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CS 631 Professor Jason Wang Ankit Pandya Spring 2012 Term Project Proposal

Project Proposal: The purpose of this project is to identify the main features that involved in the system. There are two main users (Administrators & customers). All the users will have their own account, which allow them to login to system. New customer can register by them self. A database is there to store the users details & video details. All the information can be viewed by the users based on their privileges. User can search the system using correct specifications & the availability of the videos is updated by the system immediately. Project Scope: Activity can be done by Customers: Search the video by title & director View and modify the user profile Rent or reserve video Activity can be done by Administrators: Maintain video information Maintain database View and maintain user details Functional Requirement: System should allow user to brows, view and rent the videos The system allow visitor only to main page. The system should allow user to login into the system The system should allow the user to edit their profile. Thy system should allow the administrator to update the video information as well as user information. The System should only allow administrator to modify the site contents.

Technology Used: Database: Oracle 10g, NJITs, Solaris 9 operating system Web Admin Page: Java Server Pages, Java, Tomcat,

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