Jupiter QQ

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Jupiter , Beauty, Nature: 1. Jupiter ascpecting lagna from (7th,5th,9th house) make fair complexion to native.

And if it also aspect lagna lord, native complexion fairness increases. Here, Jupiter should be alon in these houses. Take care of lagn lord color also. If lagn lord is in his pakka house, it gives his color to native. 2. Jupiter aspecting 7th house from( 1st,3rd & 11th house) make native spouse fair in color. And if it also aspect 7th lord , complexion increases. Also, Jupiter aspecting venus incase of male chart make his spouse fair complexion while Jupiter aspecting mars in female chart make her spouse fair complexion. Jupiter aspecting venus in female give her sexual attractive beauty. 3. Jupiter in first house makes native look old and not fair complexion. Jupiter in 7th house make spouse look old or not fair looking. 4. Mars from 7 to 12 houses give masculine body n hence sexually attractive. If combust with sun, gives slight less but still sexul energy. Mars from 1 to 7 house give less masculine and hence les sxual appealing. 5. If a malefic is placed in 2nd house and Jupiter aspects it from 8th house, still person will make lie inspite of jup aspect. Because planet in house has more impact than planet asppecting, but he will be veg . due to jup aspect.

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