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Emergency Response & Crisis Management

Rajkumar K 26-Apr-2011

1. To help ensure the safety and wellbeing of staff.

2. Provide initial medical assistance (first aid).

3. Protect property, assess damage and prevent further damage. 4. Restore and repair physical systems and utility services. 5. Coordinate activities with local authorities. 6. Communicate with constituents of the internal and external media. 7. Restore the normal operations and services as soon as it is practicable.

Basic Preparedness
Get informed about hazards and emergencies that may affect you. Develop an emergency plan. Collect and assemble disaster supplies kit. Learn where to seek shelter from all types of hazards. Identify the community warning systems and evacuation routes. Learn what to do for specific hazards. Practice and maintain your plan.

Crisis Communication
1. Identify Your Crisis Communications Team 2. Identify Spokespersons 3. Spokesperson Training 4. Establish Notification Systems 5. Identify and Know Your Stakeholders

Types of Crisis
1. Domestic Crisis
2. Industrial Crisis 3. Natural Crisis 4. Professional Crisis 5. Social Crisis 6. Financial Crisis

Pre Crisis
The pre-crisis phase is concerned with prevention and preparation. Prevention involves seeking to reduce known risks that could lead to a crisis. Preparation involves creating the crisis management Plan.

Selecting and training the crisis management team.

Conducting exercises to test the Crisis management plan.

Crisis Response
The crisis response is what management does and says after the crisis hits. Public relations plays a critical role in the crisis response by helping to develop the messages that are sent to various publics.

Post Crisis
In the post-crisis phase, the organization is returning to business as usual. The crisis is no longer the focal point of managements attention but still requires some attention.

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