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As well as ensuring that they have control over the charitys incoming and outgoing funds, trustees also have the duty of ensuring the safekeeping of the charitys assets so that they can effectively used to promote the charitys objects. 53. This term includes such items as land, buildings, vehicles, fixtures and fittings, and equipment (egg computers and the data25contained in them, fax machines) which aroused in the charitys activities. We recommend that the following guidelines be observed: A list of fixed assets be held and updated regularly. This needs to include all assets donated for continuing use by the charity. All fixed assets be checked at regular intervals to ensure they remain in good repair and of use to the charity. Trustees give due consideration to the need for insuring assets, and to the extent of cover which is appropriate. The use made of fixed assets be reviewed annually to ensure they are put to best use and effectively serve the interests of the Charity

Specific Asset and Data protection Physical

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