An Atlas of World Cinema

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REMAPPING WORLD CINEMA identity, culture and politics in film edited by Stephanie Dennison and Song Hwee Lim. GB waarawer ress wn aseree Fe pues Gras tan 2008 by Copy © Stephenie Denison and Song Hoes Lim 2008 : “Th mr ight t Stephanie rion and Sang Hw Lin o be ented asthe ectors [tights reserved, No part ofthis publication maybe reproduc strain aetna ‘ste er vangporadin sy fom or by ey means, econ, mechanca prtocopHng. ‘eoorang rote, wht he pr armies of beh no copa ones ar he SSovepastone ofthc book IN 1 ans76462.2 (nd) IsaN saniTee-e3-0 a) Book dso by la Matern Print ty Repha Poss Pvt nda covarimiges ‘eau tava iat Dois, 199) ‘Aan Tas Miko, 1980) rousing How, Hegon Dragon Ang Le, 2000) ‘Ser andi o Mede, 200) (ty of Goa Femando Marat, 2002) on ins Karosta, 2002) CHAPTER ONE An atlas of world cinema Dudley Andrew ‘The term ‘word cinema is now permanently wil usin our cases, our textbooks, {be popular press. names the global reach of Hollywood, beginning with aw (1975) and Sar Wars (1977), and it mares te resistance to Holywood evident inthe GATT. ‘ebates over a decade ago, Sometimes postcolonial crite mobs the em, a nations ‘efor recognition af festivals. Word cine eplacesthe Yoreign a which Fist slipped through heavily guarded university door nthe 1960s, We wad to teach {onegn ms as autonomous materworks nfm as rt‘ourses or asaddenda tothe sanctioned national erature, Today national literature departments are shrinking ‘while the numberof ims begging for stay and the places they come ftom increase. “The old ways da justice neither to thie variety nor tothe international interdepe ence ofmages. The bre tat ike so many others, employed for years Survey of fim docs an injsticeto the station and to students, For survey suggests distant ‘32, panopicaly monitoring the foreign for our convenience and use. A course of Study in world cinema, however, shoul instead e ready to raved more than to over ‘ee should put student inside unfamiliar condition of viewing rather than bringing the unfamiliar handily o them. This is the pedagogical promise ofa discipline such 1 World Cinema, a manner of resting foreign fms sytematieall transcending the ‘vagaries of teste; taking the ease of the foreign! in whats eraly a freshly recog: rise global dimension. Such an approach examines oversding factors, then zeroes In on speci tema ste ~ provides coordinates for navigating this word of word ‘nema. No need to dock in every port as if ona tou du monde with some ‘Michelin ude textbook, Displacement, not coverage mates most let us travel where we Wil So loog as every local cinems is examined with an eet its complex ecology, “My approach might best be conceived aan alas of types of maps, each providing a diferent ocientation to unfair terrain, bringing out iferen aspects, elements ann dimensions. Each approach, ar map, models a typeof view: hence, the Atlas. Fm Festivals long ago came op with «basic map as they sought top products to be putin competition esch yes asa Miss Universe contest. Fr along while the cognosceti ‘id litte move than push coloured pin onto 4 map to lcse the national origin of| ‘masterpieces. This appreciation of ct fowers adorned lm study in ts st years but required a mor systematic account (al it botanical or ecological) ofthe vitality of Drvleged examples, What pole and cultural soil nourished dese fins and thei ‘makers? Todays impulke ~ more ambitious beauie more dynamic and comparative pod tack proces of ross pollination that bypasses national directives. To begin {o-encompass allthis material in this confusing ‘el of study an historical ale would seem a sensible fist step. Yl my course is nether 2 gazetteer nor an encyclopedia,

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