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K Chandio

Principal Jinnah College of Nursing Karachi

(History of Nursing in India & Pakistan)

Pre-partition Nursing
1860: Nightingale established first formal and modern nursing school in St. Thomas Hospital London. First School of midwives opened by Indian Govt in India. Anglo-Indian sisters came in India and promoted the Nursing.

April 11, 2012

PK Chandio

Pre-partition Nursing
1884: First School of Nursing open in Mayo Hospital Lahore Mostly nurses were Coming from England to work in Indo-Pak. Mostly Nurses from low-cost-Hindu converted into Christianity were serving. Muslims and Hindu girls were not joining the nursing due to their culture.
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Pre-partition Nursing
Even Nurses from UK and other part of Europe to get training in Indo-Pak. Brahmans promoted the belief that if girl touches the other person she becomes a dirty. Negative attitude of Anglo nurses towards Muslims and Hindus also prevented the joining nursing profession by them.
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Pre-partition Nursing
Up to 1934 no any Indian Nurses can admission in Nursing even opening of school in 1884. If some Muslims girls wants to join the profession but Anglo nurses refused to give admission b/c of Purda and belief that Muslims could not be good nurses. Mostly Schools attached to Mission Hospitals
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Pre-partition Nursing
Missionary Schools promoting the Religion and were giving admissions to lower Socio-economic Hindu Christians. All Matrons/ Nursing Superintendents were Anglo Nurses. All schools were running under policy of those Matrons. In 1871: an other school were open in Northern India. In 1907: Great Number of nurses hired on posts of Nursing Supt. from Europe in India.
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Pre-partition Nursing From 1931-1941

Nurses 7,000 1:43,000




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PK Chandio

Pre-partition Nursing From 1907-1941

Rules, standards, curriculum were outlined for nursing training first time in India-Pak for Mission Hospitals by efforts of Anglo Nurses. Civil Hospitals also adopted the standards. Most Mission hospitals opened Nursing Schools in all provinces of India and Pakistan.
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Pre-partition Nursing From 1907-1941

Holy Family Hospital and Seven Day Hospitals were also efforts of Missionary. According to Werkentin that Mr. Gandhi praised the Missionary services towards tremendous growth in Nursing in India in one Speech.

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PK Chandio

Role of Military Hospitals

1664: Military Hospitals appointed Nursing attendants with few months training for dressing the wounded soldiers. 1888: first time Indian Govt hired British Nurses in Military to lay the foundation of Military Hospitals in India. These Nurses started 02 Months training of Male as Attendants.
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Role of Military Hospitals

1914: Nurses Recruited by the Queen Alexandras Military Nursing Services for India. 1927:Received permanent status of Indian Military Nursing (IMNS) in India. After 2nd World War I.M.N.S emerged into full independent Nursing services of India

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PK Chandio


Nursing Organizations
1905: Association of Nursing Superintendents of India (ANSI), First Association formed. 1908: Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI). Second Association. Same officers of first Association hold the executive posts. These both organization worked separately up to 12 years. Then combined together named TNAI. 1903: Establishment of Nursing Registration Council moved and approved in 1909, and began its operation in 1910.
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Nursing Organizations
Firstly Nurses of very few hospitals got registration i.e. Utar Pardesh, Punjab, and Bihar joined. But very soon Sindh, NWFP, and Bengal were included. 1910: First Nursing Journal was published by TNAI. After Publication of Professional Journal TNAI got International Status.
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Nursing Organizations
1912: TNAI received membership in ICN (International Nursing Council) All Nurses who got three years nursing training, recognized by council were entitled as a member of association. 1941: Indian Govt opened first Postgraduate College of Nursing in Delhi by the efforts of TNAI.
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Nursing Organizations
1943: The School for Hospital Administration started. Proposal of starting the B.ScN program in universities initiated by TNAI. 1946 this proposal was passed. TNAI struggled for opening the central Nursing Council for India and Pakistan. 1947: The Act was passed for establishment of Central Council of Nursing. 1949: The Central Council of Nursing (CNC) for Pakistan was established.
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Nursing Organizations
CNC comprised on 33 members. 09 Nurses, 03 Midwives and LHV and others were eminent doctors and educators. It began to function in same year.

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PK Chandio


Nursing Organizations after Birth of Pakistan

Year 1949 ACT Central Nursing Council Act 1949 Pakistan Nursing Council 1952 Reason for Change To establish a uniform standards of training and certificate throughout country. Profession was evolving and changes were needed in different such reduction in nursing categories admission criteria for nurses to name a few .



Pakistan Nursing Council 1973

April 11, 2012

Establishment of examination boards, addition of course in curriculum, inclusion of private schools as a member and re-enforcing PK Chandio the licensing regulation


Nursing Organizations
TNAI worked up to 1947 in sub-continent. After independence of Pakistan TNAI Leader Mrs Salma Tareen Nursing Superintendent of Mayo Hospital Lahore met Chairperson of TNAI Miss Vice France to form independent association with name of TNAP. And TNAI Divided and Pakistani part called TNAP and Indian TNAI. Total members of TNAP were 55. First time rules of TNAP were adopted in 1950.
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Nursing Organizations
First President of TNAP was a Mrs Ismat Khanum Shah LHV, and Principal of Public Health School.

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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

After independence British Nurses and nonMuslims Nurses left the India and Pakistan. Huge gap created in nursing services. Very small Pakistani nurses were served the wounded refugees in riots. On call of imminent political female leaders of West Pakistan Ms Fatima Jinnah, Rana Begum Liaquat Ali Khan called the women to come out from homes and to serve the Refuges in camps. They all lay women served under supervision of trained nurses.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Inspector General Civil Hospitals Punjab started the 02 weeks training to prepare Nursing Assistants after 8TH Class pass. 1948: First Nursng School was established in Ganga Ram small private Hospital Lahore.

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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

Mrs G.M Darrah was first Nursing Tutor up to 1961. Mrs Mumtaz Painda Khan first Nursng Superintendent of this school up to 1979. First Medial Superintendent of this school was Mr. Shujaat Ali. In 1952: first group of 07 girls passed the nursing course from this school.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

In 1948: Second School of Nursng was opened in JPMC Karachi. This development followed by Bahawalpur, Hyderabad and Multan, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar, Civil Hospital Karachi, Mayo Hospital Lahore.

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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

In 1951: LHV Training extended to 02 years, one year midwifery and second in nursing emphasized on community nursing.

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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

1950: CNC passed the rules that:
Two grades of nurses- General Nurse and assistant Nurse 17 years age for girl in nursing admission Unmarried, widowed, divorced and childless will be preferred in training admission.

April 11, 2012

PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

08 class education, only can read or write the English. For Nursing assistant: only can read and write Urdu. Male can not take training of Assistant Nurse but take 03 years general nursing after passing Matriculation.

April 11, 2012

PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

1950: CNC passed the rules that: 03 years with 03 months as preliminary training School (PTS) Later these points become a part of ACT 1952 Legislature. Nursing Assistant can not practice without supervision of Trained Staff Nurse.

April 11, 2012

PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

1950: CNC passed the rules that: Course comprised on:
Anatomy, Physiology, Medial Surgical Nursing, Fundamental of Nursng, Hygiene and Sanitation. Exam of first year and third year only. Midwifery certificate included in one Nursng Diploma Certificate which was separated later in 1960.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

1950: CNC passed the rules that: no fixed date for admission, round the year admission was opened for girls due to shortage of nurses. Students Nurses were considered helpers and assistants of staff nurses.

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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

Mrs Wazir got postgraduate training in teaching and administration from India and become first postgraduate nurse teacher in JPMC Karachi. Other Staff Nurses, Matrons were used to teach the students. She used to teach 03 times a days to different classes. Before Ms Wazir, No separate classes for first, second or third year students, all have use attend class together.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Doctor teach medical subjects and nurses teaches nursing subjects: proposed by Ms Begum Wazir. After 1952 Nursing Admission were given in April and November months (Twice a year) 1955: PNC abolish the two grades of Nurses, converted into one A. Matric fixed for female instead of 08 class and 08 class for midwives instead read, write Urdu.

April 11, 2012

PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

Establishing College Level Nursing: In 1955 college of nursing proposed under health and sanitaiton programme This was approved by the help of Govt of USA. College was established and affiliated with Karachi university This college temporarily placed at Civil Hospital Karachi.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Establishing College Level Nursing: Miss Catherine Hardeman Nurse Educator of USA, joined this college as a Principal. Miss Virginia Arnold, chief Nurse of Washington, and Begum Wazir joined college as a tutor after passing B.ScN from USA. One year course formulated with administration and teachng together. In 1957 group of seven girls graduated from this college.

April 11, 2012

PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

Establishing College Level Nursing: 1959: college was given permanent place in JPMC Karachi. After Hardman left her position, Ms DeMara Took the charge of Principal. 1959: PNC visits the college 1963: PNC approved and suggested additions of coursed in curriculum of college. In 1966: Ms Begum Wazir become first national Principal of this college. She was 4th in number of principal.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Establishing College Level Nursing: Mrs Imtiaz Kamal returned to Pakistan after passing Master Degree in Nursing and became second national 5th in overall principal of this college. 1966: 134 Nurses got graduation this college and involved in teaching all over Pakistan.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Nursing Institutes 1947 1990

School of Nursing
Public Health Schools College of Nursing
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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

Men in Nursing in Pakistan: Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar, Civil Hospital Karachi and Good Shepard Hospital Quetta accepting male students in nursing. 1950 TNAP sent recommendation to CNC that Male Nurse also treated equally on pay and facilities to females.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Men in Nursing in Pakistan:

1989: there were 66 Male Nurse out of 6389 nurses in country, 85% were in Balochistan and NWFP Provinces. Among 66 one was teacher and 4 were managers.

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PK Chandio


When first college of Nursing was opened, male nurses were refused to give add mission. Said by: Mr. Mushtaq 1966: College accepted the admission to male. Up 1970 Male Nurses were restricted to higher positions of nursing. E.g. Controller, superintendents and principals etc.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Men in Nursing in Pakistan:
After long arguments to PNC and Govt Male Nurse succeeded to get agreed the Govt for appointments of male on managerial positions. 1973: first Male Nurse Mr. Mushtaq became a controller of examination in Sindh.

April 11, 2012

PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

Pakistan Nursing Council: In parliament ACT was passed in 1973 to form the PNC with 35 members. The president is D.G Health Govt of Pakistan, vice President is Nursing Advisor, Members includes controllers, chief nursing superintendents, principals, LHVs, Midwives and staff nurses. Before PNC, there was CNC.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Through PNC:
Provincial examination boards established Formation and uniformity of Nursing curriculum Every institute have get recognition of PNC To check standards of institute and issue license.

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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

Nursing Colleges:
College of Nursing JPMC Karachi opened in 1955. College of Nursing Peshawar opened in 1988 by Federal Govt from women development fund & ODA, UK.

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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

College of Nursing Lahore opened in 1987by Punjab Govt & ODA (Overseas Development Authority) was affiliated with Hillington Health Authority London. College of Nursing Jamshoro opened in 1998 by FHP & DWHP.

College of Nursing PIMS Opened in 1991 by JICA.

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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Miltary Nursing Services of Pakistan: Miltary Nursing Services of India up to 1947. started Nursing Auxiliary training to male in Mayo Hospital Lahore and Holy family Hospital Rawalpindi for soldier in Miltary of Pakistan in 1948. PAFNS ACT 1952 was passed and gave rank of commissioned officer to a Nurse. In 1959 formally given status of Lieutenant to a Nursing Sister in practical.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Miltary Nursing Services of Pakistan: In 1956 Miltary Hospitals started Nursing Training itself. Firstly 06 Months PTS training was started CMH Lahore, after that 06 Months they transferred to CMH Rawalpindi for three years General Nursing. In 1950 Operative Nursing and Intensive Nursing was started, this course was for 06 Months.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Miltary Nursing Services of Pakistan:
Due to shortage AFNS hired the Colonel Maudsley from London who took charge of Chief Principal Matron in 1962. She served a lot in Nursing. She was appointed as a first Director of AFNS Pakistan in 1965.

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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

In same year 1965 Colonel Maudsley retired and charge of Director has been given to colonel M.F Qureshi first Muslim on this seat. It was first time in history that Muslim Nurse has been given higher position. In war of 1965 with India, Nurses has been awarded with meritorious awards and medals on their services.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Miltary Nursing Services of Pakistan:
In war 1971 With India, AFNS Worked a lot and seven Nurse Officers held by India as a Prisoner These prisoners has been given physical and mental torture by Indian Army. Major Salma Mumtaz (Nurse Officer) has been awarded with Florence Nightingale and promoted as a Colonel position on braveness and pivotal services.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Miltary Nursing Services of Pakistan: In 1978, due pivotal services of nurses in wars, the rank of Brigadier has been given to Director of AFNS. Brigadier is second highest position after General in Army. Colonel Safdri Beg was given the post of Brigadier first time in AFNS in 1978. In 1982 Brigadier M.B Chugtai become a Director of AFNS and PNC awarded permission for B.ScN training in AFNS. In 1982 AFNS launched a Journal for Nursing Issues. In 1986 Brigadier Nusrat took charge of AFNS.

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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

Pakistani Nursing Leaders: Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan: She was a Midwife basically She was a wife of former Prime Minster of Pakistan. She was first Lady Governor of Pakistan. She also assumed the job of Ambassador of many European countries. She was president of all women's association of Pakistan She was patron-in-chief of TNAP from 19501980
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Pakistani Nursing Leaders: Mrs Imtiaz Kamal: She is daughter of a Barrister She belongs to very well-to-do family She entered in nursing at St.Giles Hospital London. She remained a Principal of College of Nursing JPMC. She wrote a book on family planning and she also get published her Scientific Research Articles. After retirement she joined WHO on very big position.

April 11, 2012

PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

Pakistani Nursing Leaders: Begum Wazir Ali She Got Diploma in Nursng from Delhi in 1936. She got B.ScN from U.S.A as a first Pakistani Nurse. She got post graduation from India as a first Pakistani Nurse. She remained a first Pakistani postgraduate Nursing TUTOR in College of Nursing JPMC. She remained a First Pakistani Principal of college of Nursing JPMC.

April 11, 2012

PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

Pakistani Nursing Leaders: Mrs Nisab Akhtar She worked as General secretary of PNF. She got training from Wales England in 1949. She took charge as Administrator of many nursing institutes in Pakistan.

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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

Pakistani Nursing Leaders: Mrs Kaneez Moula: She is Nursing Leader from 1965-1985. She served as a Nursing Advisor of Pakistan, and she has a title of longest served as a Advisor of Nursing. She completed M.A in History from Calcutta University in 1947. She got Nursing and Midwifery Training from England She got Pride of Performance of Govt of Pakistan on Nursing Services.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Pakistani Nursing Leaders: Mrs Khadija Mushtaq: She served as a first National Principal of College of Nursing Lahore. Her father was a lawyer, Politician, Active member of Muslim League. She was responsible for care of wounded Refugees after during partition. She got Nursing Training from England in 1949. She got Pride of Performance Award by Govt of Pakistan on outstanding services in Nursing.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Pakistani Nursing Leaders:

Mr. Mushtaq:
He got Training of Nursing in 1948 from School of Nursing Civil Hospital Karachi. He served as a first and Male Controller of Sindh Nurses Examination Board Karachi in 1970 for seven years. He got Prograduate in Nursing from College of Nursing.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

He was honored with academic excellence Award in Diploma in of Nursing. He served as a President of PNF. He served as a Editor of Journal of Nursing and Health Review He currently serving as a Principal of School of Nursing Zia-ue-ddin University Hospital Karachi.
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History of Nursing in Pakistan

Pakistani Nursing Leaders: Miss Illmya Mughal: She got Nursing Training from Liaquat university Hospital Hyderabad. She got Post graduation from College of Nursing JPMC Karachi.

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PK Chandio


History of Nursing in Pakistan

She served as Nursing Instructor, Nursing Superintendent, Controller Nursing Board Sindh. Principal College of Nursing Jamshoro, and Director of Nursing Sindh. She has been awarded with Pride of Performance by President of Pakistan on her good services in nursing.

April 11, 2012

PK Chandio


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