Manufacturing Processes-Dr Simin Nasseri Groover's Chapter 3 Problems: 3.20

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Manufacturing Processes- Dr Simin Nasseri Groovers Chapter 3 Problems: 3.

20 - A metal alloy has been tested in a tensile test with the following results for the flow curve parameters: strength coefficient = 620.5 MPa and strainhardening exponent = 0.26. The same metal is now tested in a compression test in which the starting height of the specimen = 62.5 mm and its diameter = 25 mm. Assuming that the cross section increases uniformly, determine the load required to compress the specimen to a height of (a) 50 mm and (b) 37.5 mm.
Solution: Starting volume of test specimen V = hDo2/4 = 62.5(25)2/4 = 30679.6 mm3. (a) At h = 50 mm, = ln(62.5/50) = ln(1.25) = 0.223 Yf = 620.5(.223).26 = 420.1 MPa A = V/L = 30679.6/50 = 613.6 mm2 F = 420.1(613.6) = 257,770 N (b) At h = 37.5 mm, = ln(62.5/37.5) = ln(1.667) = 0.511 Yf = 620.5(0.511).26 = 521.1 MPa A = V/L = 30679.6 /37.5 = 818.1 mm2 F = 521.1(818.1) = 426,312 N

3.23 A bend test is used for a certain hard material. If the transverse rupture strength of the material is known to be 1000 MPa, what is the anticipated load at which the specimen is likely to fail, given that its dimensions are: width of cross section = 15 mm, thickness of cross section = 10 mm, and length = 60 mm?

Solution: F = (TRS)(bt2)/1.5L = 1000(15 x 102)/(1.5 x 60) = 16,667 N.

3.30 In a Brinell hardness test, a 1500 kg load is pressed into a specimen using a 10 mm diameter hardened steel ball. The resulting indentation has a diameter = 3.2 mm. Determine the Brinell hardness number for the metal.

Solution: HB = 2(1500)/(10(10 - (102 - 3.22).5) = 3000/(10 x 0.5258) = 182 BHN

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