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Stonegate HOA Board Meeting

July 14th, 2011 6:30 PM Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening a. 6:55pm Roll Call i. Present: Mr. Orton, Ms. Porter, Ms. Gigray, Ms. Baker ii. Absent: Ms. Bartrop iii. Motion: Ms. Porter motioned to approve the March 9th, 2011 and January 13th, 2011 meeting notes with corrections. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: All approved. iv. Motion: Ms. Baker motioned to approve the agenda. Second: Ms. Porter. Vote: All approved. 2. Financial Report a. Review of statement of income and expense b. Review of past due accounts

c. XXXX, verify ownership i. XXXX d. Ms. Baker will go forward with liens e. A new owner in the subdivision was not given the CCNRs for Stonegate Subdivision. Mr. Orton will talk to Title One about distributing CCNRs 3. Current Business a. A comment was made that there are a lot of weeds growing in the sidewalk. Ms. Baker will call the Streets Department and ask them. b. The second part of 2011 HOA dues are coming up September 30th. The next newsletter should be sent out with the bills. Ms. Orton will work on newsletter. If dues are paid on time, the HOA will be offering sprinkler blowouts for free. c. Ms. Porter had an idea for incentives to attend the annual meeting. This idea was to have a drawing for 1-year free HOA dues (must be present to win). d. JDub offered tree care for $400. The bill would be through JDub. The service would include three services during 1 year and includes insects and linseed oil. Questions for JDub: Would he be supervising the tree care? Is pruning included? Ms. Baker will follow up. e. JDub also asked if the HOA was still interested in getting a quote for the rock and weed barrier for the front entrance. The Board was still interested and Ms. Baker will ask JDub for the quote f. Ms. Gigray will obtain a quote for curbing. g. Mr. Orton reported that the cost of cleaning the sand and grease traps was higher than we originally estimated. He will get new bids for comparison. h. National Night Out preparations: Reptile guy (not available), Door knockers, Fire, Police (Ms. Baker), Ice cream and water, Clown, Bounce house (Mr. Orton) i. Annual meeting preparation i. Request for benches and tables, $400 ii. Request for changes to CCNRs pertaining to pets
1. Close th a. The next meeting will be October 13 , 2001 at 6:30 P.M. at the Caldwell Free Methodist Church. b. 8:30 P.M. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Ms. Porter. Vote: Unanimously approved.
Stonegate HOA Meeting Notes

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