Writing 11

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Amelia Lestari 095.204.

076 English Education B

Batu Pake Gojeng Batu pake gojeng or more famous with Gojeng hill is one tourism object in Sinjai district. Its located in Biringere, north Sinjai. Its approximately two kilometers from the center of Sinjai. Its about 125 km above of the sea level. Batu Pake means chiseled stones while Gojeng is the name of a place where the chiseled stones was found for the first time. Under the stones, there are tone graves. This makes the place more populary know to the local people as Stone Grave (Kuburan Batu). In front of, in mainentrance there is a gate with written welcome to Batu Pake Gojeng. Before we enter, we pass a small locket to buy ticket with the cost three thousand rupiahs for a adult and one thousand five hundred rupiahs for a child.That place very cool and leafy. Because it rounded by many kinds of trees like; mangoes trees, palm, pine, acacia, frangipani, tamarind, coconut trees, and many others. There is one wood house for put some artifacts like ceramics, porcelain, wood fossil and many others. This house located of the hillside and it has brown. Around this house there are four see-saws, four swings. There is sixth gazebo that located in any side and also there many long chairs, where put in any sides too. There also five pens for kinds of pigeons. To get the top of that hill we must climb the stairways. There are three ways we can through, one in west, one in south and one in north. Those stairways made of cement and not to abrupt. The totally account of that stairways about five hundreds. The stairway in the north which near the top of the hill has pairs handles that making by woods.

On the top hill of Batu pake gojeng there are eleven stone graves or sarcophagus. Beside the sarcophagus also contained several mortars stone which is used to grind grain and 90 holes of chiseled stone which were used for various needs, including as water bin and paddy cabin. There is also very old big tree on it. The location of these sarkofagus closes by vence of barbed wire. From the top of that hill we can enjoy the beautiful panorama of Sinjai district, which have a background of green growth of mangrove forests (mangroves) in Tongke-Tongke and rows of nine islands.

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