Life Goals

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Life Goals: Go to a good college Become a Lawyer Take Honors/ college classes in high school Get A honor rolls

or rolls Do your best on all tests Become a good weight Become athletic Be able to play Baseball for Hoggard

Routine for: Cleaning Room- Every Monday and Friday 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Make Bed Clean Floor Clean Closet Floor Vacuum Clean off Counters Dust Counters and Things on them Make sure all clothes is where it belongs Organize Clothes By Color Take out Trash

Cleaning Bathroom- Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Clean off the Floor Clean off the Counter Put everything in its right place Wipe off the Counter Vacuum Carpet Clean the Toilet Clean the shower walls Wipe and Clean mirror

Schedule in Morning: 6am- 6:15 = WAKE UP 6:05- 6:35 =WLP 6:35- 6:50= SHOWER 6:55- 7:00 = PUT ON CLOTHES 7: 00 7:10 = BRUSH TEETH, PUT ON DEODERANT 7: 10 7: 15 = GET BOOKBAG READY 7:15 7:25 = EAT BREAKFAST

Schedule in the Afternoon and Night: 4pm 4:30 = REST/ FREE TIME 4:35 6:30 = W.L.P SHOWER DINNER DO HOMEWORK

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