GL 100 Quick Start

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GL100 Quick Start

For SW Version B08

Page 1 : Basic Operation

Check Parts List Check The Appearance
Power Key SIM Card Interface Function Key

The USB Data_Cable is not in the delivery list. Please contact your vendor for it. Triple-Color LED2 Triple-Color LED1 Mini USB Interface

Install SIM Card Turn On GL100

Power Key

Find in develop suit and install the drive for PL2303. If you have already installed it please go to Step 6.

Connect GL100 to computer by USB Data_Cable.

To mini USB To computer

Better place the GL100 under the open sky, and let the surface which has indication Led to the sky. Find GL100 Manager Tool Ver2.00.exe in develop suit and run it to configure the running parameters of GL100. Please refer to Page 2 for detail. Before the first time using GL100, please full charge the battery Here is GPS Antenna

Page 2 : PC Manager Tool Quick Start

Run manager tool. Select correct Com port and input default password gl100. Then press OK. If you want to test the GL100 by SMS then set Report Mode to Force on SMS and input the phone number which you want to receive the SMS from GL100. After that you can go to Step 6. Otherwise please go to Step 3

Set Report Mode to TCP the IP address and port server. Please make sure accessed by internet and address can be received.

Short Connection. input number of the backend the IP address can be the data sends to this

Please contact your SIM card provider and get the APN information for GPRS. Input it to the GPRS Setting

Press the Send button and update the parameters of GL100. Then the GL100 can report information to your backend server or SMS receiver. Note: This command can also be sent to GL100 by SMS.

Set the parameters of scheduled fixed timing report so that the GL100 will report its position to backend server period periodically. Press Send button to update the parameters. Follow screen shot shows how to configure the

Command has been accepted when you see the success window.

The following screen shot shows how to create a Geo-Fence rule. Press Send button to update the parameters.

After these steps. GL100 will have some basic tracking functions like scheduled timing report and Geo-Fence. For other advanced functions of GL100 please refer to GL100 @Track Air Interface Protocol or visit our website Quectel Wireless Solutions Website : Email :

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