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Lawson ENWR 1510 Spring 2012

Presentation Guidelines
Each student will present a condensed version of the argument for their research paper in a 5 minute speech and take questions from the audience for 2 minutes. Students will be judged on: 1) The clarity of their argument. Does the condensed version make sense by itself? (25pts) 2) Problem Statement Does the speaker introduce the problem by explaining what conceptual or pragmatic question it is intended to address and why the audience should care? (15pts) 3) Mechanics Does the speaker look at the audience? Does the speaker deliver the argument at an appropriate pace, with an appropriate volume? Does the speaker adhere to the time constraints? (30pts) 4) Engagement of classmates Are your classmates paying attention? Do they ask interesting/appropriate questions when you are finished? Students may also be penalized if they are not appropriately engaged in the presentations of their peers. (10pts) 5) Q and A session Do the students respond to questions in an effective, appropriate manner?(20pts)

Edit down your paper to a manageable size by picking one part of it to present to the class. Use a timer to practice reading your presentation aloud, slowly and clearly like you will during your real presentation. Practice in front of a mirror in order to see what your audience will see. It will also help you get used to looking at someone while presenting instead of just reading your paper to the class. Anticipate the questions your readers will ask. Be prepared to answer those questions when the Q&A period begins. Practice in front of an audience, including the Q&A section. Make sure your timing is correct.

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