Learning Objectives Topic Time Frame: Total: 18mins

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Learning Objectives

After 18 minutes of imparting a health teaching about preeclampsia, the patient will be able: 1. To define and understand what is preeclampsia. 2. To know and understand what are the factors that cause pre-eclampsia. 3. To know and understand what are the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia. 4. To know and understand what are the things to do to prevent preeclampsia.


Time Frame



Risk Factors


Signs and Symptoms



5mins ----------------Total: 18mins.

Materials Used Pamphlet


Criteria: GOAL MET If patient is able to give the definition of the topic and all its signs and symptoms, risk factors and its prevention. GOAL PARTIALLY MET - If patient is able to give at least 2 or more risk factors, signs and symptoms, and prevention. GOAL NOT MET If patient is unable to give the definition, risk factors, signs and symptoms, and prevention.

G4P1 with history of PRE-ECLAMPSIA

Presented by: Nova Rocely Viorge BSN III-B Daffodil Presented to: Ms. Joanne C. Jaramillo, RN Clinical Instructor

What is pre-eclampsia?
PRE-ECLAMPSIA - A serious complication of pregnancy associated with the development of high blood pressure and protein in the urine. Women diagnosed with preeclampsia may also complain of blurred vision, headaches, extreme swelling, and experience greater than normal weight gain.

High blood pressure before pregnancy History of preeclampsia A 10 years or longer gap between pregnancies

a general feeling of being unwell high blood pressure

What are the ways to prevent and treat preeclampsia?


Frequent antenatal check-ups. Have a bed rest. The position should lateral recumbent position (left side lying position).

What are the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia?

sudden, severe swelling of your face, hands or feet

Proper diet. Restrict sodium intake in meals.

What are the risk factors of preeclampsia?

severe headaches problems with your vision, such as blurring or flashing before your eyes

Regular exercise. Take medications as prescribed.

Multiple pregnancies Older than 35 years of age

severe pain just below your ribs

PRE-ECLAMPSIA (Health Teaching)

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