History Society Retreat

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Conducted by Brycen Waters

Purpose of today
Discuss and explore each executive board position
Explore the constitution Discuss goals for the club

Programming 101

Position of President
Run meetings (both general and executive)
Coordinate with VP to discuss agenda for upcoming

meetings Representation at campus events Create agenda before meetings Assist in the planning of programs Responsible for delegation of programming duties Power to call special meetings

Position of Vice President

Assume role of President in their absence
Responsible for all committee forming PR/ Recruitment and Retention

Position of Secretary
Take accurate records of meetings
Distribute minutes of meetings to club members Responsible for supplying ballots at elections

Maintain a record of standing membership

Position of Treasurer
Financial officer of the Society
Present to society a financial report twice each

semester Responsible for a budget related issues Assist in programming when necessary

Questions about positions?

Article II: Purpose The purpose of this organization is to offer students the opportunity to meet in an organized manner to discuss, as well as participate, in events marked by a common interest of various historical topics.
Still true?

Bobbys Rules of Order

How to run a meeting Address the club: welcome Officer Reports

President Report VP Report Secretary Report Treasurer Report Advisor Report Committee Report (If any) Open Forum Adjournment!

Where would we like to be by the end of the semester?

Next month? What are some realistic programming ideas for the remainder of the semester? What can you personally do to make this a successful semester? What would you like me to do for the club? How can I help?

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