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Pilot Program: Reducing Emissions on Stocktons Campus by Converting to Bio-Diesel and Straight Vegetable Oil (SVO)

Team Members: Keely Weinberger: Ed Truitt: Adam Brinkman: William Major:

Submission Date: February 27, 2012

Mission Statement...............................1 Abstract.......................1 Statement of Need...............1 Project Rationale..................1, 2 Project Narrative
a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Goals & Objectives3 Proposed Activities (Timeline).......3, 4 Budget....4, 5 Facilities & Resources....5 Evaluation..5, 6 Sustainability..6, 7 Case Studies....7 Attachments

a. b.

References..8, 9 Resumes.10-14 Appendix.15-18

MISSION STATEMENT: To promote innovation and stewardship through sustainable initiatives that set a standard of excellence. ABSTRACT: The goal of this proposal is to make the Richard Stockton College of NJ (RSCNJ) more sustainable by initiating a one-year pilot project to reduce emissions. The inefficient transportation system is the largest producer of pollutants of any operation on campus. The main objective of this project is to convert (1) maintenance vehicle to bio-diesel and (1) shuttle bus to straight vegetable oil (SVO). By implementing this plan, deleterious emissions will be significantly reduced. If successful, the project can be expanded to include all of the vehicles owned by Stockton. The project has the potential to become self-sustaining, and it would provide a substantial cost savings for the college. Additionally, the project will offer an invaluable experiential learning opportunity for students. Student-run, sustainable programs would also generate publicity for the college, which would motivate more students to enroll. STATEMENT OF NEED: Environmental sustainability is an issue that needs to be a top priority in our world today. Too often we think of ourselves as separate from our environment; the reality is that we are all organisms that rely on our world to provide us with the essential elements to stay alive. In todays society, it is easy to take natural resources for granted. We drive cars that run on fossil fuels, we go to the grocery store to buy food, yet we seldom wonder where these resources come from. Certainly we consider their affects on the environment but how often do we, as individuals, actually do something about it? The current generation has to start using the worlds resources more wisely if we want future generations to have the same basic luxuries that we now enjoy. Colleges and universities, institutions of higher learning where innovation and knowledge flourish, seem like the ideal place to initiate sustainability projects. As New Jerseys Distinctive Public College, the Richard Stockton College of NJ (RSCNJ) needs to set a high standard of excellence and make its campus more environmentally sustainable. Out of all the polluters on Stocktons campus, the transportation system is the largest contributor of emissions at RSCNJ. The college needs to invest in an efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective transportation system. This system should implement the use of both bio-diesel and straight vegetable oil (SVO) to fuel the maintenance vehicles and the shuttles that operate on campus. PROJECT RATIONALE: The college can benefit in several ways by implementing a bio-diesel and SVO program to become more sustainable. It will cut back on the amount of emissions and other harmful gasses produced by the shuttles and maintenance vehicles. The college can also save money by reusing the vegetable oil from the schools dining facilities and other local vendors. This project could also serve as a valuable experiential learning opportunity for students and faculty. This initiative will act as a model for other colleges and businesses to follow, and it would bring positive

publicity to the college. Such publicity could also help to increase student enrollment numbers because students are eager to be a part of projects that make a positive difference in the world. Since the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year, the 6 shuttle buses that Stockton College owns and operates have travelled 48,640 miles (J. Fortune, personal communication, February 22, 2012). Because these large vehicles are not very efficient, they produce copious amounts of greenhouse gases and toxins. These toxins include nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons (Ali, Rao, & Gopinath, 2008). Robert DiTizio, a local mechanic, explained that vehicles of this size get about 12-15 MPG at best. In typical situations, these heavy duty vehicles will only get about 10 MPG (R. DiTizio, personal communication, February 23, 2012). According to the EPA, the average diesel vehicle produces 22.2 pounds of carbon dioxide, a green house gas that is one of the main contributors of global climate change (EPA, 2011). Based on this statistic, Stocktons shuttle buses alone have already produced 107,980.8 pounds of carbon dioxide just this year! According to the Institutional Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Energy Analysis, Annually, around 1,100,000 pounds of carbon dioxide are produced from Stockton vehicles (2009). In addition to carbon dioxide, other harmful components of diesel emissions can be decreased by utilizing bio-diesel. According to research done by Firat University, bio-diesel blends usually lead to a decreased amount of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and nitrogen dioxide compared to a diesel engine running on standard diesel fuel (2011). In the lowest engine speed of 1,300 RPM, carbon dioxide emissions were reduced from 6.78% to 6.54%, and nitrogen oxide emissions were reduced from 1,069 parts per million to 1,046 parts per million (Ilkilic, 2011). This data was based on a B-20 fuel blend, a fuel that is comprised of 20% vegetable oil and 80% diesel fuel. Another important consideration is the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in emissions produced by burning fossil fuels. A joint study done by the Kaohsiung Medical University and the Chung-Hwa College of Medical Technology quantified the amounts of VOCs given off by the B-20 blend of bio-diesel compared to standard diesel (2012). In this study, B-20 fuel produced emissions that, overall, contained lower levels of harmful VOCs (Peng, Lan, & Yang, 2012). VOCs are typically harmful to all life, and many of them are either known, or probable, carcinogens. Toluene, in particular, was found to be cut in half by using B-20 bio-diesel. According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), toluene exposure can lead to cardiovascular and developmental problems in humans, including birth defects and developmental delays (2011). A switch to B-20 bio-diesel would lower the amounts of various VOCs (toluene, octane, m- and p-xylene, o-xylene, acetophenone, undecane, dodecane, and tetracane) were reduced by a range of around 48%-77% (Peng, Lan, and Yang, 2012). These reductions are significant, and health risks associated with VOCs can be greatly reduced. The need to reduce emissions is evident, and the solution is feasible. Stockton should invest in sustainable initiatives, such as our pilot program to abate our ecological footprint. The proposed project is small, but, if it is successful, RSCNJ could create a whole fleet of sustainable, affordable, and above all, environmentally-friendly vehicles. The benefits are indisputable. If Stockton converted just one of its shuttle buses to SVO, it could eliminate well over 25,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year. Converting a maintenance vehicle to bio-fuel would eliminate a host of carcinogens, and it would make the campus a cleaner, safer place to live. PROJECT NARRATIVE: Goals and Objectives

Our main goal for this project is to make the college more sustainable by initiating a oneyear pilot project to reduce emissions on Stocktons campus. Currently, RSCNJ owns and operates six shuttle buses and a host of maintenance vehicles that all run on fossil fuels. As part of this oneyear pilot program, we are proposing a project to convert (1) shuttle to straight vegetable oil and convert (1) maintenance vehicle to run on B-20 bio-fuel. We suggest converting the oldest shuttle, a 2003 International RE, to SVO. This shuttle bus, known as Shuttle #6, is one of the least used shuttles, and it is also the largest. Additionally, it is most likely not under warranty, so the conversion process will not affect the maintenance of the vehicle. Converting this vehicle to SVO will require a conversion kit that would void any factory warranties on the vehicle. We also recommend converting the oldest diesel maintenance vehicle to bio-fuel. The benefit of using bio-fuel, such as B-20 is that it will not void any warranties, and it does not require altering the vehicles engine in any fashion. The only element that changes is the fuel. Twenty percent of the fuel used will be vegetable oil, and the other 80% will be regular diesel fuel. This mixture will be formulated directly on the vehicle, which will be equipped with a 10 gallon vegetable oil tank. Vegetable oil from this tank will mix directly with the other diesel fuel and will create the bio-fuel needed to power the vehicle. This pilot program has many benefits. If successful, the program can be expanded to include more vehicles, which would reduce cost and emissions. Additionally, this program would offer a beneficial experiential learning opportunity for students and faculty. Students, under the supervision of a certified faculty member, could filter the recycled vegetable oil, which will be used to fuel the shuttles. This filtered vegetable oil will also be required to make the bio-fuel. Making the bio-diesel is a more in-depth process that requires the addition of chemicals, such as potassium hydroxide, methanol, and sulfuric acid (Haimovich, et. al., 2007). The process is safe and easy, and students will gain valuable hands-on skills that are not available in a classroom setting. This exciting opportunity could serve as an internship, independent study, or senior project, a requirement of many majors including environmental science and the new sustainability major. Proposed Activities (Timeline): The first step in making our vision a reality is to contact Chartwells, Stocktons dining service, to obtain their used vegetable oil. Currently, the dining services on campus produce over 90 gallons of used peanut and soybean oil per week, which is collected by a company called Mopac (E. Masterson, personal communication, February 24, 2012). Mopac is a company that utilizes waste vegetable oil to make fortified livestock feed. Unfortunately, the school would not disclose how much Mopac pays, if at all, to remove the used oil. The industry standard for used vegetable oil is $3.30 per gallon (Utah Biodeisel Supply, 2011). The price may seem a little high, however, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that the average cost of diesel fuel is $3.91 per gallon, and the price is projected to go up substantially in the near future (US Department of Energy, 2012). It is possible that Chartwells or other local vendors would be willing to donate their waste vegetable oil to the project. If this could be arranged, the shuttles could operate for next to nothing, and it would also greatly reduce the cost of producing bio-diesel. After the source of waste vegetable oil is secured, the next step is to purchase a filtering system and a processing unit, which produce the refined vegetable oil and bio-diesel needed to fuel

the vehicles. A commercial waste vegetable oil filtering system, such the Base WVO Filtration Unit can be purchased from Fryers to Fuel for as little as $549.99 (Fryers to Fuel, 2012). The school will also need to purchase a bio-diesel processor, which is needed to convert the filtered WVO into usable bio-fuel. The NWR Alternative Fuels Biodiesel Processor 40-Gallon, Model# Liberty would be an ideal processor to convert enough fuel to run several of Stocktons maintenance vehicles. The market value of this system is only $2,499.99 (Northern: Tools & Equipment, 2012). According to Northern, every batch requires only 3 hours of hands on time, and 40 gallons of bio-diesel can be produced every 48 hours (2012). In order for a shuttle bus to run on SVO, a conversion kit is necessary. A conversion kit, such as the GSP2.6 WVO Centrifuge with Pump & Motor can be purchased from Fryers to Fuel for $774.99 (Fryers to Fuels, 2012). With this kit, the bus uses both vegetable oil and diesel to operate. Before the engine is heated to the proper temperature, it runs on regular diesel fuel. Once the engine has reached the optimum temperature, a switch initiates the use of the clean-burning vegetable oil. About five minutes before the vehicle is shut down, the driver should reverse the switch, which allows the diesel to clear the fuel lines of stagnant vegetable oil (P. Hossay, personal communication, February 21, 2012). To meet our goal of powering a single shuttle bus with SVO, the system would need to produce a little over 35 gallons of filtered vegetable oil per week. This estimation is based on the fact that the average shuttle bus at Stockton travels 352.5 miles per week, and the shuttles get approximately 10 mile per gallon. A maintenance vehicle, such as a Ford F-250 Super Duty truck, has a 40 gallon gas tank (Just Gas Tanks, 2011). In order for the F-250 to have a perfect B-20 mixture, a 10 gallon vegetable oil tank would need to be installed. A vegetable oil tank and the accessories can be installed at a garage for about $1,500 (J. Brandt, personal communication, February 24, 2012). Once everything is installed and ready for operation, the vehicles can be used as they previously were without restrictions. However, precautions should be exercised during the first few weeks that the vehicles are in service. Altered vehicles should be checked daily to make sure they are performing properly. At the end of the proposed one-year of operation, the project should be evaluated. The effectiveness and sustainability of the project needs to be assessed as well as the cost of operation. Even if no money is generated from this project, the ecological benefits should be recognized. Budget: Overall Budget: Year One Vegetable Oil - $5,457.41 Diesel Fuel - $8,662.00 Vegetable Oil Tank Installation - $1,500.00 Shuttle Centrifuge Kit $775 x 6 - $4,649.94 Filtration Unit - $550.00 Bio-Diesel Processor (Model: Liberty) - $2,500.00 55 Gallon Storage Drum x 6 - $450.00 Student Payroll - $5,760.00 Total - $23,769.34

Pilot Program Budget: Year One Vegetable Oil - $338.84 Diesel Fuel - $537.81 Vegetable Oil Tank Installation - $1,500.00 Shuttle Centrifuge Kit - $775.00 Filtration Unit - $550.00 Bio-Diesel Processor (Model: Liberty) - $2,500.00 55 Gallon Storage Drum x 6 - $450.00 Student Payroll - $5,760.00 Total - $11,534.98 Facilities and Resources: The process of making bio-diesel will require a facility that can store chemicals as well as large 55-gallon drums that hold the manufactured bio-fuel. We recommend using AS211 in the Arts and Sciences Building as the processing room. We carefully selected this room because it has many important safety features, such as an emergency shower and eye wash station, a fume hood, and chemical storage cabinets equipped with working locks. This room has access to water and electricity and also has enough room to store the large components of the project like the processor and storage drums. Evaluation: Since we are proposing a pilot program to test the feasibility of using bio-diesel and straight vegetable oils on campus, the project should be evaluated after a one year period. Although, the project may not pay for itself in that one year, it has the potential to become a selfsustaining project within 5 years. As long as the test vehicles are operated properly they will reduce Stocktons ecological footprint, and the project should be deemed successful. In the grand scheme of things, implementing these plans would only cost roughly $6,000$10,000. Sustainability projects, such as this pilot program will attract students to the college. Currently, the tuition and fees are about $6,000 per semester, and one student attending college for one year will pay for the whole project and then some. If this project does not produce the desired result, then the college has not really lost much in the end. Additionally, this project should be evaluated on its impact on students. This program will allow students to become engaged in hands-on learning experiences. This direct experience will encourage students to really understand what they can do to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. This idea is tied to the Experiential Learning Theory, which places emphasis the role of experience in learning (Kolb, 1983). Essentially, the theory shows that direct, hands-on experience goes a long way toward actually learning concepts. This theory can be directly applied to this bio-diesel project, as students will acquire new, marketable skills. This project will teach students how easy it is to produce bio-diesel, which will, in turn, create a more environmentally-conscious student body at Stockton.

Sustainability: One of the most important aspects of this project is the economic value it provides for the school. Environmental benefits aside, we believe, according to our calculations, (which you can view in the attachments portion) that this program could be profitable for the school. Currently, we estimate that the fleet of shuttles at Stockton costs $33,000 a year in diesel based on current diesel prices. Using information provided to us by Joan Fortune, we were able to estimate the total number of miles each shuttle travels during a typical school year. If we were to implement this plan for all six shuttle buses, that is converting them to bio-diesel and straight vegetable oil, we can potentially cut the cost of diesel consumption to a mere $13,100 a year. That is a savings of roughly $20,000 a year! Those are numbers worth considering when reviewing this proposal. Nevertheless, it is important to see where those numbers came from. The most efficient bio-diesel fuel, as previously stated, is B-20, a mixture of 20% vegetable oil and 80% diesel. Right away that reduces our overall cost in diesel to 80%, which translates to $26,200 a year. That price, however, is not all savings. It still requires the remaining 20% of our fuel costs to be spent on vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is currently averaging $3.30 a gallon, not that much cheaper than regular diesel (US Department of Energy, 2012). Twenty percent of our fuel costs in vegetable oil translates to $5,000 a year. Together the combined price sits at around $31,700 a year, which is only $1,100 less than regular diesel. If fuel consumption ran as it normally does now, this program would still produce a profit albeit a small one. However, as we have discussed, bio-diesel is not consumed in the same fashion as regular diesel. It is important to note that diesel is consumed at a much lower rate reducing the overall cost of diesel. Diesel is used only to warm up the vegetable oil during start up and shut down. This greatly reduces diesel consumption. Overall, we believe this method would reduce diesel consumption by well over 50%, reducing costs by potentially $20,000. However, we have calculated estimates based on a more conservative approach. Estimating that in a one hour period of vehicle use, twenty minutes would be used for engine start up and cool down, this would reduce diesel consumption by 66% percent, which translates to an overall cost of $8,600. A six hour period would reduce use by 83.5%, which translates to $4,300. A nine hour period would reduce use by 89%, which translates to $2,900. According to these numbers, in a best case scenario, diesel consumption could be cut to the fractional cost of nearly $3,000 a year. While hard to believe, that proposes a savings of nearly $30,000 a year. Again, that is a best case scenario. Vegetable oil efficiency is determinate on a number of factors including the weather. Still, even a worst case scenario, as described, would save enough money to warrant implementation of this proposal. In order to implement this proposal there is a significant upfront cost. Still, it is important to note that despite this upfront cost, the overall savings will allow that initial cost to be repaid. For the sake of simplicity, we will combine the price of material and installation (detailed information can be found in the budget and attachment portions of this document). Installation and materials would cost roughly $10,000. Earlier we proposed using a classroom to house and store all the materials required to run the program eliminating further funding. If, however, a classroom was not available a structure would have to be converted or constructed adding to the overall cost. We developed a budget for student work. Two students, hired b Stockton, would make nine dollars an hour while working two hours a day. This cost, when spread over the course of a full school year, would come to $5,760.00. Based on the cost of installation, the cost of bio-diesel (based on 66% use), and the overall savings, the program would require just over a year to break even financially. After which, maintenance notwithstanding, the program would produce an annual profit compared to a campus shuttle system run solely off of diesel.

Initially, however, we propose a pilot program before implementing the proposal over the entire fleet of shuttle and maintenance vehicles. Nevertheless, using the same formulas, the program still saves enough money to be profitable. Needless to say that break even mark is pushed back significantly. The following numbers are based off the conversion of the 2003 International IC, the IC 3000 and one Ford F-250 Super Duty maintenance truck. The installation costs vary but only slightly. Filtration and processor units are still required, which raise the price disproportionately to the overall cost. Still, the price for the pilot program is greatly reduced coming in just under $6,000. The IC 3000 costs the school roughly $2,000 a year in diesel. The overall cost of using a B-20 mixture (based off of a 66% use of diesel) would reduce that price to $900. That results in a net difference of $1,100. If the program produces a reasonable amount of success, the calculations for full implementation are available above. The cost and return on investment are more than reasonable to justify the program based on the numbers provided. It is important to note that, while these numbers are estimates, they are based on credible data and should serve as a reasonable base on which to begin the project. Case Studies: Converting campus vehicles to run on SVO or bio-diesel is not a new concept. For years, colleges and universities have been setting a standard of innovation and sustainability by lessening their dependence on fossil fuels. Columbia University, Yale University, Northwestern University, and many other colleges have already implemented the use of vegetable oil and bio-diesel to fuel campus vehicles and to reduce their ecological footprint. Unfortunately, none of these schools have reported the effectiveness of their programs, but based on their popularity and widespread usage, converting gas-guzzling shuttles to either SVO or bio-diesel is a viable and sustainable solution. (Articles from Yale and Northwestern can be found in the appendix.)

ATTACHMENTS: References:

Ali, M.S., Rao, P.S.V.R., Gopinath, C.V. (2008). A comparative study of engine performance by using different bio-fuels. European Journal of Scientific Research, 21(2), 365-375. EPA. (2002.) State of Freight Transportation in the US. Retrieved February 17, 2012 from Fryers to Fuel. (2012). WVO centrifuges. Retrieved February 22, 2012 from http://www.fryer Haimovich, et. al. (2007). Bio-diesel fueled shuttles buses for a greener Columbia University, office of environmental stewardship: Final design report. Retrieved February 22, 2012 from _shuttle _final_report.pdf Hossay, P., Chirenje, T., McGinn, J., Franzini, J., Booty, S., & Idell, T. (2009). Institutional greenhouse gas emissions inventory and energy analysis: The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. Retrieved February 23, 2012 from /site_media/uploads/ghg/2579-2009-inventoryreports.pdf Ilkilic, C. C. (2011). An Analysis of Exhaust Emissions on a Diesel Engine Operation by Biodiesel. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization & Environmental Effects, 33(4), 298-306. doi:10.1080/15567030903030617 Just Gas Tanks. (2011). 2004-2010 Ford Super Duty F250-F550 pickup 40 gallon diesel tank [4740A]. Retrieved February 25, 2012 from _info.php? products _id=2732&osCsid=0ef45005c7c52efff163ab438d2effe8 Kolb, D. A. (1983). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. (1 ed.). Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Northern: Tool & Equipment. (2012). NWR Alternative Fuels Biodiesel Processor 40Gallon, Model# Liberty. Retrieved February 23, 2012 from http://www.northerntool. com/shop/tools/product_200386616_200386616?cm_mmc=aggregates-_-Google-_Alternative%20+%20Renewable%20Energy%3EBio-Diesel%20Processing-_-488011 Peng, C., Lan, C., & Yang, C. (2012). Effects of biodiesel blend fuel on volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from diesel engine exhaust. Biomass & Bioenergy, 3696-106. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.10.016 US Department of Energy. (2012). What are projected diesel fuel prices for 2012 and for 2013? Retrieved February 24, 2012 from

Utah Biodiesel Supply. (2011). Waste Vegetable Oil Pricing & Biodiesel. Retrieved February 24, 2012 from


William Major
(732) 804-1058 - 340 Chandler Road, Jackson NJ 08527

Education: Bachelors of Science in Environmental Science , expected 09/12 The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Pomona, New Jersey Associate of Arts Degree, obtained 12/08 Ocean County College, Toms River, New Jersey Skills: Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Time management skills. Coursework: Watershed Hydrology, Environmental Pollution and Regulation, Geology, Physical Geography, Environmental Planning, Ecological Principles. Experience: Stock Associate Gap Outlet Processing shipment including organizing and placing items. Guiding customers with finding product or locating additional stock.

08/11 Present Jackson, NJ

Shift Manager 01/06 07/10 Wawa Food Markets Jackson, NJ Managed a team of up to four workers in order to effectively run a store. Trained associates on store technology and required tasks. Provided excellent service to customers as well as other associates. Developed effective time management skills in handling specific tasks within an 8 hour shift. Handled money from both tills and from the safe. Admissions Associate 03/05 05/06 Six Flags Great Adventure Jackson, NJ Obtained Service Superstar Award in 2005. Responsibly handled quantities of money up to around $15,000 daily, typically with precise accuracy. Assisted guests as well as trained team mates with technology. Learned the importance of working as part of a very large team.

Keely Weinberger
295 B. Street Carneys Point, NJ 08069 Phone: 609.408.0913 E-Mail:

Education Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Pomona, NJ Graduation Anticipated May 2012 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with a Minor in Marine Biology Overall GPA: 3.87/4.0 Deans List: seven semesters Alumni, National FFA Organization Alumni, New Jersey Governors School on the Environment hosted at the Richard Stockton College of NJ Experience Environmental Education Internship May 2011-August 2011 Wetlands Institute, Stone Harbor, NJ Prepared and presented environmental outreach programs for school groups and general audiences. Conducted nature tours and explained local ecology. Environmental Chemistry Independent Study September 2009-December 2009 Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Pomona, NJ Conducted research as an independent study in the Environmental Chemistry Laboratory. Samples of soil and water were collected and tested for the presence of harmful elements using the Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectometer (SpectrAA 240Z). Sales associate & dock hand May 2010-September 2010 Cape May Whale Watcher & Spirit of Cape May, Cape May, NJ Managed ticket sales, booked tour groups, answered telephones, and communicated with customers through written correspondence and emails. Worked as a dockhand and crew member aboard the Cape May Whale Watcher Fleet. Other Experience Served as a State Officer for the State FFA Executive Board May 2008-May 2011 New Jersey FFA Association, NJDA, Trenton, NJ Served New Jerseys 1,800+ FFA members by attending National Convention as a voting delegate. Planned and facilitated numerous workshops and conferences to promote premier leadership, personal growth, and career success.

Edwin Truitt
18 South Maple Avenue, New Gretna, NJ, 08224 (609) 214-2705 EDUCATION: The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Pomona, NJ

Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Science Summer 2012 GPA 3.75 Deans list Fall 2008, Fall 2009-Fall 2011 COURSEWORK: Wildlife Management, Ecological Principles, Physical Geography, Organisms and Evolution, Cells and Molecules, Environmental Issues, Environmental Planning, Groundwater Hydrology RELATED EXPERIENCE: NJ Fish and Wildlife Management Division of Fish and Game Nacote Creek, NJ Volunteer October 2010Present Collected and analyzed marine specimens by seining, then performed species identification and assessment for population numbers and size Performed water quality assessments of various areas along the Delaware River Miss Barnegat Light, 100 person Fishing Vessel Barnegat Light, NJ 1st Mate April 2005 Present Worked with culturally diverse customers, taught the art of fishing, and provided a friendly environment Trained and supervised a crew of 6 members how to prepare and maintain a good customer service environment for fishing trips, procedures for operating dock to dock teamwork collaboration, and conflict resolution Liaison between the captain and the deckhands for a successful atmosphere Hands on involvement and operation with engines, generators, and various machinery such as forklifts and trucks Packed and processed various types of seafood TIPS Hardware West Creek, NJ Salesclerk June 2005 Mar2006 Stocked, handled, and sold various sporting goods and other outdoor equipment Bass River Woodworks Bass River, NJ Foreman May 2003 Present Foreman of a crew in construction, landscaping, and irrigation Bayshore Baseball Tuckerton, NJ Umpire April 2009 Present Supervised and reinforced the rules of baseball for players between the ages of 9 and 17 OTHER EXPERIENCE: New Jersey Boating Certification, Hunting, Fishing, Baseball Coach, Basketball Coach, and Teaching Observation

Adam Brinkman
831 Thoreau Lane Williamstown, NJ 08094 (609) 790 3427 Email:

Objective To obtain a challenging yet rewarding position in the field of environmental science and Geographic Information Systems Skills Understanding of Geographic Information Systems software Worked with Arc Map, Arc Catalog, Arc GIS, and Arc GIS with GPS Proficient in the field of Environmental Science, specifically pollution and remediation Understanding of inorganic and organic chemistry Excellent personal and public speaking skills Education The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey | Pomona, NJ Bachelor of Environmental Science Certificate in Geographic Information Systems Gloucester County Community College | Sewell, NJ Associates in Political Science Important Classes & Projects Classes Environmental Pollution and Regulation, Remediation Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry I III, Basic Geographic Information Systems, Geodatabase Design, Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Geographic Information Systems and GPS, Physical Geology, Physical Geography Projects Phytoremediation of Lead (Pb) Created an experimental plot of lead contaminated soils to test the affects of Vetiver grasses. Experiment is ongoing. Crosswicks Creek Sampled Crosswicks Creek, NJ and conducted a metal digestion to identify levels of heavy metals in the creek. GIS Project Used Geographic Information Systems software as well as personally researched information to create a series of maps to locate the most accommodating area for a fitness center. GIS GPS Project Used a Trimble handheld GPS device to plot trails and points of Interest in Corsons Inlet, Ocean City Work Experience B & B Clothing

Cashier & Utility | September 2010 Present Assist customers on a daily basis Maintain site appearance Provide maintenance Lowes Home Improvement Personal Salesman Hardware Department | October 2009 - August 2010 Assisted customers on a daily basis Worked closely with other sales representatives Took inventory and maintained site appearance *Can include more if requested


McCormick News Article

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McCormick Students Help Shuttle Bus Go Green With A Little Help From French Fries
July 7, 2008

Every week, the dining halls on the Evanston Campus of Northwestern University produce nearly 170 gallons of waste vegetable oil. In the same amount of time, the intercampus shuttle uses anywhere from 200 to 300 gallons of diesel fuel at five miles a gallon to transport students and faculty between the Evanston and Chicago campuses. The math and the logic lend themselves to an obvious solution to have the shuttle buses run on vegetable oil instead of diesel fuel. But implementing such a change has been years in the making, and recently a group of Northwestern students found that even great plans take a lot of work. The idea to have the buses run on the oil came two years ago to Engineers for a Sustainable World, a Northwestern student group that works to reduce poverty and improve global sustainability. In 2006, the group created a proposal to convert the buses in hopes of winning an MtvU grant. Though they didnt win the grant, the proposal got the ball rolling, says Aaron Greco, a PhD student in mechanical engineering who now acts as the projects adviser. Greco can quickly list off the benefits of such a system the emissions are cleaner, with no sulfur and fewer particulates, which can cause lung cancer. The process is mostly carbon neutral, and the net carbon contribution to the environment is 80 percent less than that of diesel fueled buses. Plus, the system would eliminate a campus waste stream and reduce the Universitys demand for petro-diesel fuel, a non renewable resource. We hope that this project will ultimately bring awareness to sustainability and to how these solutions can benefit the environment and the university, Greco says. Since the idea first blossomed, students in both Engineering Design and Communication and Segal Design Institute classes taught by both McCormick and Writing Program faculty have worked on various aspects of the project, from oil quality testing to cost analysis. Though student teams got a good start on the project, many of their ideas, as often happens, just didnt work out in the end. So this winter, a team made up of Charles Weschler, Rebecca Hoo, and Ji Hun Lee took on the project and came up with a whole new operation from collection to filtration to distribution. Their plan that works like this: each week, three students take a university-owned truck and drive around to gather the 55gallon drums of waste vegetable oil from dining halls. They then bring it to Ford Motor Company Engineering and Design Center (the temporary home of the filtration system) and pour the oil into a large barrel that acts as the first step of the filtration system. They let the oil settle for a week allowing the large particles of food and sludge to sink to the bottom of the barrel before pumping out the top oil through a small filtration system. What results is vegetable oil with no water and with particles less than five microns in size clean enough to run a diesel engine. In fact, the team created a prototype diesel engine that runs on vegetable oil, which, when running, gives off not the odor of diesel fumes but rather the scent of campus-staple french fries. But whats a little fried-food smell compared to a cleaner, more sustainable system? It still saves hundreds of dollars a week in diesel fuel, Hoo says. While developing the operation, team members say that, in addition to learning about the fine points of filtration, they learned more about dealing with systems and people.

We learned how to create a system out of scratch, Weschler says. It was the first time I helped create something that was working in real-time and had a real-life application. The team learned about being compliant with regulations like how only certain colored barrels can be used and learned that the most important part of executing a plan is often not the plan itself. We ran into problems in terms of communications, so I think we learned how to better coordinate that, Lee says. Coordinating the needs of the food service company, the bus company, and the university can be a job in itself, he says. Its the coordination and cooperation that makes it difficult, Weschler says. Though the team was still ironing out the details of how to get the oil from the filtration system to the buses, and Greco says ESW will take on the plan from here in hopes of realizing the system in the fall. The main goal of this team was to develop the full-scale operation, Greco says. Now were ready to construct it and try it out. The last hurdle is converting the bus to run on the vegetable oil. The viscosity of the oil much thicker than diesel, so the bus would need a conversion kit that would use the waste heat of the engine to warm up the oil so it can easily run through. Its actually not a major overhaul of the engine, Greco says. In the long run, the group hopes that the project will become part of the university, with students donating a few hours each week to make the system work. McCormick students will likely continue working on the project in order to optimize operations and teach them about sustainability, Greco says. I think this is always going to be used as an educational tool, he says.

Yale Shuttle Bus Powered by Cooking Oil

May 23, 2006

Shuttle bus at Commencement runs on biodiesel fuel made with cooking oil recycled from its dining halls. Yale will run one if its shuttle buses at Commencement with biodiesel fuel made with cooking oil recycled from its dining halls, University officials have announced. The University has been operating the bus for the past month with a test blend of fuel that is 50 percent biodiesel. The bus will be run for the first time solely on biodiesel at the 2006 Commencement. The experiment with 100 percent biodiesel complements Yales use of alternative fuels in the rest of its shuttle fleet, said Associate Vice President for Administration Janet Lindner. The University has converted all of its shuttle buses to biodiesel, in a blend with ultra-low sulfur diesel, as part of its commitment to a greener campus and cleaner air. We have been making use of alternative fuel vehicles, such as hybrids, within our fleet and this month we began using alternative fuel in all Yale shuttle buses. These efforts will help promote a healthier environment for the New Haven community. The project to recycle cooking oil originated when a student who wanted to power his automobile with vegetable oil approached David Johnson, a research scientist at Yale. Working together, they applied a catalyst to remove the glycerin in the cooking oil and separate out the biofuel. By removing the glycerin from vegetable oil, we essentially reduce its flashpoint from 600 degrees to 300 degrees, which allows us to use it as heating oil, Johnson said. Any car, truck or bus will run on it, with minimal modifications. Because the oil is a natural byproduct of plants growing in the United States, theres no negative effect on the atmosphere, said Johnson. The plants pull carbon dioxide out of the air; burning the fuel puts it back into the air, thus the effect is neutral, said Johnson. Whereas with fossil fuel, which was trapped hundreds of years ago, there are no plants to pull the carbon dioxide out of the air, so burning those fuels raises CO2 levels, which in turn leads to global warming.

The bus ran for the first time solely on biodiesel at the 2006 Commencement. The use of biodiesel made in the United States can also help reduce dependence on foreign oil supplies. If we put our heads together, we can put a dent in it, Johnson said of dependence on foreign oil. The biodiesel fuel is made in laboratories on the Yale campus. Oil used for frying in the dining halls is collected by Yale Recycling and delivered to Sterling Chemistry Laboratory, where Johnson works with students to turn the waste oil into biodiesel. Donald Relihan, director of support services at Yale, said, The ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) combined with biodiesel runs much cleaner than conventional diesel fuel. He said the sulfur content of ULSD is reduced from approximately 500 parts per million to 15 parts per million and can reduce particulate matter air pollution by up to 14 percent. When combined with a 20 percent biodiesel (B20), particulate matter air pollution is further reduced 1015 percent. Relihan added, B20 is currently the most common form of biodiesel, derived from soybean oil, and requires no vehicle, equipment or infrastructure modifications to use. In preparation for the switch, the Yale buses were recently retrofitted with oxygenating catalytic converters and specialized filters that capture crankcase emissions. The conversion has been painless, said Ed Bebyn, Yales manager of parking and transit. We are happy to be out in the forefront with environmentally friendly fuels and vehicles. The use of biodiesel from recycled cooking oil is part of the Universitys effort to support a greener, more sustainable community. Use of ULSD B20 helps reduce the negative impact of diesel air emissions on campus. In addition, B20 when combined with ULSD helps engines run more smoothly and last longer.

Transportation Services Bus Information




Date In Service

Mileage to Date

1 2 3 4 5 6

2009 Elkhart ECII 2009 Startrans Senator 2010 Glaval Concorde II 2011 Glaval Universal 2011 Glaval Apollo 2003 International RE

Ford E450 Super Duty 20 passenger Ford E450 Super Duty 20 passenger Ford F650 Super Duty 28 passenger Ford E450 Super Duty 20 passenger Freightliner IC 3000 40 passenger 44 passenger

9/06/11 9/06/11 9/06/11 9/06/11 9/22/11 1/17/11

1,667 10,268 10,253 15,539 7,893 3,020

Mileage is based on bus in service date from Fall of 2011 through Friday, Feb. 17, 2012; approximately 5.5 months. Buses typically do not run during winter break, except for an event.

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