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Hughesville Borough Council Minutes

March 26, 2012 - 7:00, PM

Council members and staff present Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Mary Burns, James Savage, Richard Smith, Dee Moyer and Mayor Walter Reed The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Guests and Visitors: Josh Brokaw (Sun-Gazette) Approve Agenda: March 26, 2012 Burns moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed. Approve Minutes: March 12, 2012 Burns moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. Mayors Report: Reed said that he met with Bressler to discuss Emergency Management updates as previously mentioned in the last meeting; they will continue to work on this and will update in the future; also requested short executive meeting. Code Inspections, Inc.: February zoning permits. Reed said he doesnt feel that we are being updated as to the progress of sited properties. We were receiving weekly progress reports but theyve tapered off to nothing. The mayor stated that out of about 15 property concerns only half of them have shown improvement. Treasurers Report: Transfer to Liquid Fuels $ 1,644.50 Operating Fund Check# 7347 10,000.00 Montoursville Borough Monies were transferred from the General Fund to Liquid Fuels Fund to cover an audit finding from a Liquid Fuels auditor. Moyer said that there wasnt a question as to whether it was a valid expense but that the transfer wasnt immediate and we must now wait for a PennDot auditor to make the reversal. Burns moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. Business: Mowing bids per mowing as follows Easton Landscaping $280; Youngs Lawn Care $294; Kozs Landscaping $320. Michael moved to retain service with Youngs Lawn Care, seconded by Mook. Motion passed. Smith cast the lone dissenting vote. Date for annual Spring Clean up Days is April 30 thru May 4. Mook moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed. Crews will pick up branches up to 6 inches in diameter. Branches should be placed close to the curb or sidewalk; no leaves or grass clippings; no alley pickups. Borough Spring Newsletter will be put in all resident mailboxes starting April 2. Pa Wilds Planning Team PennDot Open House Church Street Revitalization Project in Williamsport Grand Opening

Committee Reports: WATER Berger said 6 properties are scheduled to be hooked up to Water Authority Service. STREETS Mook said he spoke to PennDot about frequent backups on Main and Water Streets. He said were responsible for the light and we can not change the timers at will. If we do another traffic study it will be at our expense, estimating about $20,000. PROPERTIES Berger said playground mulch was ordered for around the merry-go-round. Adjournment: 8:08 PM Council went into executive session; will not reopen for any further business. Mook moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed

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