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KPMG the firm of liars, thieves and murders is at again (well it never stopped), check out the Wells Fargo financials below, there is more accounting fraud contained in this document than one can imagine.

Let me be absolutely clear, nothing in this post is untrue and no one is being threatened, the only thing any of you dopes have to fear is KPMG itself (and the U.S. Government when KPMG gets done lying to the Feds about you).

KPMGs fraud is so egregious I would be extremely afraid if I worked at KPMG on Wells Fargo because everyone knows for a fact, if something goes wrong, like the DOJ or Congress gets pissed about all the special purpose vehicles used by Wells Fargo to hide billions of losses or the myriad of fraudulent tax shelters used by Wells Fargo (more fully described below), KPMG will not only turn you over to the U.S. Government to be ass raped for life and expose your family to the potential of yours or their suicide due to the lies KPMG will invariably tell about you, KPMG will bend over backwards to help the DOJ destroy your life.

KPMGers your lives will be completely and forever destroyed, so bad that you will crave death every day just so you do not have to remember the horrors inflicted on you by the U.S. Government due to the massive lies KPMG will tell about you when it needs to.

The likes of Dennis Malloy, Michael Hamersley, Joseph Loonan, fat pig Bob Bennett of Skadden Arps, will lie to the DOJ so much about the fraud (described below) being perpetrated at Wells Fargo (regardless of who approved the fraud at KPMG).

KPMGers working on Wells Fargo, KPMG will put you in prison via the DOJ to be ass raped by violent angry blacks who hate whites (yes, the DOJ will put you in a room that is 10 by 10 with 23 angry blacks who will rape you nonstop for days (while the guards laugh and watch or worse)). Of course, the DOJ does this so you will turn into a lying rat like Dennis Malloy, Michael Hamersley, Joseph Loonan.and

the DOJ will tell you the ass raping will stop if you lie about your fellow KPMGers who have helped you perpetrate the fraud at Wells Fargo.

The lies told by KPMG may be so humiliating and disgusting your family members may commit suicide like Jane did (Japanese style, leaving a bloody disgusting mess for your other family members to find).

For sure this will happen to you KPMGers.

It will go something like this, Congress will get so pissed about all the fraud being perpetrated at the Banks it will need some heads. The DOJ will go to KPMG and say give us some heads or else. KPMG will hire a firm comprised of liars and thieves who only care about making millions in fees off the mess, Skadden Arps.

Skadden will put one of their partners like Peter Morrison on the case since he is just like fat pig Bob Bennett who has already done this for KPMG, fat pig Bob Bennett is one of the greatest liars of our time, Peter Morrison is just like fat pig Bob Bennett, a very good liar. If or when KPMG hires Peter Morrison, he will lie to the DOJ so much your life and your families (geez, the DOJ will likely threaten your relatives and send agents with guns to their houses based on how good a liar Peter Morrison is) will forever be destroyed.

This is how easy, it will be to prove the fraud, go to page 52 of the Wells Fargo annual report:
Off-Balance Sheet Transactions with Unconsolidated Entities
We routinely enter into various types of on- and off-balance sheet transactions with special purpose entities (SPEs), which are corporations, trusts or partnerships that are established for a limited purpose. Historically, the majority of SPEs were formed in connection with securitization transactions. For more information on securitizations, including sales proceeds and cash flows from securitizations, see Note 8 (Securitizations and Variable Interest Entities) to Financial Statements in this Report.

Newly Consolidated VIE Assets and Liabilities

Effective January 1, 2010, we adopted new consolidation accounting guidance and, accordingly, consolidated certain variable interest entities (VIEs) that were not included in our

consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2009. On January 1, 2010, we recorded the assets and liabilities of the newly consolidated VIEs and derecognized our existing interests in those VIEs. We also recorded a $183 million increase to beginning retained earnings as a cumulative effect adjustment and recorded a $173 million increase to other comprehensive income (OCI).

KPMGers I know your bosses told you it was okay to hide billions in bad debts in special purpose vehicles, I get it, but when the likes of Peter Morrison of Skadden Arps get done lying to the DOJ about you, it will be off for a life of ass raping , destruction of your family and bankruptcy, all done courtesy of KPMG.

Go to page 209 of the Wells Fargo annual report: We have concluded that it is more likely than not that the remaining deferred tax assets will be realized based on our history of earnings, sources of taxable income in carry back periods, and our ability to implement tax planning strategies. At December 31, 2010, we had undistributed foreign earnings of $1.6 billion related to foreign subsidiaries. We intend to reinvest these earnings indefinitely outside the U.S. and accordingly have not provided $508 million of income tax liability on these earnings. Of the $5.5 billion of unrecognized tax benefits at December 31, 2010, approximately $3.1 billion would, if recognized, affect the effective tax rate. The remaining $2.4 billion of unrecognized tax benefits relates to income tax positions on temporary differences. .. We recognize interest and penalties as a component of income tax expense. We accrued approximately $870 million and $771 million for the payment of interest and penalties at December 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively. A net expense from interest expense and penalties expense of $45 million (after tax) for 2010 and a net benefit from interest income and penalties expense of $72 million (after tax) for 2009 was recognized as a component of income tax expense. In September 2006, we filed a federal tax refund suit in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims related to certain leveraged lease transactions, which the IRS considers SILO transactions that we entered into between 1997 and 2002. On February 19, 2010, the Court of Federal Claims entered an adverse judgment, and on April 15, 2010, we filed a Notice of Appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Oral argument was heard on December 7, 2010, and we expect a decision sometime during 2011. There will be no adverse financial statement impact if the

Court of Appeals affirms the judgment of the Court of Federal Claims.

Oh my goodness, KPMG tax guys I would be very afraid of what KPMG will do to you if things go south on SILO, Darryl Hainor from KPMG is already under indictment for SILO. Geez, Wells Fargo and KPMG are so bold they tell the world almost $1 Billion has been accrued to cover penalties and interest for all of the Wells Fargo tax fraud.

Oh well, dont say I did not warn you, just remember when KPMG hires someone like Peter Morrison from Skadden Arps to tell massive lies for KPMG (a specialty of Peter Morrison), it will be off for a life of ass raping, bankruptcy and destruction of your family, all paid for by KPMG.

Let me be absolutely clear, nothing in this post is untrue and no one is being threatened, the only thing any of you dopes have to fear is KPMG itself (and the U.S. Government when KPMG gets done lying to the Feds about you).

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