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Quake on 11 April 2012 Balaji Narasimhan | | www.balaji.ind.

in According to reliable sources [1][2], the coordinates of the earthquake are: 11 Apr 2012, 02:08 pm IST, 02n18, 93e03 Here's the chart: ......................... .su .sk ke. . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ....... . . .ku lg. . . . . . . . . ......................... .ch .ra .sa . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... Some quick thoughts: Lagna is Simha 0654', with Bhumi Karaka Kuja vakra less than three degrees away (Simha 0942'). The Dasa at time of event was Ke-Sk-Sk (22 Feb 2012 to 02 May 2012). Both grahas occupy the star of Chandra, who in turn occupies Ketu's star. Both grahas are closely conjunct and placed in an Earth signin fact, Vrishaba is the only Earth sign that is currently occupied. Mark that Ketu is the lord of the 4th, which rules lands and this is a watery sign. Sukra's moolatrikona falls in the 12th from this sign and houses Sani, lord of the 7th. Sani is vargotamma and exalted, so one doubts how much of a role he played in this because such a graha is said to be happy. But having a vakra 6th lord may not always be pleasant. Lagnesh Surya occupies a watery sign in conjunction with a debilitated graha, thus perhaps indicating a quake under water.

[1] [2]

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