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Its the economy, stupid?James Carville was right in 1992 and he is right in 2012.

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs and the cost of living The U.S. economy supports 740,000 fewer jobs today than when Obama became president Gas prices are up more than 200% since Obama took office. US Taxpayer government debt is up FIVE trillion dollars since the Obama Administration took charge. Who can say we are better off after three and half years of the Obama Administration? The Social Issues are a distraction in this election. The Liberal Media raise these issues to distract from the core issue of the economy. The issue is Jobs, the economy, the debt and the deficit; the Fed and the Administration have diluted and devalued the currency. It is indisputable that trillions have been spent and the employment rate is anemic. Few think the real world unemployment rate is down.1 "The real unemployment or U-6 rate is 14.5 percent for March 2012, down 0.4 percent from February. This is the total percentage of unemployed workers, plus the marginally attached workers and part time workers for economic reasons." 2 $15 trillion in debt and $1.5 trillion in deficit and debt where are the jobs. Inflating the currency by government fiat can go only so far and then reality kicks in. Trillions spend and where are the Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Grocery prices accelerate noticeably every time we buy basic groceries. $4 a gallon gas and how that is affecting families every day. These are serious times and we need to focus on those problems that truly are the important issues that will determine this election. "It's the economy, stupid." Jobs, Jobs, Jobs and the cost of living

There are few who believe the headline number; The unemployment rate drops to 8.2% for one simple reason: the number of people not in the labor force is back to all time highs: 87,897,000. Tyler Darden ZeroHedgeFund April 6, 2012 The household survey actually posted a decline in March from 142,065 to 142,034.

From Hope to Hopelessness: Obamas Economy Has 88 Million Not In Labor Force LaborUnionReport (Diary) Saturday, April 7th

Republican Study Committee April 6 2012 READ MORE

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