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And When Love Comes

Ricardo Sal LaRosa

O Love harken unto the cries of my soul ! The lamentations of my heart pleads for mercy and justice In a celestial court far, far away from this cruel world Where hurt can no longer touch me ! O Heavenly Stars sparkling upon the canvas of this universe ! I beseech you and your infinite wisdom When you assemble in your Royal Chambers bestowing blessings Forget me not ! Just as a new born little turtle dashes to the seas safe waters Desperately hurrying step by step to the oceans embrace Lest the ghastly birds flying high captures it in its mouth of death Likewise my spirit dashes too towards your Council; my refuge from unfairness ! O Celestial Council of the Elders ! Harken unto my request for I seek retributions for harms done In this lifetime; in the previous ones; to my loved ones; to me ! And I ask for nothing more and nothing less than my birthright ! And when love comes Let it be a furious hurricane of passions exploding wildly out of control ! Let it shake the profoundness of my very soul ! Let it move the very foundations of this earth ! And when love comes Let it be her of whom I have met endlessly in my slumber The being with the dark brown hair and the shy smile and the girlish laughter

The woman with those honeyed sweet lips that kissed me over and over again ! And when love comes Let it be her the one with those jade bright eyes looking fervently at me; O those gorgeous jadish eyes shining upon the contours of my soul ! And bringing me the peace and the love and the happiness I have never known ! Until this moment . . . And when love comes: it shall be for me ! ! !
XII Aprilis MMXII Long Island, New York

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