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Rita T.

P (172) CAMERA
A camera is a device that directs the shadow that is focused by the lens/optical system to another onto the surface sensitive photos that are in place close/film. Advantages and Disadvantages of camera : Advantages Camera : 1.The resulting Image bright enaugh even though the light is minimal. 2.From a small,lightweight and compatible. 3.Full auto soappropriate for taking anywhere. 4.Camera not wearing a mirror in her voice and not noisy. 5.Can be operated using the flash (blith) Disadvantages Camera : 1.the built in Flash on the camera body can cause the resulting photo became red eyes reduction 2.Since the object was photographed in the view through the view vinder separate from the lens so there is the possibility of taking pictures at a time when the lens is covered. 3.Influence of usage of filters do not appear if Viewed from the view vinder. 4.Because the lenses into a single body with the camera lens can not be replace with another type. 5. cant get to shooting close up.

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