Shivanand Yadav Sliding Contact Bearing

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SHIVANAND YADAV SLIDING CONTACT BEARING #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.

h> void main(); { float p,w,l,mu,z,d,c,r,k,n,ns; clrscr(); printf("/design of sliding contact bearing="); printf("enter the following valu"); printf("enter the journal diameter="); scanf("%f",&d); printf("enter the axial lenth ="); scanf("%f",&l); printf("enter the redial clearance "); scanf("%f",&c); printf("enter journal speed in rpm"); scanf("%f",&n); p=w/(l*d); printf("enter the valu of pressure"); k=.002; r=d/2; ns =n/60; mu=33/(100000000)*(d/c)*(zn/p)+0.002 printf("enter the valu of mu"); getch(); } Out put enter the axial lenth =100 enter the redial clearance 2 enter journal speed in rpm300 enter the valu of pressure in (mpa)5 the cofficient of friction=0.000000

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