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Bobservations: Mark 15:39 Truly this man was the Son of God.

. From Bill Crowders Book, WINDOWS ON EASTER the author tells us a bit about the Roman Soldier who spoke these words above. Church tradition gives the name Petronius to this Centurion. If he was won to faith in Christ, he came as a pagan and, like the thief on the cross who believed, was saved as Jesus hung upon the cross. How simple and basic is that? All who are ever saved in truth are saved because of the death of Jesus on the cross. So the cross began to do its work at once. That work has continued for two millennia, for the preaching of the cross may be foolishness to the world, but to those who are saved it is the power of God! No wonder Charles Wesley declared in his anthem of praise for the death of Christ, Amazing love, how can it be, that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me! It was that powerful cross and the significance of the love displayed there that can change hearts even the hardened, battle-weary heart of a career soldier from death to life. As the focal point of the message of the Gospel, we see glimpses of the cross throughout the scriptures. As the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, their encampments were set up in the form of a cross (Numbers 2). The cross is in Isaiah 52 and 53. And while the cross is clearly evident in Psalm 22, it is the Resurrection that we celebrate today that we find in Psalm 16. Tell His Disciples, and Peter. Mark 16:7

Go tell someone! Anyone! Everyone! The cross is now empty, and so is the tomb!

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