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Intercropping of
AnnuaI Foodcrops
Martine van WoIfswinkeI Number 4

Maintaining soiI fertiIity is often one of the main chaIIenges in agricuIturaI production.
Intercropping is one of the options avaiIabIe to maintain soiI fertiIity and crop yieIds. Other
benefits of intercropping are risk spreading, weed controI and the decrease of pest and
disease incidence. In this Agrobrief, advantages and disadvantages of intercropping are
discussed. ExampIes of intercropping systems in aII parts of the worId and practicaI
impIementations are presented for farmers who wouId Iike to start experimenting with
intercropping. Growing (fodder) trees in association with annuaI food crops and
agroforestry are other ways to maintain agricuIturaI production in a sustainabIe manner.
For these topics you are referred to the Agrobrief 'Fodder Trees' and the Agrodok
'Agroforestry', aIso avaiIabIe from Agromisa Foundation.

1. Why intercropping?

ntercropping is 'the cultivation of two or more crops at the same
time in the same field'. A wide range of crops can be used for
intercropping. n Cuba, for example, farmers use 'traditional' crop
associations such as maize-bean and maize-pumpkin, but also
less usual combinations, such as maize-tomato.

Biodiversity and stabiIity
ntercropping is a way to increase the diversity of the farming
system. More diversity in the farming system generally means
more stability, resulting in risk spreading and reduced pest and
disease incidence.

Increased yieIds
When two or more crops with different rooting systems, a different
pattern of water and nutrient demand, and a different above-
ground habit are planted together, water, nutrients and sunlight
are used more efficiently. Therefore, the combined yields of two
crops grown as intercrops can be higher than the yield of the
same crops grown as pure stand.

Figure 1. Example of crop arrangements

Crop arrangements:

Strip intercropping: growing
two or more crops in strips,
wide enough to permit
independent cultivation, but
narrow enough for the crops to

Row intercropping: growing
two or more crops in well-
defined rows.

Mixed intercropping: growing
two or more crops together in
no distinct row arrangement.

Relay intercropping: planting a
second crop into a standing
crop at a time when the
standing crop is at its
reproductive stage but before
harvesting (see figure 1).
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2. SoiI fertiIity

An important reason for intercropping is the improvement
and maintenance of soil fertility. This is reached when a
cereal crop (such as maize or sorghum) or a tuber crop
(such as cassava) is grown in association with a pulse
(beans, peas, etc). Pulses (also called 'legumes') are a
protein rich source of food. Some pulse crops provide oil
and may be important as cash crop, e.g. peanut (Arachis
hypogaea) and soybean (Glycine max). Leaves and
immature pods of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and
common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) can be eaten as a
vegetable. See Table 1 for more examples of pulse crops
in tropical climates.

Deep-rooting pulse crops, such as pigeon pea, also take
up nutrients from deeper soil layers; thereby recycle
nutrients leached from the surface. Legumes also grow
well in soils low in phosphate.
After the intercrop is harvested, decaying roots and fallen
leaves provide nitrogen and other nutrients for the next crop. This 'residual effect' of the pulse crop
on the next crop is largest when the remains of the pulse are left on the field and ploughed under
after harvest. However, when a large amount of nitrogen is removed in the grain harvest, more
nitrogen is removed from the field than fixed by the pulse crop. Thus soil depletion can still occur in
a grain-pulse intercrop when the nutrients taken up by the crops are not replaced with manure or
fertilisers (Giller, 2001).

Fodder and manure
The crop residues of the pulse crop can also be used as
fodder, by cutting and carrying them to the animals, or by
letting the animals graze the residues in the field. The
nutrients in the crop residues can then be recycled when
manure is used to fertilise crops. Animal manure improves
soil fertility through supply of nutrients and soil structure,
as it increases the amount of humus in the soil. t should
be spread evenly over the field, whether the manure is left
on the field during grazing or collected from the stable and
applied later.

SoiI cover
Pulse crops in an intercropping system do not only provide a source of nitrogen and other nutrients
to the associated crops, but also increase the amount of humus in the soil, due to decaying crop
remains. This results in an improved soil structure, reducing the need for soil tillage. Water losses,
soil erosion and leaching of nutrients are also reduced in intercropping systems, due to the
improved soil structure and because of a better soil cover, especially when creeping pulse crops
are used. With a good soil cover, the impact of rain drops on disruption of the soil is reduced. n
relay-intercropping, the pulse crop is planted some time after the main crop and continues growing
after harvest of the main crop. This results in a more efficient use of soil water and prevents
leaching and erosion, as the soil is still covered after harvest of the main crop.


All plants need water and nutrients ('plant
food') to grow and to produce a yield. Most
of the water and nutrients a plant needs is
taken up from the soil. f there is a lack of
water and/or nutrients, crops do not grow
well and produce low yields. An important
nutrient for crop growth is nitrogen. A lack
of nitrogen in crops can be recognized by
the light green colour of the leaves and
results in low yields.

Nitrogen fixation

f the right bacteria are present in the soil,
pulse crops can fix nitrogen gas from the
air in pores in the soil, thereby reducing the
need for nitrogen from manure or
(synthetic) fertiliser.
Humus and organic matter

Organic matter in the soil consists of fresh
organic material (plant and animal waste)
and humus (decomposed organic
material). Fresh organic material provides
nutrients to the soil. Humus helps to
improve soil structure and soil fertility. t
has a great capacity to hold nutrients and
water. A soil with a lot of humus is dark in
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Table 1 Tropical grain legumes

250-650 mm in 3-4 months or 650-1300
mm in 4-5 months; cannot tolerate too
much water; 20-35C
Light sandy soil with sufficient nutrients
for pods which grow under the ground
Cajanus cajan pigeon pea,
congo pea,
red gram
800-1000 mm; 20-40C Only legume on this list that can tolerate
slightly saline (salty) soils
gram, Bengal
Demanding in terms of requirements:
sufficient water during vegetative growth;
will not tolerate heavy rainfall during
flowering period; 15-30C
Grows on light soils and on well-drained
heavier soils. Requires a pH of 6-9,
cannot tolerate saline or acid soils
Glycine max soybean,
700-1000 mm; 20-30C Grows well on heavier soils that are well
drained. Cannot tolerate saline or alkaline
hyacinth bean
600-900 mm drought resistant, better than
soya or Phaseolus sp.

Lens culinaris lentil, gram 800-2000 mm ; 20-30C
lima bean
700-1000 mm
garden bean,
kidney bean,
common bean
700-1000 mm; cannot tolerate too much
water; 10-30C
Higher altitudes in tropics
Loamy soil, reasonably fertile, pH 5.0-7.5
crumbly soil structure important for a
good yield.
pea 500-800 mm; 10-30C survives frost pH 5.5-6.8, can tolerate somewhat saline
soils. Requires a well-prepared soil with
crumbly structure and good drainage.
600-900 mm; 20-35C
Dry, Sahel; cannot tolerate too much
Light sandy soil with sufficient nutrients,
because beans grow underground

Inorganic fertiIisers
n intercropping, nitrogen fixation by the legume is not enough to maintain soil fertility. f chemical
fertilizers are applied, it is however not necessary to use a nitrogen fertiliser on the legume, N-
fertilisers should be targeted on the cereal crop. A basal fertiliser is generally needed for both the
cereal and the legume. Fertilisers are more efficiently used in an intercropping system, due to the
increased amount of humus and the different rooting systems of the crops, as well as differences in
the amount of nutrients taken up.

Risk spreading and food security
When two or more crops are grown on the same field, the risk for crop failure is spread over the
different crops as the different crops have different periods and patterns of growth, and are
affected by different diseases. f one of the crops fails (due to drought, pests or diseases), there
still is a harvest from the other crops. This increases food security. n good years, the yield of two
crops grown on the same field as an intercrop is often higher than the yield of the same crops
grown separately.

Weed controI
n an intercropping system, weeds are often more easily controlled. For example in a maize-bean
intercrop, the bean covers the soil, preventing weeds to grow. On the other hand, weeding can
also be more complicated in an intercrop.
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Pest and disease controI
Pests and diseases often
are less abundant in
intercrops. There are
different ways to explain
this. f the pest or disease
has a specific host, it does
not spread as easily
through an intercrop as it
does in a monocrop.
nsects or other pests can
also be mislead by the
canopy of an intercrop and
not recognize the specific
crop they use as a host. Substances that other crops produce may drive insects away from the
main crop or natural enemies of insects may be attracted by one of the crops in the intercrop. n
some cases, diseases and pests may also be stimulated by the intercrop, for example diseases or
pests that prosper in shady conditions. Therefore, try it out on a small scale first.

When the intercrop provides a good soil cover, soil temperature will stay relatively low. This
prevents burning of the organic matter in the soil and loss of nutrients. t also provides a micro-
climate that can be favourable for associated crops.

PhysicaI support
n a maize-bean intercrop, climbing beans
can use the maize stalks for support.

Figure 2. Maize-bean intercrop

3. PotentiaI probIems with intercropping

Depending on the crops intercropped, competition for water, light and nutrients may result in lower
yields. Changes in the spatial arrangement of the crops will reduce the competition. A larger

Tomato and maize intercrop in Cuba

Tomato was a typical monocrop in Cuba before 1989.
Tomato requires a combination of temperature, solar
radiation and relative humidity. Producing tomatoes out of
season is lucrative. The solution was found in using maize as
natural shade for tomato, and thus modifying the micro-
environment favoring tomato production off-season. The most
productive spatial arrangement was found to be three rows of
tomato planted between two rows of maize. Maize was sown
30 days before tomato was transplanted. Every row was
oriented from north to south.

This spatial arrangement led to a reduction of the radiation
intensity by about 25% and a temperature decrease of
approximately 3
C. Yields of tomatoes produced under maize
shade increased by 5-6 tonnes/ha in comparison with
tomatoes grown as a monocrop. n the tomato-maize
intercrop, adult white fly presence and virus infections were
decreased and fruit quality was better. The most important
advantage of the tomato-maize intercrop is the possibility for
farmers to sell fresh tomatoes off-season and thereby
increase income.
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distance between plants reduces root competition for water. Light competition can be reduced by
an arrangement as in the 'MBL' system (p. 7).

When machines are used for weeding or harvesting, intercropping can be difficult. However, strip
intercropping is a useful alternative to mixed or row intercropping.

Labour requirements of an intercropping system may be higher than in sole cropping, as two or
more different crops are planted at the same time or shortly after one another. On the other hand,
labour requirements may also be less in an intercropping system, for example due to a reduction of
weeding requirements, when weeds are suppressed by the intercrop. f sowing and harvesting
periods of the different crops vary, it is easier to spread the available labour over the entire season,
avoiding high peaks of labour.

4. How to start intercropping

When two or more crops are cultivated in an intercropping system, each crop should have
adequate space, to maximize cooperation and minimize competition between them. To accomplish
this, attention should be paid to the specific local conditions (climate), the choice of crops, the
arrangement of crops in space and time, the plant density, maturity dates of the different crops and
plant architecture.

The best design of an intercropping system depends on the specific local conditions and the
climate (Table 2).

Table 2. Intercropping: advantages, crops and risks under different climatic conditions

Humid Sub-humid Semi-arid and savannah
CIimate Rains throughout the
(Pronounced?) dry periods
Very short rainy season
Advantages of
Prevention of
leaching and erosion
through constant soil
Better utilization of water
and nutrients; erosion
prevention; risk spreading
Risk spreading; nitrogen fixation
(with leguminous intercrop)
What kind of crops Soil covering
intercrop or green
manure cover crop
Intercropping with many
different crops possible;
green manure on fallow
Intercropping with deep rooting
crops and low water demand
Risks Competition for water and
Competition for water
Risk prevention Sufficient space between
Sufficient space between plants
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Crop choice
Almost any type of crop or combination of crops can be used for intercropping. Choose crops that
are locally grown and well-adapted to the climatic conditions. Seeds or other plant material can be
obtained from other farmers, on local markets or from specialized seed producers. Consider
including a pulse crop in the intercrop, as pulses fix nitrogen and help to improve soil fertility and
soil structure

PIant densities
When two or more crops are combined in a field, plant densities need to be adapted to maximise
yields. The individual crops should not be planted at the same density as usual in a sole crop, as
the crop densities would be too high and yields of both crops would be reduced. The best way to
find out what the optimal plant densities are, is to experiment with different seeding rates. n an
intercrop with two crops, experiment with 3 small plots with each crop at different percentages of
the normally recommended planting rates: 1/3 + 2/3, + and 2/3 + 1/3. From there, make
adjustments for future plantings, based on the results of the experiment.

PIanting and maturity dates
n intercropping systems, it is an advantage if the different crops in the mixture have different
maturity dates, with different times of peak demand for nutrients, water and sunlight, thereby
reducing competition. n a sorghum-pigeon pea intercrop, as is common in ndia, the sorghum
matures in about four months. After harvest of the sorghum, the pigeon pea flowers and ripens.
The slow-growing pigeon pea, therefore, does not affect the sorghum yield. Another aspect of the
timing of the sowing dates of nitrogen-fixing legumes is the release of nitrogen from crop remains
after harvest. f the nitrogen-fixing crop matures and is harvested first, then the added nitrogen and
phosphate already become partially available to the other crop. f it matures after the other crop,
then the nitrogen and phosphate will be available to the subsequent crop. Adaptations in the
planting dates of the different plants in an intercrop can help to reduce competition and to
maximise yields.

PIant architecture
Different crops may have a different architecture, i.e. height and width of the plant. n designing an
intercropping system, it is useful to pay attention to differences in plant architecture between the
crops in the mixture. n a maize-groundnut intercrop for example, the tall maize crop should be
planted in rows far enough apart to allow sunlight to reach the smaller groundnut plants.

Crop arrangements (see figure 1)
Crop arrangement refers to the way the crops are sown in the field. Crops can be sown in rows, in
strips, mixed or otherwise. All different crops can be sown at the same time, or one later than the
other (relay intercropping).
When crops are planted in rows, the interaction between the crops is maximised. A maize-bean
intercrop, for example, can be planted in rows with a row of maize alternated with a row of beans,
or two-by-two, as in the MBL system (see example 1, p.7). This allows more light to penetrate and
reach the beans or other small crops. On level land, the rows should run in east-west direction,
allowing the morning and afternoon sun to reach the beans. On sloping land, however, rows should
be planted on the contour, to prevent soil erosion.
Strip intercropping generally makes it easier to harvest the crops, especially when machines are
used for the harvest. However, the interaction between the crops is less than in row intercropping.
Mixed intercropping is often found in home gardens, where many different crops are planted in a
mixture, without a specific pattern. t is also useful when a mixture of grains is sown at the same
time on the same field. When the grains are ripe at the same time, they can be harvested together
and used as a mixture. n semi-arid regions in Africa, for example, sorghum, millet and maize can
be planted as a mixture.
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Relay intercropping is possible and useful when the growing season is long enough to grow two
crops, or when there are two growing seasons. n a maize-bean intercrop, for example, the maize
is planted first and when it is established, the bean is sown in between the maize. After the maize
harvest, the bean continues growing and may use the maize as stakes. n relay intercropping, the
soil moisture is used very efficiently and the soil is covered for a longer period, preventing nutrient
losses and erosion. Competition for water and nutrients is also less. n Figures 3 and 4 some
examples of spatial arrangements in an intercropping system are illustrated.

Figure 3. Examples of row intercropping of cassava and other crops.

Figure 4. Strip intercropping

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5. ExampIes of intercropping systems
5.1 Africa

Kenya: 'MBILI is number 1' - maize/Iegume intercropping
Farmers in Kenya have planted maize with beans as an intercropping for many years. This allowed
them to produce crops for both household food supply and, during better years, for sale. But the
yields of maize and beans on most farms declined due to nutrient depletion and pest and disease
accumulation resulting from continuous maize-bean intercropping. Even during the best years, it
was difficult to get a profit because the price of maize and beans was too low to offset the cost of
inputs. Rotation of beans with other legumes would reduce the pest and disease incidence and
improve soil fertility, but the maize canopy (especially of large-stature, long-maturing varieties)
does not allow sufficient light for intercropping with groundnut, green gram (also known as mung
bean (Vigna radiata)[not in list]) or soybean. The Sustainable Agriculture Centre for Research
Extension and Development in Africa (SACRED Africa) worked closely with farmers to develop an
innovative intercropping system that is designed to overcome these problems and produce a
marketable yield. Reorganizing the arrangement of the rows of maize (see Figure 4) and
intercropping with different legumes improved yields and increased farm incomes. The key was to
stagger the rows of maize, while maintaining the same crop population, allowing for greater light
penetration to the understorey legume. Due to the increased light penetration, other legumes than
bean could be combined with maize in an intercropping system. Growing different legumes in
intercrop rotations resulted in healthier crops, through the disruption of pest and disease cycles.
Both farmers and researchers found out that the rotation intercropping system not only improved
the production of the legumes, but also of maize.

Figure 5. Crop arrangement in the common system and the
MBILI intercropping system

This project is called 'Managing
Beneficial nteractions in Legume
ntercrops', or MBL. Mbili is also the
Kiswahili word for two, referring to the
arrangement of the maize-legume
intercrop: in two-by-two staggered
rows, instead of alternating rows of
maize and legumes, as is the
conventional recommendation.
Legumes that are used in the MBL
maize-legume intercrop are common
bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), green gram
(Vigna radiata), groundnut (Arachis
hypogaea) and soybean (Glycine max).
The MBL system also resulted in
greater returns to fertilizer inputs and
provides food security when the maize crop fails due to drought.
The MBL system can be modified and adapted to specific circumstances or needs of farmers.
The rows of maize or legumes can be planted closer together or further apart, resulting in wider or
smaller gaps for the legumes. t is also possible (depending on the climate) to grow more than one
legume or maize crop in one season. (Source: Sacred Africa, 2002.)

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Cuba: intercropping for food security
Until 1989, the agricultural system of Cuba was characterized by its dependency on foreign
external inputs, although in some parts of the country traditional agriculture still played a dominant
role. After the collapse of the socialist countries in 1989, the share of monoculture-based
agriculture diminished drastically. The use of fuel, chemical fertilizers and pesticides reduced to a
very low level. Traditional crop associations, such as maize-bean and maize-pumpkin that had
been used before by small farmers, became a common practice in large areas. At the same time,
unusual crop combinations, such as carrot-cabbage, lettuce-cabbage, carrot-garlic, tomato-beans,
sweet potato-pumpkin, maize-tomato, banana-beans, banana-taro-beans-maize and sugarcane-
beans began to appear in areas that had long been dominated by monoculture practices.
n this new situation with almost no external inputs, most of the new crop associations were found
to be more productive than monocultures. Many farmers practicing crop associations were able to
obtain two or more crops on the same piece of land that was previously monocropped. Planting
more than one crop also allowed farmers to sell one to the state market, as is obligatory, and keep
the other crop for own consumption or to sell on the free market. ntercropping also led to better
control of pests and diseases in the absence of (chemical ) pesticides, to more efficient use of very
scarce inputs and to higher economic profitability.

Honduras: maize-veIvet bean
A widespread crop used in intercropping systems is velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens). t is often
grown in association with maize. Velvet bean is sown after the maize crop has established. t
rapidly produces a lot of leafy material that continues growing after harvest of the maize crop,
using the residual moisture. n the dry season, the crop can be left on the soil or ploughed under.
This increases the amount of soil organic matter and the amount of soil nitrogen, available for the
next crop.

5.3 Asia

Pigeon pea-maize intercrop in Indonesia
On the island Timor in ndonesia pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) is intercropped with maize. At the
onset of the rains, maize and pigeon pea are planted in rows. After 5 months the maize is
harvested at the time pigeon pea starts to flower and fruit. No fertilisers are applied on the
intercrop. Pigeon pea is a deep-rooting crop and improves soil fertility through biological nitrogen
fixation. Falling litter and decomposing roots contribute to soil fertility. The production of pigeon pea
is also important for food security and risk spreading; when the maize harvest fails, there still is a
yield from the pigeon pea. The fresh and dried peas are eaten and pigeon pea is an important cash
crop in the region. After harvest, the dried stems are used as firewood. Pigeon pea is also used as
an early shade crop for cash-crops such as coffee and cocoa. Pigeon pea is suitable for a semi-
arid climate. t is resilient to drought and produces good yields even in dry years. (Source: GMCC)

Sweet potato-maize intercrop in Indonesia
On the ndonesian island Bali, sweet potato (pomoea batata) is intercropped with maize. The
leaves and stems of sweet potato are harvested for pig feed. Farmers in this area are not
interested in the tubers. Maize is grown as a second-season crop. After land preparation, maize is
sown in rows. After a single weeding and fertilisation, sweet potato cuttings are planted in between
the maize. Leaves and stems of sweet potato are harvested when needed, even after the maize
harvest. Before the next soil preparation, roots and tubers of sweet potato are ploughed in the soil.
According to the farmers, the advantages of the sweet potato-maize intercrop are a diversification
of crops and more efficient use of land. The labour requirements for weeding are reduced due to
the permanent soil cover by the sweet potato. The leaves and stems are good quality food for pigs
and provide a marketable cash crop. (Source: GMCC)
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Maize-cowpea reIay intercropping in The PhiIippines
Maize is sown first. After 45 days, cowpea (also named 'string bean') [is yard-long bean meant
here? string bean is a cultivar of common bean] is sown. The maize serves as support for the
cowpea. After harvesting maize and cowpea grains, crop remains and manure are incorporated in
the soil. The cowpea harvest is used for own consumption and for sale. (Source: Garden organic)

Sources and Further reading

Agrodok nr. 2 Maintaining Soil Fertility, Agromisa Foundation
Magazine on Low External nput Sustainable Agriculture. For more information on sustainable
agriculture and intercropping
ATTRA ntercropping Principles and Practices -
Green manures / Cover crops, Garden organic, pdf document, Garden organic
the organic organisation. Ryton Organic Gardens, Coventry CV8 3LG, United Kingdom,
Nitrogen Fixation in Tropical Cropping Systems, Ken E. Giller, CAB Publishing, 2001
MBL is Number 1: A Handbook for nnovative Maize-Legume ntercropping. 20 pp. SACRED
Africa, Bungoma, Kenya. May 2002

The author acknowledges comments and inputs of Zingore, Rik Schuiling and Rob Witte.


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