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Salient Features of Mettur TPS. 1.Location 2.Installed capacity : Mettur Dam, Salem Dt. : 4 x 210 MW 20.16 MU

3.Generation Per day : 4.Area of the main Plant

: 359.30 Acres

5. Ash dyke Upper ash dyke Lower ash dyke 6. Coal Required 7. Ash Generated Dry Ash collected Wet Ash

: 487 acres : 781 acres : 14,000 MT per day : 5,000 MT per day : 3,000 MT per day : 2,000 MT per day

Initially Ash ponds were designed to dump all the ash generated,collected and pumped into dyke. In nineties fine fly ash was collected from ESP hoppers and bagged to cement companies and the utilisation was 50,000 MT per annum.

In the year 2000, Mettur TPS has constructed 4 Numbers of silos of capacity 250 tonnes each for collection of dry fly ash using PDFACS by M/s. ABB Ltd. The utilisation of ash has substantially increased to 1 million tonnes from 0.25 million tonnes

Implementation of the provisions of Fly ash Notification.

Mettur TPS is implementing an action plan to achieve 100% ash utilization level before 2015 as furnished by regulatory authorities. Annual implementation report providing information about the compliance of provisions as per fly ash notification is furnished to the Pollution Control Board. Mettur TPS has taken following steps to improve the fly ash utilization.

TNEB has signed MOU with Cement Companies to build and operate the PDFACS in all the 4 units on BOLT System utilising the technology from M/s. Mecabar Beekay, New Delhi. Silo capacity: Unit - I 1000 T + 300 T Unit - II 1000 T Unit - III 500 T Unit - IV 1000 T

Mettur TPS had set up fly ash brick manufacturing unit and fly ash bricks are used for its own construction activities, other nearby circles of TNEB and issued to other Government Departments. So far about 55 lakhs of fly ash bricks were manufactured.

To encourage the utilization of ash in agricultural and forest sector, a study has been entrusted to the Institute of forest Genetics and tree breeding, Coimbatore for development of plant species with blending of fly ash with natural earth at a cost of Rs. 2.00 Lakh for Mettur TPS.

Based on the experience, a trial forestation was carriedout at about 5 acres at the lower ash dyke and the growth of the plants are good.

Mettur TPS / TNEB had also allocated separate budget provision for display of slogans/permanent posters on the utilization of fly ash and its products in public places and also showing slides in cinema theatres and cable TV net work under proactive programme.

A Symposium was conducted on 25.6.2004 to create awareness of fly ash utilization. The Brick manufacturers are personally contacted and informed on fly ash brick usage and the symposium was well attended.

A dispute settlement committee had been constituted and is regularly convened once in two months to resolve disputes in issuance of ash to the users.

District level implementaion committee

The committee has District Collector as Chairman, Chief Engineer / Mettur TPS as convenor, District Environmental Engineer, Executive Engineer / PWD, Divisional Engineer / Highways, Asst. Director / Geology & Mining and Joint Director / Industries Dept. as members.

The function of the committee is to work out the mechanism to gainfully utilise the huge quantity of fly ash being generated in Thermal Power Station in a time bound manner.

TNEB officials are sent to other Thermal Stations to understand more on the use of fly ash and implementation. High volume fly ash concrete is being used for pavements, Roads etc., in Mettur Thermal Power Station.

Thrust areas of ash utilisation Dry & Wet Ash is being issued to Cement Companies, AC sheet companies, Ready Mix companies, Brick Industries, Highways Road Embankments and other Govt. Agencies like PWD, Housing Board, Agriculture Dept etc.,

Transportation System:
Mettur TPS has suggested the transporters to use Bowsers and Bulkers of higher capacity instead of tippers to improve mass transportation and to avoid pollution.

The roads and the bunds in the ash dyke area has been strengthened and widened for free movement of lorries loaded with wet ash.

Every care has been taken to avoid pollution and fugitive dust emmission emnating from lorries enroute to cement companies and other utilities

Policies for increasing ash utilisation.

Dry fly ash is lifted by the companies round the clock at MTPS. Wet ash is lifted from 07.00 hours to 20.00 hours due to security reasons.

Allotment of wet ash and dry fly ash to clay bricks manufactures is made by Chief Engineer / MTPS. Allotment of dry fly ash to other industries is made by Chief Enginer ./ Civil Designs / TNEB / Chennai.

The weighment for regular lorries has been fixed on lumpsum basis based on random weight measurement. This enables speedy movement of vehicles by avoiding unnecessary repeated weighments.

Dry & Wet ash is being issued to the Small Scale Industries at free of cost

About 20% of dry fly ash collectted from the silo allottee cement companies is issued to the Brick industries and other utilities to increase the ash utilisation.

Medals and Awards

Mettur Thermal Power Station is the front runner power station of TAMILNADU ELECTRICITY BOARD certified for ISO : 9001 : 2000, the station has been setting benchmarks in power generation, bagging the meritorious productivity awards for excellence in power generation year after year.

Mettur Thermal Power Station has bagged 2nd Prize at National level towards Maximum ash utilization Jointly awarded by Ministry of Power, Ministry of Environment & Forests and department of Science and Technology / Government of India.

Commendable Achievement
Mettur TPS has exceeded the target fixed in action plan for ash utilization in the last six years. The actual ash utilization is 98.26 % in 2007-2008 as against the target of 85 % in the action plan.

Mettur Thermal Power Station has achieved 116.65 % of utilisation as on 30.09.2008 for the year 2008 - 2009 against the target of 88 % in action plan without incurring any expenditure for METTUR T P S.

UTILISATION 2007 - 2008


642621 939036
BRICK(Dry) CEMENT (Dry) WET(Cement & Brick)

Utilisation Before Action Plan

1.88 1.82 1.8 1.75 1.71 1.62



1.24 1.2



Ash Generated
1 As h Utilis ed 0.8



0.2 7% 3% 0
90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96






15% 10.30%




After Action Plan

2.5 Ash Generated Ash Utilised % 2 Action Plan %


51.34% 54.79% 52.22% 35% 20% 20% 45.29% 41% 48% 65.95% 57%

85.00% 64%

82.10% 77%




99-00 00-01 01-'02 02-'03 03-'04 04-'05 05-'06 06-'07 07-'08

The great challenge standing before us in thermal power stations is the disposal of fly ash and wet ash.

Increased the utilisation of fly ash will certainly benefit the Power Indusrtry and Small Scale Industries. Thereby the same so-called waste ash is better utilised for the development and the economy of the Nation in a constructive way. Waste ash G R E Y G O L D.


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