Module 4 - E - Mail

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Self Access Learning Module

ICT Literacy for Secondary School


Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education

ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail



Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education

ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

1. Name of Module: E-Mail 2. Learning Outcomes: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Students should be able to:

register an e-mail account send messages attach files to messages receive/retrieve messages reply messages download attached files delete messages save messages sign out open an existing e-mail

3. Knowledge and Skills a. E-mail definition b. Recognize peripherals used for communications c. Netiquette

4. Module Summary: At the end of the module, students should be able to create an e-mail account and communicate using e-mails.

Notes: There are lot of free e-mail on the Internet but this module will show you how to create an e-mail account using Yahoo mail.

ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

Activity 1:

Register an e-mail account

1. Launch Internet Figure 1 will appear.

Explorer and type in URL: and

Figure 1

Figure 2

ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

2. To sign up for free e-mail click on the Sign Up link (Figure 3) or double click on Mail icon and figure 4 will appear .

double click Mail

Figure 3

Figure 4

Click on the Sign Up link to register

ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

3. After clicking on the Sign Up link, a registration form will be shown as below.

Use your own details to fill in the form

Figure 5
4. Then, fill in all the information needed as shown in the example below.

Figure 6 5

ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

5. After completing the form click Create My Account button as shown in Figure 7 to send in the registration.

Notes: If registration fails it maybe because of ID already exist or the form is not complete or the code didnt match

to continue change your ID to complete the form or follow the instructions that appear

Click to register
Figure 7 6. After completing, the dialog box will appear, then click Continue button to start using the e-mail.

Figure 8

ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

7. Figure 9 and Figure 10 will pop up.

Figure 9 8. Follow the steps below.

Click Continue button

Figure 10

Click Next button

Figure 11

ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

Click Next button

Figure 12

Click Next button

Figure 13

Click Get Started button

9. New message will appear from Yahoo in your Inbox. Click Inbox icon or click Check Mail icon to check messages.

Double click to read the message

Figure 15

ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

10. Figure 16 will appear.

Figure 16

Activity 2:

Send Messages

1. To send or compose messages, click New icon

Figure 17 2. Type in e-mail address, subject and the messages.

Type in e-mail address to send Type in subject or topic of the message

Congratulation for your excellent result in the final examination

Type in your message h

Figure 18

ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

3. After writing down the messages, click Send icon to send the message.

Congratulation for your excellent result in the final examination

Figure 19 4. The dialog box below will appear

Figure 20


ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

Activity 3:

Attach files to messages

1. To attach a file in message, click Attach icon

Figure 21

2. Choose the attachment file from its location.

Click Open to attach the file

Figure 22


ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

3. Click the Send icon to send the message with attachment.

file attachment will be shown here

Hello, Im sending you an attachment, please check thank you muiz Figure 23

4. If the message is successfully sent, figure 24 will be shown.

Figure 24


ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

Activity 4:

Receive/retrieve messages

1. To check messages that you have received you may click on Inbox icon or click on Check Mail icon or click on Inbox tab

Figure 25 2. All the messages received are listed in the Inbox

Double click to read the message

Figure 26


ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

Activity 5:

Reply messages

1. To reply messages, double click messages in Inbox, then click Reply icon.

Figure 27

2. Type the message then click Send icon to send the reply message

address will be automatically filled subject can be change

This original message can be deleted before you type in your reply

Figure 28


ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

Activity 6:

Download attached files

1. If the message received has an attachment file, click on the attachment link to download the file.

Attachment link

Figure 29 2. The attachment file will be scanned for viruses.

Figure 30 3. If no viruses are detected, click on Download Attachment button.

click on button Download Attachment

Figure 31


ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

3. Dialog box in figure 32 will pop out. Click on Open button to read or click Save button to download.

Click Save button

Figure 32

Choose your

Click Save button Figure 33 4. After download is completed, the dialog box will appear. To check file click Open or Open Folder button

Figure 34


ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

Activity 7:

Delete messages

1. To delete messages, click Inbox icon

Figure 35

2. Next, check the message

message that you need to delete. Then click Delete icon to delete

click Delete

Figure 36 3.. The message will be removed from the Inbox into the Trash in Figure 37.

click Trash icon to open/retrieve message

Figure 37


ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

Activity 8:

Save messages

1. To save messages that are not finished click Save Draft icon.

Figure 38

2. The message will be stored in Drafts.

Figure 39


ICTL for Secondary School- e-mail

Activity 9:

Sign Out

1. To sign out, click on Sign Out link.

Figure 40

Activity 10:

Open an existing E-mail

1. To open an existing e-mail refer to Step1 and 2 in Activity 1. 2. Type Yahoo ID and password correctly. 3. Next, click Sign In button then you may proceed with your e-mail.

Figure 41



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