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The Celts Cover: Looking for the cattle 2.- Grandpa, I found this book in my berdroom.

. Could you read it to me? - Of course. I have never met its author, but I know where she lives. I will take you to see her. 4. Hello! How are you? We have come to see you. 5. We have found this book you wrote about the celts. Could you tell us their story? It is very important fo us. - Of course. Everybody should know about the celts, they are our ancestors. Sit down and listen. 6. Two thousand years ago .... bla bla bla ;) 11. In order to celebrate the beginning of the summer, the celts used to gather around the cmap fire. As soon as the fire was extinguised, they used its embers to light more camp fires that would remain until the next year. (Druid) The Wisdom Salmon ate the three hazelnuts from the Wisdom Tree. If you catch it, you will get the ever lasting wisdom. 13. And this is how the arrival of the summer was welcomed.

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