieve ecological continuity including links to the green grid (a network of open space across east London). Habitat preservation: for example, protective log walls have been built (using as many as possible of the trees cut down during site clearance), themselves creating a new habitat for amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates and plants. Eradication of invasive species, such as Japanese Knotweed and Giant Hogweed. Habitat features incorporated into the design of buildings such as the provision of nesting sites and the creation of green and brown roofs (which are also useful climate adaptation tools by slowing run-off). Planting during the Games and legacy will use species native to south east England (and ideally of locally-grown stock), which are suited to projected future climates including being tolerant to drought. Habitat creation utilising some of the seed stock collected from the Olympic Park site prior to clearance. Creation of undisturbed areas for wildlife.


Olympic Park Biodiversity Action Plan 41

An important attribute of the parkland will be to help the whole site adapt to future climate change, through its ability to cope with heavy rainfall events as well as providing shade under trees and vegetation helping to combat heat island effects. London 2012 venues Biodiversity conservation is a critical part of the planning, design and development of many London 2012 venues. This applies especially to the greenfield sites (see table below). Biodiversity considerations will be factored into the town and country planning process for staging the Games at all London 2012 venues as follows: Inclusion of a Biodiversity section in the Sustainable Design Requirements section of LOCOGs Design Strategy for Temporary Venues and Overlay. Specific biodiversity provisions include: Ensure that an ecological walkover (at the very least) is undertaken for each venue with follow up surveys as necessary. Ensure that there is no significant adverse effect on any designated site. Ensure that there is no significant adverse effect on habitats or species of importance to nature conservation. Ensure appropriate mitigation measures are specified where adverse impacts upon protected or locally valuable sites or species are anticipated. Avoid causing damage to trees, particularly those protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs). Ensure that there is no net loss of indigenous vegetation. A site-specific biodiversity section will be included within the Sustainability Statement produced for each planning application. A biodiversity section will be included for all sites where a full Environmental Impact Assessment is required. Biodiversity considerations will be incorporated into the environmental management components of Venue Operating Plans. Greenfield sites used as 2012 venues: Venue White Water Centre* Sport Canoe Slalom Location Lea Valley Park, Broxbourne Greenwich South Buckinghamshire Weymouth and Portland Castlepoint, Essex Greenwich Royal Park City of Westminster Royal Parks City of Westminster Royal Park Environmental features Lakes, rivers and riverine woodlands and scrub/grassland Close proximity to SSSI and SPA Woolwich Barracks* Dorney Lake* Shooting Rowing Canoe Sprint Sailing Common land; acid grassland; mature trees Thames Valley flood plain; lake, wetlands; grassland; riparian woodland Marine and coastal ecosystems; World Heritage Site (Jurassic Coastline) Farmland, woodland, cultural heritage Acid grassland, ancient trees, cultural heritage, World Heritage Site Cultural heritage, parkland, freshwater lake Parkland and freshwater lake

National Sailing* Academy

Hadleigh Farm Greenwich Park

Mountain Bike Equestrian Modern Pentathlon Beach Volleyball Road races start/finish Triathlon Open Water Swimming

Horse Guards Parade and St James Park Hyde Park

* Permanent works on these sites is the responsibility of the ODA. LOCOG provides the Games overlay and event management.


of living roof included in the deisgns of the Olympic Village, Aquatics Centre, Eton Manor and Main Press Centre

Achievements The Lower Lea Valley is a unique environment where the River Lea meets tidal sections of the Thames. The rivers and other waterways are valuable habitats. To achieve London 2012s commitments to biodiversity, we have taken the following steps: More than 70 per cent (489 of 675) of the Olympic Parks bird and bat boxes have been assigned a location. Designs for the Olympic Village, Aquatics Centre, Eton Manor and Main Press Centre include more than 15,000m2 of living roof. 5km of improvement works have been completed within the Olympic Park site, including taking rubbish out of waterways, dredging and fixing river walls. Space equivalent to ten football fields has been cleared of invasive Japanese Knotweed. A one-hectare habitat creation project started off-site at East Marsh in 2008 is beginning to colonise. A process has been established to protect existing habitats during construction. A UK nursery has been contracted to supply 2,000 semi-mature trees. It will take three winters to plant all of the trees, such as birch, hazel and poplar, which have been selected to future proof against climate changes. The first tree was planted by Her Majesty The Queen in November 2009. A UK company has been contracted to provide 300,000 wetland plants for the Olympic Park. A Waterspace Masterplan has been produced, setting out how the Olympic Park and waterways will deliver a multi-functional environment which supports recreation, boating, ecology, flood management and commercial activities.


Opportunities and challenges London 2012 recognises the huge potential through the Games to promote biodiversity conservation more widely, especially across the sport sector and through education and green volunteering initiatives. Opportunities to promote awareness of biodiversity and access to nature will be developed for all Games competition venues. Potential measures may include: venue layout and presentation to integrate with the natural landscape; natural materials and features to be used as part of the look of the Games; home-grown and native plants and flowers to be used for landscaping and ceremonies; and maps and other information to be provided on local features of ecological and heritage interest, including accessibility and cycle and walking routes. The London 2012 Biodiversity Group has been working with LOCOG since early 2006 to identify opportunities for Games-related biodiversity conservation initiatives at local, national and international levels. Specific projects are being developed and implemented via the following programmes: Changing Places programme Education programme Cultural Olympiad Major Project Discovering Places Inspire Mark projects Each of the above is described in the Partnerships and outreach section (see p77). Biodiversity considerations are also factored into our Sustainable Sourcing Code, notably with respect to sustainable timber and agriculturally derived products, such as cotton and food (see p61 regarding food and p69 regarding sourcing) and potentially biofuels.


Legacy The Olympic Park Legacy Company is currently in the process of reviewing the Olympic Park Legacy Masterplan Framework (LMF). This framework and associated strategies will spell out in more detail the biodiversity and broader green infrastructure plans and programmes for the legacy park and will address the following commitments: a net increase in ecologically managed open space; the long-term management of legacy parkland; and enhanced access to nature along riverways and in legacy parkland. These will be achieved through the adoption of the existing Olympic Park Biodiversity Action Plan and the development of design briefs incorporating biodiversity and green infrastructure principles and objectives. The LMF will be published in spring 2010 and planning applications will be submitted later in the same year. A significant amount of technical work on biodiversity and green infrastructure, both for the Olympic Park and the wider East London Green Grid, has already been undertaken. This has identified the following challenges: To develop sustainable operational models for the ongoing management of biodiversity and green infrastructure. To ensure open spaces and green infrastructure on the Olympic Park are fully integrated with wider green (and blue) networks. To incorporate biodiversity, green space and green infrastructure fully into the Olympic Parks activation programme.



Inclusion Vision: To host the most inclusive Games to date by promoting access, celebrating diversity and facilitating the physical, economic and social regeneration of the Lower Lea Valley and surrounding communities.

Introduction and strategic approach The London 2012 Games will be everyones Games. Londons bid was founded on a celebration of the diversity of Londons and the UKs population. London 2012 and the London 2012 stakeholders are committed to making sure that everyone can participate in, and benefit from, the Games and their legacy. This is a unique opportunity for the UK to demonstrate its rich diversity and social cohesion to an international audience and to promote the values of openness, respect and fair play. Inclusion involves breaking down the barriers that individuals and communities can face, but also taking active measures to help people to make the most of the opportunities that the Games offer. This particularly applies to people who are not currently as fully engaged as they might be in our economic, sporting, social and cultural life. The Olympic Park is located in one of the most diverse areas in the country. The five Host Boroughs are home to 22 per cent of Londons total black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) population, including almost two-thirds of Londons Bangladeshi community, nearly a third of Londons Pakistani community, and a quarter of Londons African population. More than a quarter of Host Borough residents were born outside the EU, and 110 different languages are spoken in Tower Hamlets alone. In Newham, BAME communities make up 61 per cent of the boroughs population. Inclusion underpins all other sustainability themes poorer people and minority groups are the first to feel the effects of climate change and declining biodiversity and has a particularly close link to health. Deprivation also remains a strong determinant of ill-health. It responds to the One Planet Living principles of health and happiness, equity and fair trade, and culture and heritage. London 2012 and the London 2012 stakeholders have identified the following priority areas in relation to inclusion: Ensuring that the opportunities provided by the Games are spread as widely and as fairly as possible across the UK. Promoting supplier diversity and maximising opportunities for local and UK minority-owned businesses and social enterprises to benefit. Recruiting and developing a diverse workforce and ensuring that opportunity and training are available to all. Ensuring communities from the six strands of diversity (disabled people and non-disabled people, young and old, men and women, every race, every sexual orientation, gender identity and belief) are people involved in sport. Inspiring, engaging and involving people and communities across the UK in preparations for the Games, and communities around the Olympic Park in developing legacy plans. Creating excellent architecture and urban design, based on inclusive design principles, in the Olympic Park. Achieving an equalities step-change in construction sector employment. Showcasing and celebrating the UKs diversity, multiculturalism and tolerance through the Cultural Olympiad and the Games. Integrating the Olympic and Paralympic Games, providing the same quality of experience for all participants and spectators. Using the Olympic Park legacy to create sustainable, prosperous and cohesive new communities, fully integrated into surrounding areas.


London 2012 Equality and Diversity Forum The 2012 Equality and Diversity Forum is structured along similar lines to the London 2012 Sustainability Group and is chaired by the Deputy Mayor. This new forum is specifically focused on the inclusion agenda and from 2009 will publish its own detailed annual report: Towards an Inclusive Games36. The contents of this inclusion chapter have been structured to align with the forums report around five priority areas: Business Workforce Inclusive design and service delivery Communities and engagement Participants Further detailed information about the ODA can be found in the ODAs Equality and Diversity Strategy. In March 2009 the ODA published its Integrated Equality Scheme 2009-12 Everyone, found at london2012. com/equality. This contains the ODAs detailed implementation plan and benchmarks to deliver its Equality and Diversity Strategy. Further detailed information about LOCOG can be found in LOCOGs Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Open37.


training places at the Olympic Park over the next five years

Commitments London 2012 has identified the following priorities for its inclusion programme: London Employment and Skills Taskforce (LEST) to reduce worklessness in London by 70,000 by 2012. CompeteFor programme to capture 20 per cent of the estimated 75,000 total contract opportunities from the London 2012 supply chain. To provide 20,000 training places at the Olympic Park over the next five years. The Bridging the Gap project to deliver 6,000 trained and qualified employees from more than 100 further education colleges in the UK, to form a key element of the security workforce at the 2012 Games. Venues to incorporate inclusive design principles and share best practice across London. There will be a games mobility service provided for spectators at all venues. International Inspiration education programme to reach 12 million children worldwide in 20 different countries. To increase the number of people who participate regularly in sport across the UK by 2012. Government to publish its vision for a 2012 legacy for disability issues in December 2009. Up to 50 per cent, i.e. 1,379 of 2,800, of homes in the Olympic Village to be classed as affordable; as of October 2009. LOCOG has set the following target zones for the workforce by 2012: BAME 18-29% Disabled people 3-6% Women 46-54% LGBT 7-10% Under 30 20-30% Over 50 10-15%

Towards an Inclusive Games will be available on the 2012 website soon 37 The 2008 LOCOG Diversity and Inclusion strategy Open


LOCOG has also committed to recruiting up to ten per cent of its Games-time volunteer workforce from the Personal Best programme. The ODAs workforce representation benchmarks are: BAME 15% Disabled people 3% Women 11% The ODAs key employment and skills targets are to: promote sustainable employment opportunities and boost skills levels locally and across the UK; bring opportunities for under-represented groups in the construction industry including women, BAME and disabled people; deliver a construction workforce from at least 10-15 per cent of residents of the five Host Boroughs; ensure at least seven per cent of the construction workforce is made up of people previously unemployed before working on London 2012; place at least 2,250 people into construction traineeships, apprenticeships and work placements (up to 2012); and encourage contractors to pay the London Living Wage. Achievements Businesses We have established a number of key programmes to help spread the economic benefits of the Games to all businesses, including: An electronic brokerage service, CompeteFor, to match buyers and suppliers for the huge range of business opportunities related to the Games. Out of a total of 25,000 London 2012 suppliers on CompeteFor, 5,000 are local businesses. More than 3,600 contract opportunities within the London 2012 supply chain have been posted to date. A London 2012 Business Network (LBN) has been established to ensure that companies from across the UK have access to contracts in London 2012s supply chains, as well as the support they might need to compete to win those contracts. In the year to April 2009 in London, LBN offered more than 1,438 businesses targeted advice and support. A series of 2012 business workshops run by the Government across the country in 2009, targeting minority-owned and managed businesses. A national project, Winning with Social Enterprise, aims to optimise the involvement of social enterprises across England in the development, delivery and legacy of the Games. The Nations and Regions Group is developing a tourism business network with Visit Britain to capitalise on the estimated 2bn worth of opportunity generated UK-wide. The concept of a Tourism Opportunities Network is being developed, with a proposal to be launched in early 2010. LOCOG is the first organisation in the UK to attain the Gold Standard award from Diversity Works for London and will continue to lead in finding new and innovative ways to raise standards. The LOCOG Diversity and Inclusion Business Charter38, launched in September 2009, which sets out the key ways in which LOCOG will inculcate diversity and inclusion within its procurement activity and that of its contractors, suppliers and sponsors. The ODA has implemented its Procurement Policy which promotes equality among diverse communities and across its supply chain. The ODA works with its main contractors through practitioners networks to provide additional support and opportunities for sharing good practice. It has established the Business Assurance process, a system of setting requirements and providing active support and feedback. LOCOG has established a Diversity and Inclusion Sponsors Forum. This group meets on a quarterly basis to discuss and produce new and innovative products and procedures that will enable a lasting diversity and inclusion legacy in the run up to 2012 and beyond.


number of people into construction traineeships, apprenticeships and work placements


Diversity and Inclusion Business Charter 49

Workforce Over the past year the LDA and ODA have worked together to establish and invest in a range of programmes which support Londoners through job brokerage and training opportunities. In February 2008 the ODA published Jobs, Skills, Futures, its employment and skills strategy. Employment figures: At the end of September this year 7,270 people were working on the Olympic Park and Olympic Village, of this a total 4,842 people are working on the Olympic Park. Of the 4,842 working on the Olympic Park: 12% were previously unemployed 10% were undertaking a traineeship, apprenticeship or work placement 21% were resident in the five Host Boroughs 21% were BAME people 6% were women 1% were disabled people More than 10,000 workless Londoners have been supported into jobs through training and job brokerage programmes for the 2012 Games and associated activities through the London Employment and Skills Taskforce (LEST 2012). At the end of September 2009, 79 women had been brokered into employment through the Women into Construction Project. The placement of women working on the Olympic Park continues to exceed the representation of women within the construction industry workforce nationally. Representation of women in the manual trades is typically between one and two per cent across the industry as a whole. In September, women made up six per cent of the contractor workforce on the Olympic Park. London 2012 is also taking steps to make sure its workforce is inclusive. The figures at the end of October 2009 are as follows: London 2012 Workforce Representation Employer LOCOG* BAME 13% 21% Women 51% 6% Disabled people 5% 1% LGBT 6% Under 30 29% Over 50 6%

Olympic Park Workforce

* As of October 2009 Ethnicity and disability data is provided voluntarily by the Olympic Park workforce.


London living wage A high majority of workers are being paid the London Living Wage (LLW) or above (currently 7.60) and are directly employed, and this continues to be monitored. Contractors and their supply chains are encouraged to pay the LLW. The ODA and its Tier One contractors work closely with organisations who have been identified as not paying the LLW, to encourage them to do so.


people placed into work through Jobs, Future, Skills brokerage network

Support and training A total of 2,500 local residents have received employment support through the five Host Boroughs Jobs, Skills, Futures brokerage network. By September 2009, the jobs brokerage had placed 631 people into work. In the last year, more than 4,600 construction-related training courses have been provided for local people. From April 2008 to April 2009, more than 1,800 people have received construction training in the five Host Boroughs through the Local Employment and Training Framework. In total 58 per cent of the beneficiaries were BAME, 16 per cent were women and four per cent were disabled people. The London Employer Accord provides an integrated recruitment and training offer for employers, giving them trained staff in a cost-effective way, while helping disadvantaged Londoners into work. The Construction Employer Accord funds site-based coordinators who work closely with contractors and staff to keep people in work and promote training within the construction industry. A new regional training hub at Thames House opened in April 2009. It is the first of three construction training schools planned which will provide a combined total of up to 20,000 training places over the next five years. A Plant Training Centre was established in February 2008. It delivers a range of plant training, primarily to meet the needs of the contractors and sub-contractors on the Park site. By September 2009, 1,478 trainees had passed through the National Skills Academy at the Plant Training Centre and Thames House Training Centre in Newham. A National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) has been set up to provide training to help people get the skills they need to gain work on the Park and in the wider construction industry. Personal Best, a pre-employment programme, provides participants with the valuable transferable skills needed to apply to volunteer at the Games, compete in the job market and volunteer at other events. So far, there have been more than 9,000 engagements, 2,800 registrations, 1,600 completers and 900 achievers in the Personal Best London volunteer programme and this initiative will be run in all regions by 2010. The Women into Construction project aims to place 50 women a year into manual trades on the Park site including driving, security and construction. Bridging the Gap is a scheme which delivers Security Industry Authority (SIA) licensed young people into the Security and Public Services Industry via the Further and Higher Education sectors. Through a network of 25 colleges and training providers, the project will ideally deliver in excess of 6,000 trained and appropriately licensed personnel who will form a key element of the security workforce at the 2012 Games. The five Host Boroughs have been involved in the pilot programme and 14 pilot colleges entered the project in February 2009 with 210 learners. Representation and kitemarks London 2012 is represented on: Race for Opportunity; Employers Forum on Disability; Stonewall Diversity Champions programme; Employers Forum on Belief; Employers Forum on Age (awarded the Age Aware Logo). London 2012 has signed: the Fawcett Charter; the Changing Faces Charter and the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science Technology and Engineering (UKRC) Charter.


London 2012 has achieved the Positive about Disabled People Two Ticks mark and uses this in its recruitment communications. London 2012 guarantees an interview for every disabled candidate that meets the person specification for a job. London 2012 works closely with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Jobcentre Plus to demonstrate a commitment to being an employer of choice for people from all groups. LOCOG has been awarded the Age Positive Employer Champion mark by the DWP. Recruitment Action Plans (RAP) have been developed by LOCOG to engage organisations across every diversity strand and encourage them to energise their members or networks to register both for paid roles and volunteer programmes within London 2012. In addition, recruitment evenings and outreach initiatives aimed at specific communities have been launched. LOCOG has established the LOCOG Diversity Board which meets on a quarterly basis. It is chaired by the CEO, and gives a platform for the work of the LOCOG Diversity and Inclusion team. LOCOG has established the Diversity Action Team, which is chaired by the Head of Diversity and Inclusion, includes members from across functional areas, and reports into the Diversity Board. The ODA continues to run its Equality and Inclusion Board. This is a subcommittee of the ODA Board and is chaired by the ODA Chief Executive. It meets quarterly and receives a comprehensive quarterly progress report on all activities within the Integrated Equality Scheme. The Scheme is shared with the ODAs delivery partner, CLM. The ODA has benchmarked its work on disability equality against the Disability Standard 2009 run by the Employers Forum on Disability and achieved the Bronze Standard. Inclusive design and service delivery The London 2012 Equalities and Diversity Forum has brought together the organisations responsible for utilising the strategic and technical expertise necessary to meet the challenge of delivering an inclusive and accessible Games. These organisations have put in place strategies and structures to deliver pragmatic outcomes over the next three years: A London 2012 Access and Inclusion Integration Group has been set up to bring the many accessibility-related workstreams and stakeholders together to ensure spectators have a positive and inclusive experience in London for the 2012 Games (with a particular focus on accessibility for any disabled and Deaf spectators from when they arrive in London to when they leave). The ODA published its Inclusive Design Strategy in June 2008. This sets out the framework for how the Olympic Park will be designed and constructed to be inclusive for people of all cultures, faiths and ages, and accessible to all disabled people. The Olympic Village design meets Lifetime Homes standards and London targets for Wheelchair Homes standards. The ODAs Built Environment Access Panel (BEAP) has been established and involves disabled people as users and experts, reviewing designs prior to planning applications. The ODAs Access and Inclusion Forum (AIF) assists the ODA in delivering an inclusive and accessible Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and legacy for disabled people, and women and men of all cultures, faiths and ages. The membership includes a wide range of organisations involved in disability issues across London, nationally and representatives from the five Host Boroughs. LOCOG has developed a high-quality access standard to ensure standards of accessible infrastructure and overlay. This also includes a Games mobility service appropriate for an accessible and inclusive Games.


The London Development Agency (LDA) has produced a new online accessibility guide to more than 800 accessible hotel rooms in the capital. The guide is based on an independent audit of every hotel. The ODA has published an Accessible Transport Strategy for London 2012, setting out priorities for improving accessible transport provision in London. The ODA has worked closely with disabled people in developing this strategy, including the Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC). Communities and engagement In developing our plans for the Games we have undertaken targeted community outreach programmes ensuring that the voices of all local people, including priority groups, are heard. These include the following: A Community Engagement Programme run by the ODA to enable local people to discuss and understand progress on the Olympic Park development, including: regular meetings with local community organisations; site tours; 24-hour construction hotline; monitoring maps of noise and dust posted on the London 2012 website; a quarterly newsletter called Your Park; engage newsletters for the Olympic Park and for off park venues. London 2012 operate tours of the Olympic Park every day to enable stakeholders and members of the public to see progress first hand. Technical Fora events were held with stakeholder groups to review plans for the venues as part of the town planning consultation process. A London 2012 Inclusion Group ensures that diverse communities are consulted with on the ODAs programme, and serves as a public forum for delivering the public sector duties. An activity centre the View Tube has been delivered on the Greenway. This is a fully accessible space which people can visit to find out more about the Olympic Park as it is being developed, and includes a viewing gallery. In 2009, 4,000 people visited the Olympic Park as part of the Open House programme, an increase of 50 per cent on 2007. The Construction Crew project offers pupils the opportunity to see progress being made at the Olympic Park first-hand, and take part in workshops to promote leadership, responsibility and presentation skills. The Government has set up a unique social networking site that brings together a group of 100 social connectors chosen from the five Host Boroughs. A large-scale, 18-month public consultation was undertaken by the LDA around the preferred set of legacy plans (the Legacy Masterplan Framework). So far more than 8,500 people (including 1,800 young people) have been involved in helping to inform the legacy plans. In March 2008, the Mayor announced the LDAs 2012 Games London Cultural Skills Fund: a fund of 1.4m providing grants of up to 50,000 for community-based cultural projects that engage communities in a broad range of arts and cultural activities and provide pathways to skills, training and employment for participants. The Cultural Olympiad39 launched in September 2008. This is a four-year cultural programme that aims to give people from all communities the chance to be part of cultural activity linked to the Games that will reflect and celebrate the diverse communities which make up London and the UK (see p79). The London 2012 Inspire programme was launched in summer 2008. It aims to use the Games as a catalyst to participation and wider legacy across the UK. So far, more than 270 projects have been awarded the Inspire Mark across the UK (see p84).

It is the four-year cultural programme that celebrates the spirit of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and which aims to give people from across the UK opportunities to be part of the Games 53

London 2012 produces a monthly community enewsletter, Involve, which is sent to more than 1,000 community representatives in London, who distribute its information to their communities. The newsletter aims to keep communities involved and updated on the progress and work of London 2012, including news and updates from LOCOG, the ODA and the LDA. A number of advocates from different communities in London have been identified to extend community engagement and distribute information about Games benefits and opportunities. The advocates also have the opportunity to feed into Games planning and preparation in order to ensure that plans are as inclusive to as many people as possible.

5 million

Government is investment into the Recruit into Coaching scheme

Participants London 2012 provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to inspire people across the country to participate in sport and disability sport. The aim is to increase the number of people who participate regularly across five distinct areas: sport for young people; community sport; disability sport; international inspiration; and for coaches and officials. The Government is creating a world-leading system that offers five hours of PE and sport each week for all young people, regardless of ability, background or location. The Government has funded and worked closely with the British Paralympic Association to develop a school education site (abilityvsability. to develop materials for schools to support whole school improvement through PE. Sport England has, for the first time, invested in Paralympic sports (boccia, goalball, wheelchair basketball and wheelchair rugby) through the National Governing Body Whole Sports Plans, in the funding round for 2009-13. In April 2009, the Government launched a multi-million pound free swimming programme. Nearly 200 councils are offering free swimming to the under 16s and more than 260 are offering free swimming to people aged over 60. International Inspiration (II) is a project which aims to reach young people all around the world and inspire them to choose sport. More than 50,000 teachers, coaches, community leaders and young sports leaders have been trained in the first five II countries Azerbaijan, Brazil, India, Palau and Zambia. The Government is investing 5m into the Recruit into Coaching scheme. This will see 10,000 new volunteer coaches recruited from the 70 most deprived areas in England, giving priority to 16-25-year-olds who are out of work and out of the education system. The Pre-Games Training Camp Guide includes more than 650 world-class training facilities across the UK. Olympic and Paralympic teams will use these Training Camps to acclimatise and train in the run up to the Games. The Equality Standard for Sport is a framework and vehicle for widening access and increasing the participation and involvement in sport and physical activity. In October 2009, LOCOG achieved the intermediate level, further demonstrating its commitment to diversity and equality.


Key partners London 2012 is working on diversity and inclusion in partnership with the London 2012 Forum, Nations and Regions Group and the Trades Union Congress. London 2012 Forum The London 2012 Forum was set up in 2003 to activate community support for the London 2012 bid. Since the bid was won the Forum has continued to meet quarterly. Membership is made up of representatives from many of Londons diverse communities; about 60 groups are represented on a regular basis. The Forum also enables members to discuss ways in which communities are preparing for the Games in 2012. Nations and Regions Group The goal of the Nations and Regions Group (NRG) is to maximise engagement and benefit of the Games across the UK. It is a joint secretariat working across LOCOG and the Government Olympic Executive. The group is made up of representatives from the nine English regions and the three devolved administrations of the UK. The NRG works across three outcome areas: social, economic and sporting, as well as facilitating communication and engagement across the UK. Within the social remit, the aim is to achieve greater levels of engagement, inspiration and participation across the UK. For economic, the main outcomes and aspirations are being driven through the London 2012 Business Network and Tourism Steering Group. The sporting aspiration is to increase the level of sports participation and activity as a result of the Games and maximise uptake in Pre-Games Training Camps. An extensive programme of around 60 UK-wide executive visits is also run as part of the communication and engagement remit. In addition to this, the team provides regular MP briefings and organises nationwide events, such as Nations and Regions Day, in conjunction with the Cultural Olympiad Open Weekend. Trades Union Congress London 2012 and the Trades Union Congress (TUC) have agreed to work together to create an inspirational Games. The agreement includes a set of Principles of Cooperation that recognise the importance of joint working. These Principles identify key values which lay the foundations for a smooth and stable industrial relations environment at the broadest level. They are: the importance of respect at work; the potential of partnership at work; the commitment to equalities, diversity and inclusion; a commitment to exemplary health, safety and welfare; recognition of the value of learning, employment and skills; a commitment to legacy, maximising economic and social regeneration; and a commitment to environmental and social sustainability. The parties recognise that fair wages can make a significant contribution to regeneration, the building of quality employment and poverty alleviation. This, along with local initiatives such as the London Living Wage, will be an important consideration in the procurement process.



Healthy living Vision: To inspire people across the UK to take up sport and develop more active, healthy and sustainable lifestyles.

Introduction and strategic approach Living healthy lifestyles, within the resources of the planet, is an essential element of working towards a one planet 2012. Advances in public health mean that some of the greatest health benefits that we can achieve are those that are within our own control: eating well, engaging in physical activity, and living in a healthy environment are among the most important things we can do to improve our quality of life, our well-being and our happiness. As the worlds pre-eminent festivals of sporting excellence, the Olympic and Paralympic Games offer huge opportunities to inspire and promote sports participation, play and other forms of physical activity, and other elements of healthy living. The London 2012 Games also offer the chance to tackle health inequalities that profoundly affect east Londons communities. Improving the economic prosperity of these communities could have a major impact in redressing this balance. Healthy lifestyles are tightly linked to other sustainability themes and to the One Planet Living principle of health and happiness. Access to good-quality green space encourages both sports participation and play for children; walking and cycling are pollution free; healthy food from environmentally responsible agriculture is good for consumers and for the planet. London 2012 and the London 2012 stakeholders are committed to maximising the health benefits that the Games programme will bring to spectators, to workers on site, to the whole UK. Key areas for action are: Health and safety Remediation of contaminated land and cleaning polluted waterways Air quality Sustainable food Sport participation and physical activity Legacy facilities for community and elite sport and culture Health and safety London 2012 is committed to designing out health and safety risks associated with the construction, maintenance and use of the Olympic Park and other venues and the Olympic Village, and to promoting healthy living among our workforce. The ODA Health, Safety and Environment Standard was issued in 2007 and updated in summer 2009. This provides clear guidance to contractors and their staff on safety standards and procedures. Health and safety is monitored on site and a target for zero fatalities during the construction of the Olympic Park and other venues and the Olympic Village has been set. The rolling 12-month accident rate remains well below the industry average and the eighth one million hours without a reportable incident was achieved during the year. Health matters are addressed in a number of ways: The provision of healthy food in site canteens, and advice on exercise and activity. Caterers on the park are audited internally and externally by Environmental Health Offices (EHOs) from the Host Boroughs to monitor compliance with food safety legislation and provide advice and support to achieve compliance. Drinking water is provided by Tier 1 contractors at suitable places in work locations and welfare areas. No alcohol is allowed on the Olympic Park site. Occupational health teams, Park Health and Village Health, have been appointed to enhance the general well-being of everyone within the project and to carry out health checks to identify and address any health conditions for all workers on site.

Workplace sexual health clinics run in partnership with a local Primary Care Trust is just one example of our innovative approach to well-being. The ODA has delivered a health and safety educational programme for thousands of children living near the Olympic Park site. LOCOG is committed to establishing and maintaining the highest possible standards for health, safety and welfare. In addition, we have made explicit our commitment to providing leadership in our health, safety and environmental management, to ensure that no person or the environment is harmed as a result of our activities. The LOCOG goal is to have a zero harm safety culture where partners, suppliers and workforce work together in establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. Our objectives are to: deliver safe Games by managing risks in the planning and execution phase of our operations; promote a safety culture across our workforce, suppliers and partners; ensure accidents and near-misses are reported and investigated thoroughly with appropriate corrective actions and lessons learned; and have our workforce trained in Health and Safety (H&S) for both a preventative and legacy measure. To achieve our goal and objectives, our H&S management strategy is focused around six key initiatives: Developing policies and procedures Incorporating H&S risk management Instilling a safety culture Establishing H&S reporting Managing contractors Reviewing and auditing the H&S programme (strategy, policies, guidance, infrastructure) Suppliers and partners shall be made aware of our safety approach through the contractor management process. Remediation and pollution control The Olympic Park site was formerly blighted by fly-tipping, poor water quality and little public access. The opportunity to clean-up this 245 hectares site in the Lower Lea Valley, much of it contaminated through decades of industrial use, was one of the key aspects of the London 2012 bid. The unprecedented clean-up began three years ago and has enabled construction to start on or ahead of schedule on all of the permanent Olympic Park venues. The cleaning and clearing of the Olympic Park utilised sustainable techniques to recycle and reuse more than 90 per cent of the demolition material and 80 per cent of soil on site. This significantly reduced lorry journeys in the local area as only a minimal amount of contaminated material was taken to landfill sites. As expected, industrial contamination on site included oil, petrol, tar, cyanide, arsenic and lead as well as some very low-level radioactive material. In line with Environment Agency guidance a small amount of soil containing traces of this very low-level radioactive material, classed as exempt under current environmental law, has been safely buried in a cell under a bridge embankment on site. It is covered and capped on all sides. This safe disposal has been approved by the Environment Agency and the legacy landowner, the London Development Agency, and in no way poses a risk to the health of the workforce or public now or in the future.


Further small pockets of contaminated material already identified and arising during the big build will be cleaned and reused on site wherever possible with minimal materials taken to registered landfills, such as the small amount (350 cubic metres) of non-hazardous soil containing traces of very low-level radioactive materials which has already been safely disposed of off site.


of contaminated soil has been cleaned and reused on site

Fact file: Cleaning and clearing the Olympic Park Nearly 3,000 soil investigations have been carried out into contamination on site since October 2006 with nothing unexpected uncovered subsequently. More than 200 buildings have been demolished with 97 per cent of the materials by weight recycled, well over the 90 per cent target. Nearly two million cubic metres of earth have been moved to form the platform for the Olympic Park big build. More than 80 per cent of 800,000 cubic metres of contaminated soil has been cleaned and reused on site, using innovative techniques including soil washing and bioremediation (large-scale composting). More than 90 million litres of contaminated groundwater which existed on the Olympic Park have been treated using innovative techniques including pumping out oil and ammonia, injecting compounds into the ground which generate oxygen which in turn breaks down harmful chemicals, and controlling the movement of groundwater to prevent contamination entering local rivers. Approximately seven hectares have been cleared of invasive Japanese Knotweed. Eight steel-framed buildings have been reclaimed for business reuse. More than 5km of riverbanks have been refurbished. 140 archaeology trenches have uncovered the prehistoric, Roman and Victorian history of the Olympic Park. Another major element of the rehabilitation of this site was the removal of 52 overhead electricity pylons. The removal of these pylons unlocked areas of the site so that construction work on new venues and infrastructure could take place. The project began in 2005 and was completed when the last overhead pylon on the Park was removed in December 2008. Power cables were rerouted into two 6km tunnels beneath the Park. This enabled the power needed for the Games, and for the communities that will live in the area after 2012, to be switched underground. The Olympic Park powerlines project was awarded the Project of the Year 2009 award by the Association for Project Management.


Air quality Air quality is traditionally one of the priority environmental considerations for the Olympic and Paralympic Movements in order to ensure the best possible conditions for athletes to compete in. For London 2012, air quality management has two levels of focus: Regional air quality levels determined by national and city level policies. Games-specific measures to optimise air quality in and around venues and to minimise additional or collateral impacts from Games transport and logistics in the host city. Regional air quality initiatives The Mayor of London has recently published his Air Quality Strategy for consultation. The Strategy will be published in its final form by autumn 2010. The draft Air Quality Strategy (2009) priority initiatives are: investment to boost cycling; expansion of smarter travel measures; encouraging the uptake of electric vehicles; converting Londons bus fleet to hybrid; raising public awareness to encourage all Londoners to take action to reduce their emissions, from travel choices to energy efficiency; and improving information for the most vulnerable Londoners to enable them to reduce the risk to their health from poor air quality. The draft strategy includes the following proposals that will contribute to air quality improvements before the Games: Cleaning up Londons taxis through a proposed age limit for taxis and minicabs starting from 2012. Regular events to encourage people to walk and cycle more. Reducing dust emissions from construction sites through best practice guidance and promoting its adoption through planning conditions. Scaling up schemes to retrofit homes and public buildings to improve energy efficiency and thereby reduce emissions. These are already being developed by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and boroughs through the Homes Energy Efficiency Programme for London. Games-specific air quality initiatives Preparation The ODA has prepared a Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) which sets out a series of objectives and measures to be applied in the construction of the Games venues and infrastructure and in the transformation of the Park after the Games. The CoCP is inclusive of all environmental management requirements and includes measures for minimising effects such as noise and vibration and dealing with pollution incidents. With regard to air quality, the Code of Construction Practice includes measures such as: Transporting 50 per cent of construction materials by weight to the Olympic Park by rail or water. Using ultra low-sulphur diesel for site vehicles, provided by an on-site facility. Applying an environmentally safe binder to piles of soil or material to minimise the amount of movement. Adding vegetation to stockpiles, helping to reduce dust blown by the wind. Applying water to materials during demolition. Hard-surfacing roads and enforcing strict speed limits of 15mph. Using wheel washers on site. Dampening down the site roads. The ODA is also currently undertaking a desk study to review the value for public money of retro-fitting on-site plant with particulate filters, in order to reduce particulate emissions.


Staging Games-time air quality management will focus on the following initiatives: London Best Practice Guidance Control of Dust and Emissions from Construction and Demolition (November 2006) will be applied at all venues for the erection and dismantling of temporary structures and overlay Ticketed spectators and workforce will travel to and from venues by public transport (except for those disabled people to whom public transport is inaccessible), or by walking and cycling see Transport section p73. All competition venues will be operated as low emissions venues at Games-time. All passenger vehicles (category M140) accredited to enter Games venues will need to meet at least Euro V emission standards with a stretch target of Euro VI. All light goods vehicles accredited to enter Games venues will need to meet at least Euro V emission standards. Larger vehicles, including lorries, buses and coaches will be covered by the requirements of the London-wide Low Emissions Zone in force at the time (expected to be Euro IV as of January 2012). The low emissions venue concept will extend to minimising emissions from fixed infrastructure, including temporary generators and cooling and refrigeration systems. LOCOG will work with its fuel partner BP and automotive partner BMW and main logistics partner UPS to seek low emission solutions for Games-time vehicle operations. Sustainable Food The quality of food provision is consistently highlighted as one of the critical issues for all user groups involved in the Games public, workforce, media, sponsors, VIPs, athletes and officials. London 2012 fully recognises the importance of this challenge and is committed to making food a positive part of the Games experience for everyone. It is an opportunity to celebrate and promote the variety and quality of British regional food. The food sector also has significant environmental, animal welfare, social and economic impacts which need to be understood and addressed. Our food vision for the Games is: To enhance everyones experience of the Games by celebrating the great diversity and quality of British food and drink, and delivering it at affordable prices. To leave a strong, sustainable legacy for London and the UK by nurturing commercial and educational partnerships. The delivery of this vision will need to be supported through developing innovative partnerships with Industry, education and training programmes, assurance systems and a pro-active communications plan. A separate London 2012 Food Vision41 is being issued in December 2009 and this will provide greater detail on the specific objectives and commitments based on five key themes: 1. Food safety and hygiene Ensure exemplary standards of food safety and hygiene at all Games venues Develop and apply robust traceability and assurance procedures Manage risk of targeted malicious contamination of food supply
Vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers and comprising no more than eight seats in addition to the drivers seat 41 London 2012 Food Vision will be available on the 2012 website soon


2. Choice and balance Celebrating diversity Catering for dietary and cultural requirements Quality, value and affordability Providing free drinking water Providing healthy and nutritious options for everyone Responsible drinking policy 3. Food sourcing and supply chains Product standards: to provide safe and nutritious food produced in a way that has a positive social and environmental impact. Benchmark standards and aspirational targets will be set for specific product types. Supply chain management: while the scale of the operation requires us to leverage the experience and resources of larger service providers, London 2012 is also committed to promoting diversity within the overall supply chain by including smaller producers and operators. 4. Environmental management Waste and packaging (see Waste chapter p33) Catering equipment (energy efficiency and reuse opportunities after the Games) Reducing and monitoring carbon emissions 5. Skills and education One of the main limitations on achieving high-quality operations in the hospitality sector is the transient nature of contract staff and minimal time for training. The Games offer a unique opportunity to improve the skill levels of a very large population of catering staff by requiring a minimum training, to include customer service (including Games-wide knowledge),health and food safety, nutrition and cultural awareness. A Food Advisory Group has been established to provide independent guidance and support to LOCOG, and any other London 2012 partner organisations involved in the delivery of Food and Beverage Services for the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. The group comprises representatives from the food and hospitality industry, regulators, NGOs and London 2012 commercial partners: Coca Cola, McDonalds and Cadbury. These companies are leaders in sustainability practices within the food service sector. As well as advising LOCOG on levels of sustainable catering delivery, group members will also work to encourage their respective parts of the industry to take up the challenges and raise the bar of what is both possible and viable. Sport participation and physical activity The Olympic and Paralympic Games represent the pinnacle of world sport. Hosting the Games will help the UKs best athletes achieve their potential and inspire every person, young and old, to take part in a range of sporting activities and to lead healthier, more active lives. Government set out its ambitions in its Legacy Action Plan Before, during and after: making the most of the London 2012 Games42. One of the Governments 5 promises for 2012 is to create a world-leading sporting nation. There are three headline ambitions: Elite Achievement 4th in Olympic Medal Table in 2012 and at least 2nd in Paralympic Medal Table in 2012. Inspiring young people through sport Offer 5 hours of sport per week for all 5-16 year olds by 2012 and 3 hours of sport per week for 16-19 year olds by 2012. Getting People more active Help at least 2 million people in England to be more active by 2012.


Responsibility for sports policy is devolved to each of the nations. Policies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland may differ


The BOA will be consulting with sport and the general public for their views on whether the desired legacy outcomes are being addressed. Elite sport UK Government ambitions for elite sport include the UK gaining at least fourth place in the Olympic medal table in 2012 and second in the Paralympic medal table in 2012. It is hoped that these results will be achieved through increased investment, including: Investment of 550m through the UK Sport World Class Performance Programme, supporting 1,235 able bodied and 234 disabled athletes. TASS (Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme) 1,000 athletes supported each year while at college or at university. AASE (Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence) helping athletes to gain knowledge and wider life skills to be successful. UK School Games 1,500 athletes competed in Bristol and Bath in 2008. Sports include athletics, badminton, fencing, gymnastics, hockey, judo, swimming and disability events in athletics, table tennis and swimming.


of children now doing two hours of PE per week

Sport participation Governments target is to increase regular sports participation by one million by 2012-13. In particular, this will involve the development of a worldleading community and school sport system. This will lead to more and better qualified coaches; more support for volunteers and a modern club network. By strengthening the sporting infrastructure we will widen opportunities, attract more people to participate in sport and improve the mechanisms to keep them inspire and active. Key outcomes include: Excel Improved talent development systems for each funded sport Sustain A 25 per cent reduction in participation drop-off between ages 16 and 18 in at least five sports by 2012/13 More people satisfied with the aspects of sport that are important to them Grow 1 million adults doing more sport by 2012-13 Delivery of the Five Hour Sport Offer engaging more 5-19 year olds in sport It is particularly important to engage young people in sport whilst still at school. The 2007/08 School Sport Survey showed that 90 per cent of children in England aged 5-16 are now doing at least two hours of sport a week. We are also putting competitive sport back on the agenda in schools. Almost three quarters of pupils now take part in house matches and leagues, and 97 per cent of schools held a competitive sports day in the last year. Further key achievements to date include: More than half a million more people playing regularly than in 2006. National School sports week Over 10,000 schools participated in 2009 with 3,000,000 children taking part.


Physical activity Government is committed to encouraging more physical activity throughout the country. The Department of Health-led Physical Activity Plan, Be Active, Be Healthy, published in February 2009, complements the above action on sport, focusing on: Encouraging Primary Care Trusts to invest more in physical activity. Healthier families a 75m social marketing campaign (Change 4 Life). Targeting the least active members of society, with 7m/year walking marketing campaigns. Removing barriers and creating incentives for people to engage in physical activity, such as the free swimming campaign for priority groups. Creating a better environment for physical activity, for example, encouraging cycling by providing 140m of funding to Cycling England and 11 new Cycling Demonstration towns. The benefits of the above commitments and investment are already being seen, with: 90 per cent of children now doing two hours of PE per week. British elite athletes are some of the best in the world demonstrated by the achievements in Beijing, the nine gold and two silver medals won at the recent World Cycling Championships in Manchester, and the 21 golds at the Paralympic World Cup. Swimming is the countrys most popular sporting activity. In April 2009, the free swimming offer for under-16s and over-60s was launched as part of the 2012 legacy commitment. The 140m funding is expected to give 20 million young and older people the chance to swim for free in participating pools across England. NHS London published its Go London strategy for an active and healthy London for 201243 in July 2009, setting out how NHS London, in partnership with other organisations, from public, private and third sectors, will lead a significant shift in physical activity behaviour in London. The strategy sets out ambitious targets: Lift 150,000 people out of inactivity by 2012 reducing the proportion of the population who exercise for 30 minutes less than one day per week. Have 300,000 people more active by 2012 increasing the number achieving three sessions of 30 minutes activity per week. Ensure 30,000 more people achieve the recommended level of exercise by 2012 (30 minutes of activity five times a week). In support of these, Go London will maintain focus on three key strategic objectives: Use the once in a lifetime opportunity for hosting the Games as a catalyst to generate a measurable and sustainable increase in physical activity participation among Londoners up to and beyond 2012. Ensure that the increase in participation in physical activity will contribute to narrowing the gap in health inequalities by ensuring that the entire system promotes physical activity. Ensure that the increase in physical activity is as common in the least active half of the population as in the highest. Physical activity is also being promoted through the London 2012 Active Travel Programme (see p73) and the Small Steps4Life project (see p83).

43 go-london!-an-active-and-healthy-londonfor-2012-and-beyond 64

Legacy facilities for community and elite sport and culture London 2012s legacy plans include event hosting, high performance and community sport, active recreation, play and sports tourism. The Olympic Park Legacy Company has now been set up and has identified the potential post Games sporting offer of the Olympic Park under six key headings outlined below: A great place for events: after hosting the greatest event in the world in 2012, the Olympic Park will be used to celebrate the Games memory through actively pursuing and hosting major events, from local and regional events to national and world-class sporting championships. A centre for high-performance sport: a legacy for high-performance sport can be cemented by encouraging elite and talented athletes (including podium, development and talent identification athletes) to train and compete in the five world-class sports venues to be retained on the Olympic Park. A resource for community sport: lasting benefits for local people and community sport across east London can be delivered through supporting local residents, clubs and teams, schools and universities to use venues and facilities, and can be boosted by coach training schemes and other initiatives that will embed the Olympic Park as the playing field of London. A focus for active recreation: the Olympic Park can have an impact on everyones lifestyle by providing opportunities for walking, jogging, informal play and sport, including the opportunity to try something new in a world-class setting. A place for play: through creating an environment in which formal and informal play is promoted and supported, the Olympic Park can boost healthier lifestyles, and enhance its offer to local communities and to families. A magnet for sports tourism: as part of the growing east London visitor economy, the Olympic Park can draw visitors not only through the events that it hosts, the memories that it holds and the attractions that it includes, but also through its offer as a place to get involved and try something new, whether for a day or longer. The publication of the Mayors Legacy Sports Plan for London, A Sporting Future for London, has committed 15.5m to community sport over the next three years, 7.5m of which will be invested in community sport facilities, and announced the establishment of the London Community Sports Board. The plan aims to deliver a grassroots sporting legacy from the 2012 Games by securing a sustained increase in participation in sport and physical activity among Londoners, and by using sport to assist in tackling social problems, including ill-health, crime, academic under-achievement and lack of community cohesion. The plans four key goals are to: Get more people active. Transform the sporting infrastructure. Build capacity and skills. Maximise the benefit of our sport to society. The Mayor has already begun to deliver on the plans commitments, launching Make A Splash in partnership with the Variety Club and other private and charitable organisations. Make A Splash will see two mobile swimming pools deployed in boroughs across London for 12 weeks at a time helping to combat the lack of swimming facilities in London.



Cross-cutting themes Vision: To embed sustainability in all planning and implementation.

Introduction and strategic approach Sustainability lies at the heart of every stage of the London 2012 programme. While we focus on five key themes Climate Change, Waste, Biodiversity, Healthy Living and Inclusion in this Sustainability Plan, there are many programme activities which relate to more than one theme. The three principal examples of this are illustrated below and described in detail in this chapter.

Programme element Planning and design

Climate change


Biodiversity Creation of new habitats on and around buildings


Healthy living

Environmentally efficient and climate-proofed design and construction

Using architecture and urban design to create inclusive places that boost cohesion and regeneration Maximising connectivity Accessibility standards Language services Signage Accommodating faith groups Environmental monitoring equipment Health and safety

Remediation of contaminated land

Venue environment management plans to include resource use (energy, water, materials), waste management, pollution monitoring (water and air quality), and impact on natural environment

Procurement and materials

Sourcing materials with low-embodied carbon

Minimising waste at source, promoting use of secondary materials

Policies on ecologically sensitive materials: such as timber, food and flowers

Ethical procurement and fair employment

Sourcing healthy materials and ensuring health and safety on site Active Travel Programme Low emission vehicles

Transport and logistics

Public Transport Games Freighting materials by rail and water Re-use of materials on-site to reduce off-site transportation Low emission vehicles

Accessible vehicles Games Mobility Service


Planning and design London 2012 will use a higher proportion of existing and temporary venues than in recent Games history. This minimises construction impacts and provides for a more sustainable legacy by avoiding building structures with no viable after-use. Environmental planning and monitoring Before work started on the Olympic Park site, an Environment Statement was produced as part of the formal planning application. This work looked at the likely significant effects of the Olympic Park project on the environment and the measures necessary to manage them. The statement considered issues such as air quality, noise, ecology, water quality, flooding and transport. Work was also undertaken to understand the existing environmental conditions on the site, including plant, animal, noise, water and air quality surveys. Before and during construction, measures have put in place to reduce the effects on the environment and the local community; these include monitoring of noise and dust and a 24-hour construction hotline44. There is more information about our environmental monitoring programme online45. Project specific targets determined from the ODAs Sustainable Development Strategy have been set for off-Park venues (for example, Weymouth, Broxbourne, Dorney Lake) to ensure they are relevant to the work being completed. Planning consent is also required for staging the Games at all venues. LOCOG has carried out a detailed scoping exercise to identify potential issues and is seeking screening opinions from local planning authorities to confirm the types of study and information required for formal planning applications. Some Games venues, even those that will be used on a temporary basis, will require a full Environmental Impact Assessment for example, Greenwich Park, the venue for Equestrian and Modern Pentathlon. In addition, LOCOG will provide a Sustainability Statement for all venues requiring planning consent. Venue Environmental Management Plans are required for the Olympic Park: these will be developed in time for Test Events in the summer of 2011 and finalised for submission to the Planning Decisions Team by December 2011. A similar approach will be adopted for other Games venues. 45 sustainability/environmental-monitoring/ monitoring-reports.php



Sustainable design Design plays a key role in delivering the 2012 vision through its representation in the built environment historic venues, streets, towns of the nation, temporary venues, live sites, existing venues and the Olympic Park and through brand representation and application. In particular, London 2012 aims to ensure that permanent Olympic Park venues will achieve a BREEAM rating of Excellent and that there is a Level 4 Code for Sustainable Homes rating in the Olympic Village. The LOCOG Design Strategy sets out a number of core principles and four key commitments: Design quality Brand and vision Sustainability Accessibility Following on from this, London 2012 has established three sustainable design aims, going beyond regulatory compliance, to ensure that the environmental and social impacts of the venue during its installation, testing and commissioning are taken into account from the outset: Zero harm the prevention of accidents and ill-health and the promotion of well-being for everyone involved in work for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and anyone who may be affected by that work. Leave no trace the prevention of permanent adverse impacts on the environment through design and environmental incidents during installation and deconstruction; and the promotion of environmental enhancement where possible. Zero waste to landfill the reduction of waste through design and good practice, and the maximisation of reuse and recycling of material in the construction and deconstruction process. The sustainable design requirements will provide the supporting framework for the outsourced design teams and Venues Project Managers to achieve the Design Strategys commitment to sustainability. As well as contributing to the sustainability of the venue, such measures should yield savings, either on capital costs and/or whole-life costs. Procurement and materials Sustainable sourcing is defined as the procurement of products and services with environmental, social and ethical issues in mind. Everyone plays a part in delivering London 2012s vision for a sustainable Games, but our suppliers and licensees will have a particularly significant role. To achieve our sustainability objectives for the Games, London 2012 is challenging suppliers and licensees to adopt, or further develop, practices based upon the following four principles: Responsible sourcing ensuring that products and services are sourced and produced under a set of internationally acceptable environmental, social, and ethical guidelines and standards. Use of secondary materials maximising the use of materials with reused and recycled content, minimising packaging and designing products that can either be reused or recycled. Minimising embodied impacts maximising resource and energy efficiency in the manufacturing and supply process in order to minimise environmental impacts. Healthy materials ensuring that appropriate substances and materials are used in order to protect human health and the environment.


Core principles of the LOGOG Sustainable Sourcing Code Labour practices Health and Safety Diversity and Inclusion Animal welfare and testing Animal and plant products Timber and timber products Publications and other printed materials Sustainability related certified products Reducing waste Recycled content Packaging Waste electrical and electronic equipment

Responsible sourcing

Use of secondary materials

Minimising embodied impacts

Environmental management Supply of products Transport Low-carbon Games

Healthy materials

Restricted substances and materials Heavy metals and brominated fire retardants

These principles are reflected in the ODAs Procurement Strategy and LOCOGs Sustainable Sourcing Code, which is now in its second edition. Most of LOCOGs sourcing activities to date have related to sponsorship deals, office-related services, merchandise licensing deals, and other spend relating to individual projects or events it has held. Challenging questions are being asked of industry. One such area relates to our desire to get greater transparency on where products are sourced and manufactured and the conditions that are in place at those locations. The Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex46) is a key tool to help achieve this in addition, LOCOG is asking questions of certain parts of the supply chain that have never been pushed in this way before. The majority of LOCOGs procurement activity will commence from mid-2010 and peak in the year leading up to the Games. In preparation for this, we have: introduced standard sustainability clauses in supply, merchandise licensing and sponsorship agreements and contracts; joined Sedex as an A Member47; implemented a prioritisation exercise to review all Games spend areas to identify sustainability risks and opportunities; developed and rolled out a procurement governance model whereby sustainability is one of the value for money criteria; and prepared a second edition of the Sustainable Sourcing Code. In future, we will: review our approach to supplier evaluation and supply chain assurance; appoint a panel of independent supply chain auditors; introduce a supply chain complaints and investigation mechanism; and review and identify key performance measures for our sourcing programme. 47 Sedex A membership is for retailers and brand-owners who are at the top of the supply chain. It is for companies who wish to: view data on their supply chain; run reports on their supply chain; and gain a complete overview of the trading relationships within their supply chain


Materials The selection of materials is a fundamental part of sustainable sourcing. A general policy statement has been agreed by the Olympic Board (see Materials Policy below). Materials Policy In May 2009, the Olympic Board agreed that London 2012 (the ODA and LOCOG and partners, contractors, representatives or organisations acting on their behalf, including sponsors) will employ and maintain a clear and consistent policy for mitigating the impacts of manufacture, supply, use and disposal of all materials for the London 2012 Games. London 2012 will regard the Olympic and Paralympic Games as an opportunity for sustainable procurement to inspire change, and a catalyst for industry innovation to occur, and will adopt rigorous approaches in order to achieve that. Decisions on which material or materials to use on a particular project will be taken on the basis of an assessment of a range of factors, including: Whether the identified use is necessary or merely desirable, and the extent to which the use could be minimised or excluded. Fitness for purpose, such as structural integrity, ease of use, installation and dismantling, water-proofing, etc. Cost and value for money. Environmental and social impacts across the whole life cycle, including the scope for potential harm to the environment and public health; the scope for recycling or re-use (with an emphasis on the importance of closed loop reuse and recycling options); the percentage of recycled content, and embodied carbon. Any wider implications or requirements affecting the use, such as the ability to print on, backlight and project onto a material. Availability and suitability of substitute materials, each of which shall be evaluated on the same criteria. Assessments shall also take account of the possibility and desirability of using a mix of materials for the same or similar solutions, especially where this offers greater opportunity to promote or promulgate sustainable procurement. In making decisions, London 2012 will remain mindful of the importance of reducing use of all materials and will seek to use materials which minimise environmental and social impacts. In the event that the balance of factors leads London 2012 to procure, lease or otherwise use a material which carries potentially adverse environmental or social impacts, at any stage in the manufacturing, supply, usage or disposal processes, they will seek to take all reasonable steps to mitigate those impacts (for example, through use of method statements, etc). Following the above general criteria, London 2012 has published two specific policies relating to material use: Use of PVC for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games48 Use Of HFCs for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games49 LOCOG has convened a Temporary Materials Forum to provide independent guidance on the choice of temporary materials for temporary venues and overlay50 for the Games. The London 2012 stakeholders will work with the Materials Forum to consider the scope to apply specifications for materials for the London 2012 Games to other organisations, including (but not limited to) the GLA Group and Government departments and agencies. use-of-pvc-policy.pdf 49 use-of-hfc-policy.pdf 50 The event-specific temporary installations required for the Games. It may be added to permanent or temporary venues and facilities, or it may be standalone. It includes temporary products (seating, tents, platforms, ramps, signage, Look of the Games, and furnishings such as wraps and carpet, etc) and services (electrical, mechanical, waste water, ventilation and air-conditioning). Note that these can be permanent as well, for example in the Olympic Village


The London 2012 stakeholders will also work with the Materials Forum to develop specifications for the use of other materials for the London 2012 Games which will address the respective social and environmental impacts of those materials. They will also work with the Forum to review, update and agree these and other materials specifications, as appropriate. A significant number of temporary facilities and materials will be required for London 2012 more so than previous Games. Selection of the materials and components used to create overlay and where they go afterwards is crucial in respect to sustainability. However, there is no recent precedent for a temporary event on this scale and complexity in respect to sustainability. A Temporary Materials Handbook is in development which aims to provide guidance to the client, design and procurement teams on how to manage the sustainability impacts of materials selection. The Handbook will focus on how to select materials with the following hierarchy of objectives in mind: Zero waste to landfill Protect human health and the environment Minimise embodied energy The Temporary Materials Handbook has been developed in collaboration with Atkins, LOCOGs official engineering design services provider, and will be fully rolled out to temporary venues and overlay design teams during 2010. LOCOG will also work with its partners and key stakeholders to establish whether opportunities exist to promote and take forward its approach to temporary materials outside of the Games. Timber A Timber Supplier Panel has been established for the Olympic Park to support the commitment to source 100 per cent of timber from legal and sustainable sources as defined by CPET and in line with Government policy. To date, all timber used in the construction of the Olympic Park meets this commitment. The ODA received the Achievement in Sustainability Award at the 2009 Timber Trade Journal Awards for the set up and management of the Timber Supplier Panel. LOCOGs Sustainable Sourcing Code states that the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification scheme is approved for the purposes of both Legal Timber and Sustainable Timber. Where it can be robustly demonstrated that it is not possible to supply items from FSC-certified sources, then timber and timber products that can be verified with appropriate documentation in respect to their origin and legality are acceptable.


Transport and logistics The first edition of the London 2012 Transport Plan was issued in October 2007. A second edition is currently in preparation alongside which there will be a separate Sustainable Transport publication. Sustainability is a key part of the transport strategy. As part of the development of the first edition of the Transport Plan, the ODA undertook a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The purpose of the SEA was to ensure that environmental impacts were taken into consideration at the earliest opportunity. In particular it covered areas such as climate change, air quality, and noise related to the transport plan. The SEA will be formally reviewed and updated and published alongside the second edition in autumn 2010. London 2012s approach to sustainable transport seeks to: encourage 100 per cent of spectators and workforce to travel to London venues by the most sustainable modes, namely public transport, walking or cycling; encourage long-distance domestic and near continental visitors (including teams and officials) to use rail rather than air transport; minimise the carbon emissions and impacts on air quality generated by the transport arrangements; and leave a transport legacy after the Games in terms of behaviours and practices. To support this aim, spectators and accredited members of the Games Family will receive free travel on Londons public transport system on the day of the event for all events in the London area. There will be no private car parking for spectators at any venue, except for some Blue Badge parking. Strict parking controls will be implemented on a temporary basis around each venue to support this strategy. For details of emission standards see Air Quality section p60 and Climate Change chapter p15.


of walking and cycling route improvements within London

Active Travel Programme London 2012 aims to encourage spectators to use more sustainable forms of transport including forms of active travel. This is being achieved through delivery of a walking and cycling physical infrastructure upgrade programme to existing cycle paths. ODA investment in walking and cycling infrastructure includes 80km of walking and cycling route improvements within London, and 20km outside London, to be delivered by December 2011. The Active Travel Programme will provide information to promote walking and cycling during the Games for spectators and workforce. This will: help to reduce the carbon impact of transport provision; provide a healthy journey option; create an additional sustainability experience for Games visitors; and assist in reducing demand for public transport in peak periods.


Transport infrastructure The ODA and its partners have also invested heavily in other infrastructure projects which are expected to contribute to longer-term reduction in carbon emissions through potential mode shift. The London 2012 transport infrastructure enhancements will increase capacity, improve reliability and will be delivered and used before the Games and will remain long after 2012 to provide a lasting benefit.


Stratford Regional Station upgrade, now 80 per cent complete

The investments fall into three main categories: Enhancing transport projects such as co-funding part of the new fleet of trains for the Docklands Light Railway. Enabling projects to be started and finished before 2012 that would not otherwise materialise until some time after that date. Directly managing and delivering transport projects for example, Stratford Regional Station upgrade, now 80 per cent complete. The Stratford Regional Station upgrade programme is now part of London Undergrounds sustainable stations initiative, which includes trials of new and innovative carbon reduction technologies. Examples of technologies include efficiency measures on escalators and the use of foot-fall from passengers to harness electrical energy. Using Transport for London climate change funding, it is planned to install automatic metering (AMR) at Stratford with a Building Energy Management System (BEMS) that will allow for the automatic/remote control of lighting, heating and other power consuming assets (such as escalators). The ODA has also considered renewable energy options for West Ham Olympic gateway station. There are plans to integrate energy harvesting units into staircases at West Ham to provide lighting. Work such as increasing the capacity of the DLR by 50 per cent and increasing from two to three car platform lengths will reduce carbon emissions per passenger/km in addition to providing a transport link from south of the river to Stratford for employment and leisure opportunities. Other sustainability improvements include: A Transport Coordination Centre (TCC) has been established, integrating UK-wide operators of transport modes to improve journey times and information. The Accessible Transport Plan has been completed and ODA Transport is working with key stakeholders on the agreement of infrastructure improvements with London Underground and Network Rail. ODA Transport is currently engaging with academic experts in public health and contributing to a longitudinal study into the health benefits of the intervention of the ODA-funded transport improvements. These improvements will play a significant role in the regeneration of east London and leave a wider positive transport legacy.


Logistics Transport is not all about the movement of people. As the worlds largest logistical peace-time event, the movement of goods and materials plays a massive part in delivering the Games. The ODAs logistics programme has been underpinned by a wide range of sustainability criteria covering a diverse range of projects from the delivery management system, procurement of aggregates and concrete, supply of low-sulphur diesel, provision of wharfs and marshalling yards, promoting cycling to work, provision of a community operated bus service to all projects on site in order to support the private car ban for workers on site and the promotion of public transport, consolidated waste management programme to healthy catering on site etc. The specifics are included under different and relevant themes throughout the document. The major investment in infrastructure and facilities by logistics on site to support sustainable construction targets has also been accompanied by a programme of activities on site including cycle route maps, cycle to work days with cycle mechanics available to service bikes, the provision of 400 cycle parking bays, and healthy eating events. Sustainability is integral to the delivery of the Games logistics operations. In partnership with UPS, the official logistics and express delivery supporter, LOCOG will undertake the following initiatives: Development of a Logistics Sustainability Plan, including specifications for emission standards for commercial vehicles to provide an integrated approach to venue logistics services, warehousing services and the transportation network of vans and lorries that links them. Operation of the Games Logistics and Command Centre to manage all Games transportation and logistical operations. LOCOG is committed to maximising the use of rail and river freight at the Olympic Park for the Games. However, this will be a major challenge due to the varied nature of the Games-time supply chain and the time pressures within which it operates.



Partnerships and outreach Vision: Engaging people within their own environments and communities through dialogue, practical projects and a wide range of sport and cultural activities.

Introduction and strategic approach One of the unique aspects of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games lies in the way they can touch so many people in different walks of life. Beyond sport, the Games inspire activities in a wide range of cultural, educational, research, environmental and business spheres locally, nationally and internationally. With such a reach, the Games provide a uniquely powerful platform from which to communicate messages about sustainability and to showcase its relevance, and ultimately its simplicity, to vast numbers of people. There are great expectations of London 2012: not only was sustainability flagged as a major element of the bid, there is also a societal expectation that these Games will mark a step change in sustainability performance. This goes beyond merely delivering against technical commitments in the bid. It is in keeping with the mood of the time and the sense that this is the moment when sustainability must come into sharper focus for everyone. The core promise of the London 2012 Games as expressed in the final bid presentation to the IOC in Singapore in 2005 is to connect young people to sport and the Olympic and Paralympic values. This is a value-driven agenda and to achieve this important change will require the combined efforts of people and organisations from many different sectors: culture, education, sport, businesses, media, public bodies and the third sector. Sustainability is a common thread across each of these areas. In this chapter, we describe how we are using these different channels to promote, showcase and inform our sustainability agenda. Commitments Stakeholder engagement After undertaking a detailed review of its engagement mechanisms with sustainability organisations, London 2012 has put two main streams of engagement work into operation: Reactive programme system to handle questions and enquiries relating to sustainability issues. Proactive programme complementary mechanisms to facilitate dialogue and engagement with stakeholders to involve them in the delivery of sustainable Games and to share best practice. Technical working groups London 2012 is committed to working with specialist organisations and individual experts to help develop technical guidance and strategies for the sustainability programme. This will be achieved through a number of specific technical advisory groups and fora. Local environment programme London 2012 will develop community-based projects in the Host Boroughs surrounding the Olympic Park to improve local environmental quality and to build a sense of local involvement in the Games.


Sponsors Most London 2012 commercial partners are expected to include sustainability as part of the activation of their partnership. This may include: Employee engagement (for example, volunteering activities) Promotional materials and activities Specific sustainability projects relevant to their category Sustainability Partners London 2012 has created an additional marketing rights designation of Sustainability Partner. This is limited to a maximum of six companies who will work with the Organising Committee to implement and promote sustainability initiatives associated with the Games. The collective reach of these companies through their employees, customers and supply chains is considerable. The focus on sustainability is a powerful message to convey to these large stakeholder groups. The added benefit is that while the specific Games-related sustainability initiatives may be temporary, the positive impacts on sponsors and their constituents can be much more long-lasting. The designation Sustainability Partner is reserved for companies which: supply products essential to the staging of the Games and which provide significant benefits in relation to sustainability, both within the context of the 2012 Games and generally, and assist London 2012 in achieving its sustainability goals; and agree to focus their partnership activation (promotional activities) on sustainability themes, including participation in specific London 2012 sustainability projects. Each Sustainability Partner will develop its own sustainability project(s) for London 2012. In addition, as a group of partners, they will seek to operate in three ways: Joint sustainability projects, including sustainability showcasing Exchanging best practices Advocacy support The ambition of the Sustainability Partners is to work together, with London 2012, to inspire a step change in the way sustainability is perceived and delivered. While the specific focus of this will be on the Games, the intended legacy of behaviour change is much wider. Details of the Sustainability Partners individual and collective projects to activate the sustainability programme will be finalised in the first half of 2010, allowing a full two-year period for implementation and promotion up to and including the Games. Sustainability ambassadors London 2012 sees the 15,000 Olympic and Paralympic athletes as critical ambassadors for healthy living. A number of athletes and leading sustainability advocates will be recruited to add weight to promoting the sustainability programme, particularly during the final year preceding the Games.


Media and broadcasters For most people their contact with the Games is through TV. The broadcasters have the greatest reach of any Olympic and Paralympic stakeholder. They are also a major component of the Games infrastructure and have potentially significant impacts on the planning and fitting out of venues. LOCOG will work with the network broadcasters, including the IOCs Olympic Broadcasting Services to achieve two objectives: to minimise their carbon emissions and other sustainability impacts in delivering Games broadcasting; and to support the communication of the London 2012 sustainability story to help inform and influence vast audiences. Education Get Set London 2012s education programme will be a vital part of sustainability communications and outreach strategy. Education will be one of the principal means for us to inspire young people throughout the UK and across the world. Sustainability will be applied through specific education modules, as well as being integral to the programme as a whole. Cultural Olympiad The London 2012 Cultural Olympiad51, which began in 2008, is a UK-wide cultural programme that is harnessing the power of the Games to inspire creativity across all forms of culture, especially among young people. It is designed to give everyone a chance to be part of the Games and to leave a lasting cultural legacy beyond 2012. Projects ranging across film, music, theatre, festival and outdoor spaces will be launched throughout 2010. These projects provide a unique opportunity to promote sustainability in different and fresh ways to new audiences. London 2012 will approach this in the following ways: Opportunities will be sought to embed sustainability messages into Cultural Olympiad projects. All Cultural Olympiad projects will be made aware of London 2012s emphasis on sustainability and expected to follow our Sustainability Guidelines for Corporate and Public Events where applicable. Achievements Details of London 2012s stakeholder and community engagement initiatives are given in the Inclusion chapter, see p47. The following section outlines the principal ways in which sustainability is being built into programmes and outreach initiatives. Technical working groups A number of specialist topic working groups and expert panels have already been established (for example, for advising and developing plans on biodiversity, carbon footprinting, waste management, temporary materials, sustainable food, active travel and access). These bring together representatives from NGOs, academia, social enterprises, public authorities, businesses, and London 2012 commercial partners.


To find out more about the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad visit culture 79

Technical working group Carbon

Remit Advise London 2012 on technical and strategic aspects of carbon footprinting and climate change mitigation Advise and support LOCOG in development and implementation of the Waste and Resource Management Strategy and related strategies and action plans Advise and support LOCOG and other delivery organisations in respect to assessing, sourcing and specifying temporary materials in respect to sustainability Advise and support LOCOG in development, implementation and promotion of Food Vision and related strategies and action plans

Progress to date Established March 2008 Reviewed and agreed methodology for carbon footprinting the Games Established November 2008 Advised on initial scoping review and approach to developing the Waste and Resource Management Strategy

Future activities and key milestones Review progress, advise on emerging issues and support promotion of carbon footprint methodology Continue advisory role and support roll out of strategy and support specific actions/ workstreams

Waste and resource management

Temporary materials

Established February 2009 Continue advisory role and support delivery of the Advised on how to Temporary Materials Handbook approach temporary and support actions relating to materials in respect to specific materials sustainability Established March 2009 Seven sub-groups worked on product standards for different food types Informed development of London 2012 Food Vision Continue advisory role and support the development of the London 2012 Active Travel Programme Continue advisory role Continue advisory role and support roll out of Food Vision and development of sustainable food supply chains


Active travel

Advise and support London Established in 2007 2012 in development and implementation of walking and cycling initiatives for the London 2012 Games. Advise and support LOCOG in development implementation and promotion of biodiversity conservation initiatives Management group To steer the direction of the programme, help allocate the budget, and aid decision making Stakeholder group To act as an informal advisory and liaison body for the programme and bring new ideas from outside the management group Established April 2006 Developed portfolio of projects to complement and support core Games programme Established June 2009 Developed business plan including communications plan and critical success factors Established March 2007 Informed initial development of Local Environment Programme. Helped establish the five working groups


Changing Places

Continued steering of the programme and support in the extension of the programme beyond the five host boroughs in east London Ongoing informal advice and liaison of the programme and support to the five working groups


Changing Places programme The London 2012 Changing Places programme (formerly the Local Environment programme) is using the Games as the catalyst for improving local environment quality in some of the most deprived communities that surround the Olympic Park and other Games venues. Launched in March 2009, Changing Places is working with a range of stakeholders to help promote existing initiatives and develop and deliver a range of new projects. The objectives of the programme are: To secure lasting environmental benefits To enable communities to develop new interests and learn new skills To promote sustainable communities and lifestyles The programme is structured into a small steering group, a stakeholder group consisting of more than 40 organisations, and working groups developing projects around five themes. The five working groups are: Green and Beautiful aesthetic improvements, such as open space enhancement; Clean and Safe addressing the negative aspects of our local neighbourhoods, such as graffiti; Participation providing local people with opportunities to improve their own neighbourhoods; Partners of the Community levering in the skills and people resources of the London 2012 commercial partners; and Community Resource providing the tools for the local community to lead their own improvements.


grants of up to 1,000 will be given to community groups for the purchase of tools, plants or materials

During 2009 a range of projects have been delivered within each of the working groups. Highlights include: Victoria Dock Road local food growing Changing Places was given the use of a vacant plot of land in Canning Town in the London Borough of Newham, where a block of flats had been demolished. Working with a range of stakeholders, a grow bag allotment was created using large builders sacks of soil. The plots have been given to a combination of local residents and community groups. One-day events During 2009, a series of events was created to enable the community to volunteer their time. Working in partnership with Lea Valley Regional Park Authority and Thames21, a range of environmental improvements were made to the Lea Valley Park and the waterways that surround the Olympic Park. During the course of the events more than 1,000 volunteer hours were built up. Community Fund A small grants programme has been created to enable communities surrounding the Olympic Park to apply for small pots of money to undertake their own environmental improvements. Grants of up to 1,000 will be given to community groups for the purchase of tools, plants or materials, for example, that will help lead to community-driven environmental improvements. Subject to further funding, the fund will be extended beyond the five Host Boroughs.


Sustainability Partners The first London 2012 Sustainability Partner was announced in July 2007: EDF Group. The sixth and final Sustainability Partner, BMW was announced in November 2009. The six London 2012 Sustainability Partners are: BMW BP BT Cisco EDF GE BT is sponsoring the Legacy Playing for Success Centre, a high tech learning centre just outside the Olympic Park which will be moved on site after the Games to provide an ongoing learning environment harnessing the power of sport to engage people in education. Building on the success of its 2012 Carbon Challenge campaign in the UK EDF Energy has launched Team Energy, an advice programme helping people to reduce their home energy carbon footprint by up to 20%. EDF Energy aims to use its London 2012 Sustainability Partner designation to encourage millions of people to take daily action in the fight against climate change. July 2009 EDF Energy launched an annual Green Britain Day, designed as a focal point for people to take daily action towards a low-carbon lifestyle and inspire the nation to work together to lower the countrys carbon footprint by the time the Games arrive. In June 2009, GE announced plans to donate 4.8m ($8m) worth of medical equipment, including foetal monitors, incubators and MR scanner, to Homerton University Hospital in Hackney, east London. The donation is part of a GE Healthcare programme, healthymagination, using innovative technology to improve healthcare around the world. Sustainability ambassadors In June 2009, James Cracknell (double Olympic Champion, rowing) was appointed as London 2012s first athlete Sustainability ambassador. His role includes providing advice on sustainability issues from an athletes perspective; liaising with London 2012s Athletes Committee; and promoting the London 2012 sustainability story via media interviews, articles, presentations and attending specific events.


Education Get Set, the London 2012 education programme, aims to involve children and young people in the excitement and inspiration of the Games. Sustainability underpins all aspects of the education programme, while two of the eight strands directly link to the London 2012 Sustainability programme: Sustainability and Regeneration, and Healthy and Active Lifestyles. Examples of projects: SmallSteps4life52 aims to motivate and support young people (aged 5 to 16) across the UK to take small achievable everyday steps to eat well, get active and feel good. We believe this is the first initiative that supports young peoples physical and emotional wellbeing. It is part of the London 2012 Inspire programme and also sits within the Healthy and Active Lifestyles strand of the Get Set education programme. The Pod53 is an EDF Energy activation to encourage schools to be greener as part of the Sustainability and Regeneration strand of the Get Set education programme. Schools are encouraged to undertake activities in four areas: energy, water, waste and transport, with the aim of inspiring and educating young people to live more sustainable lifestyles at home, in school and in their communities. BP Trading Challenge LOCOG is working with BP to run enterprise workshops in each of the UKs nations and regions over the next year. The BP Trading Challenge will enhance learning, whilst also increasing knowledge and understanding of the Olympic and Paralympic values. BT Coaching for Life this is a web enabled scheme to promote coaching as an essential life skill, relevant to many aspects of life as well as sports. The aim is to turn the UK into a nation of coaches by skilling adults (particularly parents) so they can help young people unlock and develop their talents. Cultural Olympiad Major Projects At the heart of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad are the Major Projects that encompass a wide range of culture from art to music and theatre. LOCOG works closely with the Government and the Mayor of London, along with a network of partner organisations such as the Arts Councils, BBC, MLA (Museums, Libraries and Archives Council), Regional Development Agencies and national and regional arts organisations across the UK. Projects that have already launched include: Stories of the World54 is a series of 14 major exhibitions in more than 50 leading museums, galleries and libraries across the UK, which will see the cultures of the world understood and interpreted in new ways. This project began in April 2009 with the MLA and will involve young people of all backgrounds, from every part of the UK, becoming curators of the collections and objects held in participating museums, libraries and archives. Unlimited55 is a project that uses the power of the 2012 Games to profile the creative talents and ambitions of disabled and deaf people. In partnership with the UK Arts Councils and British Council, Unlimited will incorporate a series of major commissions for disabled and deaf artists and organisations as well as providing workshops, mentoring, career and training advice. It will also be developed internationally, and will work with a consortium of arts, cultural and disability organisations across the UK to deliver an exciting and dynamic programme of events, festivals and showcases. LOCOG is developing Unlimited in partnership with the national Arts Councils. This project is part-funded by the Olympic Lottery Distributor using National Lottery funds. 54 55
52 53


Artists Taking The Lead56 is a project which allows artists to dream up inspirational ideas for 2012 and to use the nation as a blank canvas, showcasing the UKs creativity to the world. It is an open submission scheme on an unprecedented scale: across the UK over 2,000 ideas were submitted that showcase sustainability from the reuse and recycling of energy and materials to raising awareness of environmental/social issues and opportunities. A total of 5.4m has been awarded to 12 major new works of art which were announced in October 2009. Arts Council England and other national Arts Councils run this project.


awarded to 12 major new works of art

Open Weekend57 Following the success of its 2008 launch, London 2012 Open Weekend returned in 2009 to celebrate art, culture, sport, and everything that makes up the London 2012 Games. In 2009 there were 23 sustainability-focused projects in total, with all projects being encouraged to consider sustainability through the London 2012 top ten tips for sustainable events. The three-day celebration featured 800 events held by around 500 organisations across the UK, from ballet to beach volleyball! Fifty-seven events taking place as part of London 2012 Open Weekend were recognised with the London 2012 Inspire mark, with thousands of people enjoying the chance to do something different, to try something new, inspired by London 2012. Open Weekend 2010 will take place on 23-25 July. Inspire projects The London 2012 Inspire Programme offers non-commercial organisations the opportunity to be part of it, recognising projects and events that are truly inspired by London 2012. The objective of the programme is to get the whole of the UK pushing beyond their personal best and our strategy to achieve this is to build a grassroots network of people, communities and organisations inspired by the 2012 Games to do something exceptional. The Inspire Programme has six strands: sport, education, volunteering, business opportunities, sustainability and culture. Inspire projects with a culture theme are officially recognised as part of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. The Inspire programme58 is open to non-commercial organisations that have created innovative and exceptional initiatives and events inspired by London 2012. Successful projects will be able to carry the Inspire mark on their publicity material and benefit from marketing and communications support. So far, there are more than 300 projects on the programme. Each one is encouraged to consider its sustainability implications and opportunities via the London 2012 Sustainability Guidelines for Corporate and Public Events. open-weekend 58

56 57


Inspire programme: case studies Medley Mix-up This Open Weekend project involved dressing the Southampton Bargate Monument with materials from Southampton Scrapstore, a registered charity which recycles surplus paper and goods from local businesses to provide low-cost art and craft materials to the community. Lakes Alive Lakes Alive is a new programme of high quality street arts events and festivals across the Lake District and Cumbria which has been running since May 2009. This project aims to inspire, ambitious outdoor animation which will touch people from all walks of life. The programme is working to the principles of BS 8901 Sustainability Management System for Events. It will leave a strong and lasting legacy and enable Cumbria, and the North-West, to truly connect with and benefit from the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Community Pride in Canning Town North The local community used the London 2012 Games as inspiration to improve their local area through a day of activities including litter picking and the design and construction of a Games-inspired mural. Jubilee Greenway Project In celebration of the Queens Diamond Jubilee and the London 2012 Games, the Jubilee Walkway Trust has developed the concept of a new 60km (35 mile) Jubilee Greenway59 circling inner London. This project should help see more Londoners walking and cycling. Great British Garden Competition The Minister for the Olympics, Tessa Jowell, the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and London 2012 launched The Great British Garden Competition60 in April 2009. The challenge for the entrants into the adults and childrens category was to design a garden that celebrated British culture and environment.

59 60 85


Governance and reporting

Introduction and strategic approach When the first edition of the London 2012 Sustainability Plan was published, governance and reporting arrangements were at an early stage in development. Now the principal architecture of the London 2012 programme is well established but there will continue to be changes. This chapter sets out: The management and integration of the sustainability programme. The measurement and reporting of performance. How assurance will be provided to external stakeholders Management arrangements Members of the Olympic Board take joint responsibility for championing sustainability within their respective organisations, and across the London 2012 programme. Figure 3 overleaf sets out the overall governance structure. The Olympic Board is supported by the Olympic Board Steering Group (OBSG). This, in turn, sits above the London 2012 Sustainability Group, which comprises senior representatives from London 2012 and the London 2012 stakeholders, together with other relevant Government departments and the British Paralympic Association. The Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 (CSL) also attends some meetings but not for all items. From January 2010, the London 2012 Sustainability Group will be cochaired by the Mayors London 2012 Advisor and the Sustainability Director from Defra having previously been chaired just by the former. They are responsible for ensuring that sustainability is represented at the OBSG and in other senior-level policy discussions across the London 2012 programme. Ad hoc sub-groups are occasionally formed to bring together relevant members of the London 2012 Sustainability Group and other technical experts to consider specific issues. This was the case when developing the London 2012 policy statements on the use of PVC and HFCs (see p71) and in determining the final details of the carbon management strategy.


Figure 3 Olympic Board Chair of LOCOG Minister for the Olympics

(Joint Chair)

Externally via website Chair of BOA

Mayor of London
(Joint Chair)

ODA Chair

Met Police Commissioner

OPLC Chair

Minister for Sport


Olympic Board Steering Group Government Olympic Executive Director General


ODA Chief Executive

BOA Chief Executive

Mayors Advisor, London 2012 Olympic Lottery Distributor Chief Executive

LOCOG Chief Executive

Home Office Director General

BPA Chief Executive

OPLC Chief Executive LOCOG Communications Director

Commission for aSustainable London2012

Oversight of the sustainableaspects of the London 2012 Programme. Provision of assuranceto theOlympic Board and external stakeholders

Communities and Local Government Director

Department for Transport Director

2012 Sustainability Group

Role: Coordinates internal and external stakeholder engagement in relation to all sustainability and environmental issues. Shares best practice across the programme andowns Sustainability Plan.

Meets every three months.



Integration In February 2009, London 2012 published its Sustainability Guidelines for Corporate and Public Events (such as conferences, cultural events and promotional launches). These have been developed primarily for our internal event organisers and those involved in delivering London 2012 corporate and public events, such as venue managers, suppliers, licensees, commercial partners and media organisations. The guidelines will be kept updated following event experience and feedback.


The GLA is working towards applying the standard to all of its Games-related events, with the ambition that its use will be rolled out across the GLA Group by 2012. Within the delivery organisations, sustainability is being fully incorporated into internal management systems. These include project and venue management, information management, procurement, finance, human resources, management review and internal audit arrangements. Specific management system commitments and targets are shown in the table below. Lead ODA Outcome measures Operate management system which is in compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and British Standards on Sustainability Management Operate sustainability management systems (SMS) which are in compliance with the requirements of BS 8901:2009 Specification for a sustainability management system for events Target Compliance Progress commentary The ODA has developed an integrated Environment and Sustainability Management System, which has been externally audited and certified to ISO 14001 LOCOG BS 8901 compliance has been initially reviewed as part of an internal Sustainability Governance Review undertaken by LOCOG Risk Assurance. Several recommendations have been made to bring the SMS into greater alignment with the standard. ODA Transport about to commence gap analysis review Target met in all relevant reports to date Next steps Continual monitoring and review

LOCOG ODA Transport


Implementation of recommendations from assurance reports Achieve third-party verification of compliance by 2012


No significant issues identified No red as a result of thematic and or amber annual reviews undertaken ratings* by the Commission for a Sustainable London 2012

Continue to achieve target Implementation of key CSL recommendations

* In the event of any red or amber ratings being recorded, London 2012 will put in place an action plan to address the issue(s) raising, as appropriate, to the London 2012 Sustainability Group, which will provide advice and consider the case for elevating the issue to the Olympic Board Steering Group. City Operations We can anticipate that many visitors to the London 2012 Games will spend more time in the host city and country than attending Olympic or Paralympic events in venues. It is therefore important that the principles and messages of this Plan are integrated into the planning and delivery of key services in London and the other host towns and cities across the UK, through the emerging multi-agency City Operations programme. The City Operations programme is in the early stages of development. Further detail on how sustainability is being incorporated into the programme will be included in the annual progress reports on this plan.


Key stakeholders The British Olympic Association and ParalympicsGB are committed to the sustainability agenda. As London 2012 stakeholders, both organisations will vigorously support the implementation of this Sustainability Plan and contribute to this agenda in their capacity as the National Olympic and Paralympic Committees for Great Britain and Northern Ireland. They will use their influence to promote sustainability to their partners, member National Governing Bodies and athletes. The BOA and ParalympicsGB are cooperating in their approaches, and sustainable operational plans. Both organisations aim to finalise a sustainability policy and strategy by summer 2010. Measurement and reporting Event standards London 2012 has been a key inspiration behind the development of BS 8901 (2007, revised 2009) Specification for a Sustainability Management System for Events. This new standard has already become an important driver for continual improvement within the event management industry and London 2012 will continue to work with BSI, venue owners/managers and major suppliers to encourage its application across the sector. Additionally, London 2012 is supporting the development of BS 8901 into an ISO standard. As an event sector standard BS 8901 is particularly relevant to LOCOG and ODA Transport, both of whom are committed to working towards compliance with the standard and will seek third party verification before the end of 2011. The GLA is working towards applying the standard to all of its Gamesrelated events, with the ambition that its use will be rolled out across the GLA Group by 2012. During 2010, Defra will be leading Government work to build awareness and uptake of the standard within the event and waste management industry. To complement the application of BS 8901 procedures, London 2012 has published its own Sustainability Guidelines for Corporate and Public Events61. These will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. Reporting The London 2012 Sustainability Group reports annually on the performance measures used in assessing achievement against this Plan. A select number of key performance measures and targets are reported quarterly to the OBSG. Other key sustainability issues are raised by exception. Event reporting Sustainability reporting is relatively new to sport events and events generally. Notable publications in recent years have covered the following major events: Turin Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games, 2006 FIFA World Cup, Germany, 2006 Euro 2008, Switzerland and Austria, 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, UNEP, 2008 Vancouver Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, 2010 annual reports London 2012 with support from Defra has embarked on a project with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)62 to develop an event sector supplement to GRIs internationally recognised sustainability reporting standard. This project commenced in 2009 and is scheduled for late 2011. Other participating partners in the project include the IOC, UEFA and the environment departments from the governments of Austria and Switzerland.

London 2012 Sustainability Guidelines for Events 62 GRI is a network-based organisation that has pioneered the development of the worlds most widely used sustainability reporting framework and is committed to its continuous improvement and application worldwide


We will develop our future sustainability reports to align with this new GRI reporting framework. This will enable London 2012s last annual sustainability report before the Games to be issued according to this format in late 2011 or early 2012. To ensure that there is a continuous record of achievement against each commitment, and in advance of the introduction of the GRI format, we will repeat the process of collating a report card against which current progress for all the commitments in the London 2012 Sustainability Plan will be reported. This will be published on the London 2012 website in early 2010. Assurance London 2012 believes that the unique nature of the Games and the increasing profile of sustainability require an innovative and flexible approach to assurance focused on delivery and outcomes. This goes beyond conventional certification schemes, which are predicated on the need to follow prescribed approaches or specific requirements but which do not in themselves inform on performance. To fulfil this need for credible, outcome-based assurance on the sustainability of the London 2012 programme, an independent Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 has been established. This fulfils one of the principal sustainability commitments in the London 2012 bid and is the first time an independent assurance mechanism has been set up in this way, representing a major advance in ensuring transparent reporting on the Games. The Commissions findings and recommendations are presented to the Olympic Board and made publicly available via its website63. London 2012 responds to the Commissions recommendations by altering the work programme, adjusting procedures or governance, or creating policies as appropriate. Thus far, the Commission has made more than 80 key recommendations through annual, governance and thematic reviews. The Commission tracks progress against recommendations it has made and reports progress quarterly to the Olympic Board. The Commissions 2009 Annual Review will include a progress report, and will be available in April 2010. Impact evaluation In addition to our performance against stated objectives, we are also interested in the effects of our activities, especially the legacies they generate. In 2001, the IOC initiated work to develop an impact evaluation study of the Games: the Olympic Games Impact Study (OGI). This is based on monitoring a range of environmental, social and economic indicators over a 12-year span covering the entire Olympic and Paralympic project in a Host City, Region and Country. The OGI study is being coordinated by LOCOG in partnership with the Economic and Social Research Council. In 2008, Economic and Social Data Services at Essex University were commissioned to produce an Initial Situation Report drawing on publicly available data sources to provide the contextual situation in east London, Greater London and the UK. All data from the OGI study will be lodged with the UK Data Archive at Essex University. A second phase, the Pre-Games Report, is due to be completed in autumn 2010. This is being carried out by a consortium led by the University of East London. All other current Olympic and Paralympic Host Cities are also undertaking the OGI study in their respective cities and countries. In time this will create a valuable international research resource.

63 91

OGI is primarily a data gathering exercise. Real impact evaluation is a complex undertaking to identify causal effects attributable to particular activities. In the case of London 2012, some impacts are immediate, some effects play out in the pre-Games period and others will not be revealed for several years. The UK Government is committed to undertaking a comprehensive impact evaluation of the 2012 Games. The overall evaluation and research programme is being coordinated by a newly formed London 2012 Games Evaluation Steering Group, which reports to the Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Board. Data from the OGI study and other evaluation studies (such as those being carried out by the London Development Agency and other Regional Development Agencies) will support the overall impact evaluation. The final OGI report is due to be submitted to the IOC by July 2015.



Annex A: London 2012 Sustainability Policy London 2012s vision is to use the power of the Games to inspire change. This vision and the strategic objectives for the Games are underpinned by the principles of sustainable development. Drawing on these principles, the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) and the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), along with HM Government, Greater London Authority (GLA), British Olympic Association (BOA) and British Paralympic Association (BPA), are committed to working together to maximise the economic, social, health, environmental and sporting benefits the Games bring to London and the UK. This is encapsulated by the concept towards a one planet 2012, which creates a powerful identity for London 2012s sustainability programme and provides a framework for achieving sustainable Games in accordance with the London 2012 Candidature commitments and with respect to Olympic and Paralympic ideals. Through this sustainability policy we aim to support the following legacy goals: make the UK a world-leading sporting nation; transform the heart of east London; inspire a new generation of young people to take part in local volunteering, cultural and physical activity; make the Olympic Park a blueprint for sustainable living; and demonstrate the UK is a creative, inclusive and welcoming place to live in, visit and for business. In addition to complying with all applicable legal requirements, and whilst we will address all elements of the diverse themes which make up sustainability, we believe we can make the biggest impact and achieve the most beneficial outcomes by focusing London 2012s sustainability efforts upon five headline themes. Climate change: Climate change is a global issue. The UK is leading the world in facing up to this challenge and the Games provide a platform for demonstrating long-term solutions in terms of energy and water resource management, infrastructure development, transport, locally seasonal food production and carbon impact mitigation and adaptation. We aim to minimise the carbon footprint of the Games and legacy development, notably by minimising embodied impacts and optimising energy efficiency, energy demand and use of low-carbon and renewable energy sources. Waste: Our aim is for the 2012 programme to be a catalyst for new waste management infrastructure in east London and other regional venues and to demonstrate exemplary resource management practices. We will minimise waste at source, divert construction waste wherever feasible and all Games-time waste away from landfill, and promote the waste hierarchy of reduce, reuse, recycle to facilitate long-term individual behavioural change. Biodiversity: We aim to enhance the ecology of the Lower Lea Valley and other London and regional 2012 venues, and to encourage the sport sector generally to contribute to nature conservation and bring people closer to nature. Inclusion: We aim to host the most inclusive Games by promoting access, celebrating diversity, and facilitating the physical, economic and social regeneration of the Lower Lea Valley and surrounding communities. This will be supported by the provision of new infrastructure and facilities, employment, training and education opportunities. Communities across the rest of London and the UK will be encouraged to identify and take full advantage of direct and indirect opportunities arising from the Games. Healthy living: We will use the Games as a springboard for inspiring people across the country to take up sport and develop active, healthy and sustainable lifestyles.


Management and delivery of sustainability The Olympic Board together with the Boards of Stakeholder organisations will ensure the delivery against these objectives through the following measures. Integrating sustainability principles into the day-to-day management of LOCOG and the ODA, working closely with the Host Boroughs, the GLA Group, nations and regions, central Government, BOA, BPA, sports authorities, the International Olympic Committee, and the International Paralympic Committee. Developing active partnerships with non-Governmental organisations, community groups, businesses, professional bodies and academia to help leverage the opportunities provided by the Games and to utilise the power of the Olympic and Paralympic brands to mobilise enthusiasm and maximise benefits. Procuring goods, services and sponsorship sustainably with an emphasis on supplier diversity, fair employment and environmental attributes, as well as other social and ethical criteria as appropriate. Establishing an independent Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 to provide credible, outcome-based and transparent assurance on the sustainability of the London 2012 programme. Progress against the overall objectives will be charted by regular sustainability reporting. LOCOG, the ODA and official stakeholders will ensure that adequate resources and personnel are engaged to deliver against the objectives. Each organisation will also have its own specific objectives, key performance indicators and targets, which will be continually reviewed and improved to take account of evolving policies, standards, best practices and technology. Originally approved 28 June 2006 Revised version approved 02 December 2009

The Olympic Board (Mayor of London, Boris Johnson; Olympics Minister, Tessa Jowell; LOCOG Chair, Sebastian Coe; and British Olympic Association Chair, Colin Moynihan)


Annex B: From One Planet Living to legacy promises This table shows how the principles of One Planet Living are reflected in the five sustainability themes used in this document and in turn how these five themes underpin the legacy promises published in June 2007. The interrelation of different principles, themes and promises is reflected in the way that certain themes recur. One Planet Living Principles Zero carbon Sustainable water Sustainable transport Local and sustainable materials Local and sustainable food Zero waste Local and sustainable materials Local and sustainable food Sustainable water Natural habitats and wildlife Sustainable water Culture and heritage Equity and fair trade Health and happiness Inclusion Biodiversity Biodiversity and ecology Land water noise and air Inclusion Supporting communities Access Employment and business Transforming the heart of East London Making the Olympic Park a blueprint for sustainable living Transforming the heart of East London Demonstrating the UK is a creative, inclusive and welcoming place to live in, visit and for business Inspiring a new generation of young people to take part in volunteering, cultural and physical activity Making the Olympic Park a blueprint for sustainable living Health and happiness Local and sustainable food Healthy living Health and well-being Inspiring a new generation of young people to take part in volunteering, cultural and physical activity Making the UK a world-leading sporting nation Making the Olympic Park a blueprint for sustainable living Waste Waste Water Materials Making the Olympic Park a blueprint for sustainable living London 2012 ODA sustainable Sustainability Themes development objectives Climate change Carbon Transport and mobility Legacy promises Making the Olympic Park a blueprint for sustainable living


Annex C: Background documents and more information London 2012 policies London 2012 Candidate File (November 2004) This details the original plan for London 2012, including themes such as environment, venues and transport. Towards a One Planet Olympics (February 2005) This was a complementary document to the Candidate File produced in partnership with WWF-UK and BioRegional. London 2012 Sustainable Development Policy (June 2006) Details the over arching approach to sustainability by all delivery organisations under the five headline themes of Climate Change, Waste, Biodiversity, Inclusion and Healthy Living. ODA Sustainable Development Strategy (January 2007) This strategy covered the issues of climate change, waste, biodiversity, inclusion and healthy living during the construction phase for the Games. The five themes were split into 12 objectives to enable monitoring during construction. Commitment to Sustainable Regeneration (February 2007) An outline of the ODAs commitment to sustainable regeneration, which sets out a framework for how it can deliver this vision for the benefit of future generations. Environmental Statement (non-technical summary) (May 2007) A summary relating to the Environmental Statement that forms part of the Olympic, Paralympic and Legacy Transformation planning applications ODA Equality and Diversity Strategy (July 2007) Diversity was central to the bid for London to host the 2012 Games. The economic and social benefits arising from the regeneration associated with the design and build of the Olympic Park and venues should reach all communities and segments of the population. London 2012 Sustainability Plan, Towards a one planet 2012 (November 2007) A plan to describing the sustainability commitments and challenges for London 2012. ODAs Equality and Diversity Strategy (July 2007) The ODAs commitment to equal opportunities. ODA Employment and Skills Strategy (February 2008) ODA strategy outlining how it will create new jobs, increase sustainable skills among local people and improve links between employers. Open (February 2008) The LOCOG Diversity and Inclusion Strategy. Accessible Transport Strategy (May 2008) New initiatives and planned schemes to host a truly inclusive 2012 Games. ODA Inclusive Design Strategy (June 2008) This strategy describes how the ODA intends to meet its inclusive design objectives. ODA Design and construction: Health, Safety and Environment Standard (July 2008: 3rd ed) This set out the plan that good health, safety and environment policy would be integrated as a core element into every planning, design and construction operation. Principles of Cooperation (September 2008) Document detailing the Principles of Cooperation between London 2012 and the Trades Union Congress. Parklands and Public Realm planning update (September 2008) Leaflet detailing the ODAs plans for the parklands during the Games including details of plans to upgrade the Greenway. LOCOG Sustainability Sourcing Code (November 2008) The London 2012 Organising Committees code for internal buyers, suppliers (both current and prospective) and licensees covering environmental, social and ethical issues LOCOG Guidelines on carbon emissions (November 2008) Guidelines on carbon emissions of products and services for suppliers and licensees, both current and prospective.


LOCOG Packaging guidelines (November 2008) Guidelines on packaging for current and prospective suppliers and licensees. Investing in the Future (November 2008) This outlines how we are using the Games as a catalyst for long-term benefits. London 2012 Sustainability Update (November 2008) The first annual progress report on the London 2012 Sustainability Plan, Towards a One Planet 2012. Sustainability Report Card (November 2008) An itemised chart of progress on the commitments and challenges detailed in the London 2012 Sustainability Plan, originally published in November 2007. Sustainable design and construction update (November 2008) The ODAs progress on London 2012s sustainable development objectives. London 2012 Sustainability Guidelines Corporate and Public Events (February 2009) Guidelines setting out how London 2012 will improve the sustainability of events, focusing on ten key topic areas. Integrated Equality Scheme 2009-2012 (March 2009) Sets out the ODAs objectives and arrangements for promoting equality including age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. Pace issue 4: Walking and cycling (March 2009) Outlines how London 2012 plans to encourage more people to walk or cycle to the Games and to future major events. Pace issue 5: Accessible Transport (July 2009) Update on how elements of the Accessible Transport Strategy have progressed since it was first published in May 2008. LOCOG Diversity and Inclusion Business Charter (September 2009) Outlines LOCOGs diversity and inclusion objectives for business and the procurement values that support them. London 2012 Policy for the use of hydrofluorocarbons for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games (October 2009) Statement setting out the parameters for the use of HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) in London 2012 venues. London 2012 Policy on the use of PVC for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games (October 2009) Statement setting out the parameters for the use of PVC fabric for the London 2012 Games. All available at London 2012 stakeholder policies Your 2012 available at Before, during and after: making the most of the London 2012 Games Be Active, Be Healthy Go London! An Active and Healthy London for 2012 and Beyond Assuring a Legacy: The Sustainable Development Assurance Framework for the London 2012 Games Programme Further information and comments For further information, please visit If you have any comments, please send them to


Annex D Measuring the London 2012 carbon footprint Methodology Our initial approach to carbon footprinting was set out in the first edition of the London 2012 Sustainability Plan. During 2008, specialist consultants Best Foot Forward were commissioned to calculate a full reference footprint for the entire 2012 project. This was supported by a Technical Advisory Group comprising individual specialists from universities, businesses (including London 2012 commercial partners), NGOs and Government. The footprint calculations, including methodology and underlying assumptions, have been independently reviewed and assured by KPMG. Additional independent commentary and review has been provided by the Commission for a Sustainable London 2012. The London 2012 approach uses the concept of a reference footprint an assessment of what the Games footprint would have been before efforts to reduce it are included. Inevitably, due to the timing of this work and the phasing of the Olympic Park construction programme, most of the strategic choices for addressing carbon emissions in the design and build phase were made before the footprint work was concluded. In this case the footprint provides a means of assessing the effectiveness of the measures already planned and undertaken. The reference footprint has, however, proven useful for considering choices for staging the Games and planning legacy development. Calculating the reference footprint The reference footprint assumes a business as usual approach to sustainability based on the following: basic legal compliance; adoption of industry standard practices; anticipated spectator behaviours; an assumed similarity with past Games; an assumption of average sectoral emissions per spent. The method used for calculating the reference footprint builds on existing greenhouse gas accounting principles and, in particular, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol64 and the Publicly Available Specification, PAS 2050 developed jointed by BSI, Defra and the Carbon Trust. In the methodology, the carbon footprint calculation is based on accounting for carbon emissions at the time they are made and does not account for legacy benefits. This is the most practical approach but it does bias impacts onto the construction phase. In reality, by applying low-carbon design principles to the project, a whole-life analysis should demonstrate a positive overall legacy of a low-impact neighbourhood and further work is being undertaken to quantify these. The full report on calculating the London 2012 footprint is being published separately as a stand alone volume to provide an early example of knowledge transfer. Scope The first critical step in calculating and managing the carbon footprint of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games is to define the boundaries. We have classified London 2012s varying degrees of control and responsibility as follows: Owned: wholly funded core activities for which the entire associated carbon footprint is allocated to London 2012 (for example, office utility use, venue construction) plus a proportion of the footprint from jointly funded activities attributable to London 2012. Shared: the footprint associated with the partner contributions to jointly funded activities (for example, jointly funded transport infrastructure projects).


Associated: activities associated with the 2012 Games, which are not funded by London 2012 but over which we may be able to exert some degree of control and/or take responsibility for the resulting footprint. This is split into two sub-categories: Measurable activities related to the London 2012 Games of client groups (for example, sponsors, media and spectators) and other parties over which we may exert some influence. Wider, global impacts over which London 2012 has negligible control or responsibility and will not be able to measure in any meaningful way (for example, pre-Games preparations of Olympic and Paralympic teams and the global sale of TVs and viewing of the Games). Some aspects of the event are difficult to classify, for example, Live Sites, merchandise and broadcasting. A further complication is that many of the transport infrastructure schemes being prepared for the Games (projects which mainly fall within the shared category) were scheduled to happen anyway. The distinction between the two sub-categories of associated activities is inevitably, to some extent, subjective. In fact, the boundaries of the second sub-category cannot be defined. What is clear, however, is the decreasing levels of control and responsibility through the three sections (see Figure below). London 2012 carbon footprint boundaries

Boundary of measured London 2012 carbon footprint

Di mi nis hin















Footprint allocation This classification of impacts based on degrees of control and responsibility gives a rationale for the allocation of our footprint, which is illustrated. This enables London 2012 to factor out all activities over which we have no financial control and no meaningful influence or means of measuring emissions. We believe this methodology gives the most practical, comprehensive and consistent approach to scooping the carbon footprint of such a complex undertaking as London 2012. Decision tree for footprint boundary setting and allocation


Third party funding

London 2012 money spent?


100% Allocation


Allocation X% & (100 X)%

No Yes

100 X%

Shared Consequence of London 2012 programme Yes Does London 2012 have any influence? Yes Can emissions be estimated? Yes Owned Associated



No further consideration


Out of Scope

Results and analysis The reference carbon footprint of the London 2012 project is estimated to be approximately 3.4 million tonnes CO2e. This is broken down as follows: Owned emissions 2.3 MtCO2e (66 per cent) Shared emissions 0.4 MtCO2e (15 per cent) Associated emissions 0.7 MtCO2e (19 per cent) The owned emissions relate to the construction of the venues and infrastructure for the Games (approximately 1.7 MtCO2e); transport infrastructure and upgrades (0.2 MtCO2e) and Games operations (0.4 MtCO2e). When broken down into its individual components the overall footprint comprises nearly 250 individual items. However, the most important segments are: construction of venues and infrastructure, Games operations and spectators. These are responsible for at least 80 per cent of the component footprint (see table on next page).

London 2012 reference carbon footprint: summary of main items Total Owned impacts Construction (ODA) Reference footprint 3,448,000 (tCO2e) 1,889,000 Olympic Park works* 828,000 (44%) Olympic Village 391,000 (21%) Staging (LOCOG) 400,000 Venues overlay & fit-out 199,000 (50%) Technology 50,000 (13%) Associated and shared impacts Spectators, transport, media and sponsors 1,159,000 Spectator travel air, road and rail 449,000 (39%) Transport infrastructure 429,000 (37%) Accommodation 102,000 (9%) Media 66,000 (6%) Merchandise 56,000 (5%)

Transport Infrastructure Games Family 161,000 (9%) transport 34,000 (9%) Media Centre 130,000 (7%) Main Stadium 129,000 (7%) Travel grants 28,500 (7%) Games workforce catering and uniforms 15,700 (4%) Other 72,900 (18%)

Other 250,000 (13%)

Other 58,000 (5%)

* Olympic Park works include structures, bridges, highways, utilities, the Energy Centre and numerous other non-competition construction works. Note: percentages may not exactly add up to 100 per cent due to rounding errors. The majority of the emissions identified above relate to the regeneration of the Olympic Park site. It is not realistic to pull out a Games only footprint as much of the work on the site has been necessary to provide the platform for staging the Games, as well as being for the long-term legacy of the area. The breakdown of the footprint components for staging the Games also shows a preponderance of embodied impacts in materials for overlay and fit-out of venues. These figures confirm that the strategic focus should be on reducing embodied impacts. This can be achieved through design specifications, selection of materials and concentrating on the top levels of the waste hierarchy, in particular hiring equipment and prioritising reuse and recycling.


Thank you
London 2012 would like to thank our partners for their support

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Ltd Worldwide partners

Official partners

Official supporters

Official suppliers and providers

Airwave Crystal CG Holiday Inn Populous

Atkins Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP McCann Worldgroup Ticketmaster

Boston Consulting Group GlaxoSmithKline Nielsen Trident

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This document and the official Emblems of the London 2012 Games are London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Ltd (LOCOG) 2007. All rights reserved.


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