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April 10, 2012

SaskParty MLAs call on NDP leader John Nilson to tell his federal leader to drop his promise to bring back the costly and useless long-gun registry Saskatchewan Party MLA Lyle Stewart is calling on interim Saskatchewan NDP leader John Nilson to oppose any bid to re-instate the federal long gun registry. In a recent interview, new federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair said he will bring the controversial registry back if he becomes Prime Minister. For too many years, Saskatchewans law-abiding gun owners were treated like criminals because of the federal gun registry. When it was finally scrapped, you could hear the collective sigh of relief right across the Prairies, Stewart said. John Nilson was the Justice Minister in an NDP government that opposed the registry more than 15 years ago he needs to stand up for Saskatchewan and tell Thomas Mulcair to drop it. Stewart isnt holding his breath, however. When efforts were underway to abolish the registry in the spring of 2010 by way of a private members bill, a debate was held in the Saskatchewan legislature on a motion calling on all members of the assembly to support proposed legislation that would have killed it then, Stewart said. We were expecting full co-operation from the Saskatchewan NDP, but they chose to flip-flop on what they said in the past and support a program that wasted billions of taxpayers dollars, negatively affected law-abiding citizens and did nothing to significantly reduce violent crime. Firearms in Saskatchewan are used primarily on the farm or by hunters restricting access to them didnt make sense in 1995, it didnt make sense in 2010 and it sure does make any more sense today. Its time for Mr. Nilson to show some leadership and tell his federal counterpart that in Saskatchewan, that dog wont hunt. -30For more information contact: Steve Rennick 787-4300

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