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Togo 'Rstai[ :Marksting Limited

Regd. Office: ca-202A, No.S28, Ground Floor, Ring Road, Naraina, New Delhi -110028.
Zonal Office: Shree Shubh Apartment, 88-99, Prafulla Kanan, V.I.P. Park, 4th Floor, Kolkata - 700101

Ref No.: TRML/Cir03/2012 / To All Marketing Members Togo Retail Marketing Limited

Dated: 31.03.2012.

Re : Change of enlistment

from mother team to other team.

Dear Sir, The Marketing Members those who have departed themselves from their mother team -and joined under new seniors from January, 2012 onwards, are hereby requested to submit the NOe from the previous Seniors before 15th ApriJ 2012 otherwise go back and rejoin in the Mother Team. Anyhow, jf you will not do the same, then over riding of your business wilJ be provided to your mother team for one your from the date of joining in the other team. However, the management of our Company is cooperative enough to look after the interest of the Marketing Members in distress. Wish you all stay happy harmoniously under one Team and do business sincerely as before.

Thank you, Yours truly, For TOGORETAILMARKETING LTD. Authorise4atory

Copy forwarded to : Allthe Manager, Togo RetaiJ Marketing Ltd.

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