In Vitro Fertilization

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of a new human life in vitro or in the glass that is outside the reproductive system of a woman union between the sperm and egg takes place in a test tube so that the baby conceived this way is called TEST TUBE BABY


Hormones are injected to enable the woman to produce multiple eggs


the woman is tested to determine whether she is ready for egg retrieval


Instructions are given the night before and the day of the procedure


then, a healthy egg from the woman is obtained.


Immediately, after the retrieval, eggs are mixed with some donated sperm in the laboratory


If the eggs are fertilized, they are kept in the clinic under observation to ensure optimal growth.


once they are ready, one or more embryos will be transferred in to the uterus of the woman for gestational development


To remedy the problem of infertility 2. to submit IVF embryos for scientific research


Brown - born on July 25, 1978, is the first baby conceived in a pertidish. Dr. Edward and Dr. Steptoe of Britain were the medical scientists who produced Lewis through IVF


or wives whose fallopian tube are obstructed or and rendered unable to accommodate the natural passage of the sperm and its union with egg Men or husbands who are suffering from low sperm count. Couples who are infertile Scientific experimentation and biological research.


pressing and demanding that they be seen with the eyes of right reason and heart of good will. To wit:

Pregnancy reduction -in order to determine favorable prognosis and establish babies healthy conditions, some of then that maybe found weaker than others are discarded or simply aborted.


Experimentation and Research - There are embryos produced in vitro for the exclusive purpose of making them biological materials for experimentation and stem cell research.

Is in Vitro Fertilization Moral?


Violation of the will of God manifested in the Bilogical Law of nature. - the entire meaning and procedure of IVF run counter to what is devised by the law of nature as manifested in the act of transmitting life.

2. Usurpation of Gods Power of Authorship over Life Death -IVF is an attempt to usurp the power of the Ultimate Author of life by arbitarily devising a means other than what HE enshrines in the complimentary reproductive structure and sexual system of both man and woman in the generation of life.


of Human Dignity - To opt for IVF in order to raise a child is also contrary to human dignity. - Technological procedure devalues human life by means of the following : 1. Pregnancy reduction 2. Shift or parental attitude towards the child 3. Research and experimentation

4. Grave Abuse of the principle of Stewardship - By exceeding beyond its parameters in taking care of the gifts of sexuality and life.

5. Threat against the Whole concept of Marriage and Family - A child can be conceived not as a fruit of the mutual love and selfgiving in the marital union of a couple and without having to begin existing in the reproductive system of a mother as a nature provides.

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